A History of Greek Art
With an Introductory Chapter on Art in Egypt and Mesopotamia (2024)

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Title: A History of Greek Art

Author: F. B. Tarbell

Release date: August 1, 2003 [eBook #4390]
Most recently updated: December 27, 2020

Language: English

Credits: Produced by Robert Rowe, Charles Franks and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team.


Produced by Robert Rowe, Charles Franks

and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team.

A History of Greek Art

With an Introductory Chapter on Art in Egypt and Mesopotamia


The art of any artistically gifted people may be studied withvarious purposes and in various ways. One man, being himself anartist, may seek inspiration or guidance for his own practice;another, being a student of the history of civilization, maystrive to comprehend the products of art as one manifestation of apeople's spiritual life; another may be interested chiefly intracing the development of artistic processes, forms, andsubjects; and so on. But this book has been written in theconviction that the greatest of all motives for studying art, themotive which is and ought to be strongest in most people, is thedesire to become acquainted with beautiful and noble things, thethings that "soothe the cares and lift the thoughts of man." Thehistorical method of treatment has been adopted as a matter ofcourse, but the emphasis is not laid upon the historical aspectsof the subject. The chief aim has been to present characteristicspecimens of the finest Greek work that has been preserved to us,and to suggest how they may be intelligently enjoyed. Fortunatethey who can carry their studies farther, with the help of lesselementary handbooks, of photographs, of casts, or, best of all,of the original monuments.

Most of the illustrations in this book have been made fromphotographs, of which all but a few belong to the collection ofGreek photographs owned by the University of Chicago. A number ofother illustrations have been derived from books or serialpublications, as may be seen from the accompanying legends. Inseveral cases where cuts were actually taken from secondarysources, such as Baumeister's "Denkmaler des klassischenAltertums," they have been credited to their original sources. Afew architectural drawings were made expressly for this work,being adapted from trustworthy authorities, viz.: Figs. 6, 51, 61,and 64. There remain two or three additional illustrations, whichhave so long formed a part of the ordinary stock-in trade ofhandbooks that it seemed unnecessary to assign their origin.

The introductory chapter has been kindly looked over by Dr. J. H.Breasted, who has relieved it of a number of errors, without inany way making himself responsible for it. The remaining chaptershave unfortunately not had the benefit of any such revision.

In the present reissue of this book a number of slight changes andcorrections have been introduced.

Chicago, January, 1905.



The history of Egypt, from the time of the earliest extantmonuments to the absorption of the country in the Roman Empire,covers a space of some thousands of years. This long period wasnot one of stagnation. It is only in proportion to our ignorancethat life in ancient Egypt seems to have been on one dull, deadlevel. Dynasties rose and fell. Foreign invaders occupied the landand were expelled again. Customs, costumes, beliefs, institutions,underwent changes. Of course, then, art did not remain stationary.On the contrary, it had marked vicissitudes, now displaying greatfreshness and vigor, now uninspired and monotonous, now seeminglydead, and now reviving to new activity. In Babylonia we deal withperhaps even remoter periods of time, but the artistic remains atpresent known from that quarter are comparatively scanty. FromAssyria, however, the daughter of Babylonia, materials abound, andthe history of that country can be written in detail for a periodof several centuries. Naturally, then, even a mere sketch ofEgyptian, Babylonian, and Assyrian art would require much morespace than is here at disposal. All that can be attempted is topresent a few examples and suggest a few general notions. The mainpurpose will be to make clearer by comparison and contrast theessential qualities of Greek art, to which this volume is devoted.

I begin with Egypt, and offer at the outset a table of the mostimportant periods of Egyptian history. The dates are taken fromthe sketch prefixed to the catalogue of Egyptian antiquities inthe Berlin Museum. In using them the reader must bear in mind thatthe earlier Egyptian chronology is highly uncertain. Thus the datehere suggested for the Old Empire, while it cannot be too early,may be a thousand years too late. As we come down, the margin ofpossible error grows less and less. The figures assigned to theNew Empire are regarded as trustworthy within a century or two.But only when we reach the Saite dynasty do we get a reallyprecise chronology.

Chief Periods of Egyptian History:

OLD EMPIRE, with capital at Memphis; Dynasties 4-5 (2800-2500 B.
C. or earlier) and Dynasty 6.

MIDDLE EMPIRE, with capital at Thebes; Dynasties 11-13 (2200-1800
B. C. or earlier).

NEW EMPIRE, with capital at Thebes; Dynasties 17-20 (ca. 1600-1100
B. C.).

SAITE PERIOD; Dynasty 26 (663-525 B. C.).

One of the earliest Egyptian sculptures now existing, thoughcertainly not earlier than the Fourth Dynasty, is the great Sphinxof Gizeh (Fig. 1). The creature crouches in the desert, a fewmiles to the north of the ancient Memphis, just across the Nilefrom the modern city of Cairo. With the body of a lion and thehead of a man, it represented a solar deity and was an object ofworship. It is hewn from the living rock and is of colossal size,the height from the base to the top of the head being about 70feet and the length of the body about 150 feet. The paws andbreast were originally covered with a limestone facing. Thepresent dilapidated condition of the monument is due partly to thetooth of time, but still more to wanton mutilation at the hands offanatical Mohammedans. The body is now almost shapeless. The nose,the beard, and the lower part of the head dress are gone. The faceis seamed with scars. Yet the strange monster still preserves amysterious dignity, as though it were guardian of all the secretsof ancient Egypt, but disdained to betray them

"The art which conceived and carved this prodigious statue," saysProfessor Maspero [Footnote: Manual of Egyptian Archaeology secondedition 1895 page 208] "was a finished art, an art which hadattained self mastery, and was sure of its effects. How manycenturies had it taken to arrive at this degree of maturity andperfection?" It is impossible to guess. The long process of self-schooling in artistic methods which must have preceded this workis hidden from us. We cannot trace the progress of Egyptian artfrom its timid, awkward beginnings to the days of its consciouspower, as we shall find ourselves able to do in the case of Greekart. The evidence is annihilated, or is hidden beneath the sandof the desert, perhaps to be one day revealed. Should that daycome, a new first chapter in the history of Egyptian art will haveto be written.

There are several groups of pyramids, large and small at Gizeh andelsewhere, almost all of which belong to the Old Empire. Thethree great pyramids of Gizeh are among the earliest. They werebuilt by three kings of the Fourth Dynisty, Cheops (Chufu),Chephren (Chafre), and Mycerinus (Menkere) They are giganticsepulchral monuments in which the mummies of the kings who builtthem were deposited. The pyramid of Cheops (Fig. 1, at the right),the largest of all, was originally 481 feet 4 inches in height,and was thus doubtless the loftiest structure ever reared in pre-Christian times. The side of the square base measured 755 feet 8inches. The pyramidal mass consists in the main of blocks oflimestone, and the exterior was originally cased with finelimestone, so that the surfaces were perfectly smooth. At presentthe casing is gone, and instead of a sharp point at the top thereis a platform about thirty feet square. In the heart of the masswas the granite chamber where the king's mummy was laid. It wasreached by an ingenious system of passages, strongly barricaded.Yet all these precautions were ineffectual to save King Cheopsfrom the hand of the spoiler. Chephren's pyramid (Fig. 1, at theleft) is not much smaller than that of Cheops, its present heightbeing about 450 feet, while the height of the third of this group,that of Mycerinus, is about 210 feet. No wonder that the pyramidscame to be reckoned among the seven wonders of the world.

While kings erected pyramids to serve as their tombs, officials ofhigh rank were buried in, or rather under, structures of adifferent type, now commonly known under the Arabic name ofmastabas. The mastaba may be described as a block of masonry oflimestone or sun-dried brick, oblong in plan, with the sidesbuilt "battering," i.e., sloping inward, and with a flat top. Ithad no architectural merits to speak of, and therefore need notdetain us. It is worth remarking, however, that some of thesemastabas contain genuine arches, formed of unbaked bricks. Theknowledge and use of the arch in Egypt go back then to at leastthe period of the Old Empire. But the chief interest of themastabas lies in the fact that they have preserved to us most ofwhat we possess of early Egyptian sculpture. For in a small,inaccessible chamber (serdab) reserved in the mass of masonry wereplaced one or more portrait statues of the owner, and often of hiswife and other members of his household, while the walls ofanother and larger chamber, which served as a chapel for thecelebration of funeral rites, were often covered with painted bas-reliefs, representing scenes from the owner's life or whatever inthe way of funeral offering and human activity could minister tohis happiness.

One of the best of the portrait statues of this period is thefamous "Sheikh-el-Beled" (Chief of the Village), attributed tothe Fourth or Fifth Dynasty (Fig. 2). The name was given by theArab workmen, who, when the figure was first brought to light inthe cemetery of Sakkarah, thought they saw in it the likeness oftheir own sheikh. The man's real name, if he was the owner of themastaba from whose serdab he was taken, was Ra-em-ka. The figureis less than life-sized, being a little over three and one halffeet in height. It is of wood, a common material for sculpture inEgypt. The arms were made separately (the left of two pieces) andattached at the shoulders. The feet, which had decayed, have beenrestored. Originally the figure was covered with a coating oflinen, and this with stucco, painted. "The eyeballs are of opaquewhite quartz, set in a bronze sheath, which forms the eyelids; inthe center of each there is a bit of rock-crystal, and behind thisa shining nail" [Footnote: Musee de Gizeh: Notice Sommaire(1892).]—a contrivance which produces a marvelously realisticeffect. The same thing, or something like it, is to be seen inother statues of the period. The attitude of Ra-em-ka is the usualone of Egyptian standing figures of all periods: the left leg isadvanced; both feet are planted flat on the ground; body and headface squarely forward. The only deviation from the most usual typeis in the left arm, which is bent at the elbow, that the hand maygrasp the staff of office. More often the arms both hang at thesides, the hands clenched, as in the admirable limestone figure ofthe priest, Ra-nofer (Fig. 3).

The cross-legged scribe of the Louvre (Fig. 4) illustrates anotherand less stereotyped attitude. This figure was found in the tombof one Sekhem-ka, along with two statues of the owner and a groupof the owner, his wife, and son. The scribe was presumably in theemploy of Sekhem-ka. The figure is of limestone, the commonestmaterial for these sepulchral statues, and, according to theunvarying practice, was completely covered with color, still ingood preservation. The flesh is of a reddish brown, the regularcolor for men. The eyes are similar to those of the Sheikh-el-Beled. The man is seated with his legs crossed under him; a stripof papyrus, held by his left hand, rests upon his lap; his righthand held a pen.

The head shown in Fig. 5 belongs to a group, if we may give thatname to two figures carved from separate blocks of limestone andseated stiffly side by side. Egyptian sculpture in the round nevercreated a genuine, integral group, in which two or more figuresare so combined that no one is intelligible without the rest; thatachievement was reserved for the Greeks. The lady in this case wasa princess; her husband, by whom she sits, a high priest ofHeliopolis. She is dressed in a long, white smock, in which thereis no indication of folds. On her head is a wig, from under which,in front, her own hair shows. Her flesh is yellow, theconventional tint for women, as brownish red was for men. Her eyesare made of glass.

The specimens given have been selected with the purpose of showingthe sculpture of the Old Empire at its best. The all-importantfact to notice is the realism of these portraits. We shall seethat Greek sculpture throughout its great period tends toward thetypical and the ideal in the human face and figure. Not so inEgypt. Here the task of the artist was to make a counterfeitpresentment of his subject and he has achieved his task at timeswith marvelous skill. Especially the heads of the best statueshave an individuality and lifelikeness which have hardly beensurpassed in any age. But let not our admiration blind us to thelimitations of Egyptian art. The sculptor never attains to freedomin the posing of his figures. Whether the subject sits, stands,kneels, or squats, the body and head always face directly forward.And we look in vain for any appreciation on the sculptor's part ofthe beauty of the athletic body or of the artistic possibilitiesof drapery.

There is more variety of pose in the painted bas-reliefs withwhich the walls of the mastaba chapels are covered. Here arescenes of agriculture, cattle-tending, fishing, bread-making, andso on, represented with admirable vivacity, though with certainfixed conventionalities of style. There are endless entertainmentand instruction for us in these pictures of old Egyptian life. Yetno more here than in the portrait statues do we find a feeling forbeauty of form or a poetic, idealizing touch.

As from the Old Empire, so from the Middle Empire, almost the onlyworks of man surviving to us are tombs and their contents. Thesetombs have no longer the simple mastaba form, but are either builtup of sun-dried brick in the form of a block capped by a pyramidor are excavated in the rock. The former class offers littleinterest from the architectural point of view. But some of therock-cut tombs of Beni-hasan, belonging to the Twelfth Dynasty,exhibit a feature which calls for mention. These tombs have beenso made as to leave pillars of the living rock standing, both atthe entrance and in the chapel. The simplest of these pillars aresquare in plan and somewhat tapering. Others, by the chamferingoff of their edges, have been made eight-sided. A repetition ofthe process gave sixteen-sided pillars. The sixteen sides werethen hollowed out (channeled). The result is illustrated by Fig.6. It will be observed that the pillar has a low, round base, withbeveled edge; also, at the top, a square abacus, which is simply apiece of the original four-sided pillar, left untouched. Suchpolygonal pillars as these are commonly called proto-Doriccolumns. The name was given in the belief that these were themodels from which the Greeks derived their Doric columns, and thisbelief is still held by many authorities.

With the New Empire we begin to have numerous and extensiveremains of temples, while those of an earlier date have mostlydisappeared. Fig. 7 may afford some notion of what an Egyptiantemple was like. This one is at Luxor, on the site of ancientThebes in Upper Egypt. It is one of the largest of all, being over800 feet in length. Like many others, it was not originallyplanned on its present scale, but represents two or threesuccessive periods of construction, Ramses II., of the NineteenthDynasty, having given it its final form by adding to an alreadyfinished building all that now stands before the second pair oftowers. As so extended, the building has three pylons, as they arecalled, pylon being the name for the pair of sloping-sided towerswith gateway between. Behind the first pylon comes an open courtsurrounded by a cloister with double rows of columns. The secondand third pylons are connected with one another by a coveredpassage—an exceptional feature. Then comes a second open court;then a hypostyle hall, i.e., a hall with flat roof supported bycolumns; and finally, embedded in the midst of various chambers,the relatively small sanctuary, inaccessible to all save the kingand the priests. Notice the double line of sphinxes flanking theavenue of approach, the two granite obelisks at the entrance, andthe four colossal seated figures in granite representing RamsesII.—all characteristic features.

Fig. 8 is taken from a neighboring and still more gigantic temple,that of Karnak. Imagine an immense hall, 170 feet deep by 329 feetbroad. Down the middle run two rows of six columns each (thenearest ones in the picture have been restored), nearly seventyfeet high. They have campaniform (bell-shaped) capitals. On eitherside are seven rows of shorter columns, somewhat more than fortyfeet high. These, as may be indistinctly seen at the right of ourpicture, have capitals of a different type, called, from theirorigin rather than from their actual appearance, lotiform orlotus-bud capitals. There was a clerestory over the four centralrows of columns, with windows in its walls. The general plan,therefore, of this hypostyle hall has some resemblance to that ofa Christian basilica, but the columns are much more numerous andclosely set. Walls and columns were covered with hieroglyphictexts and sculptured and painted scenes. The total effect of thiscolossal piece of architecture, even in its ruin, is one ofoverwhelming majesty. No other work of human hands strikes thebeholder with such a sense of awe.

Fig. 9 is a restoration of one of the central columns of thishall. Except for one fault, say Messrs. Perrot andChipiez,[Footnote: "Histoire de l'Art Egypte," page 576. Thetranslation given above differs from that in the English editionof Perrot and Chipiez, "Art in Ancient Egypt," Vol. II., page123.] "this column would be one of the most admirable creations ofart; it would hardly be inferior to the most perfect columns ofGreece." The one fault—a grave one to a critical eye—is themeaningless and inappropriate block inserted between the capitaland the horizontal beam which it is the function of the column tosupport. The type of column used in the side aisles of the hall atKarnak is illustrated by Fig. 10, taken from another temple. It ismuch less admirable, the contraction of the capital toward the topproducing an unpleasant effect.

Other specimens of these two types of column vary widely fromthose of Karnak, for Egyptian architects did not feel obliged,like Greek architects, to conform, with but slight liberty ofdeviation, to established canons of form and proportion. Nor arethese two by any means the only forms of support used in thetemple architecture of the New Empire. The "proto-Doric" columncontinued in favor under the New Empire, though apparently notlater; we find it, for example, in some of the outlying buildingsat Karnak. Then there was the column whose capital was adornedwith four heads in relief of the goddess Hathor, not to speak ofother varieties. Whatever the precise form of the support, it wasalways used to carry a horizontal beam. Although the Egyptianswere familiar from very early times with the principle of thearch, and although examples of its use occur often enough underthe New Empire, we do not find columns or piers used, as in Gothicarchitecture, to carry a vaulting. In fact, the genuine vault isabsent from Egyptian temple architecture, although in the Templeof Abydos false or corbelled vaults (cf. page 49) do occur.

Egyptian architects were not gifted with a fine feeling forstructural propriety or unity. A few of their small temples aresimple and coherent in plan and fairly tasteful in details. But itis significant that a temple could always be enlarged by theaddition of parts not contemplated in the original design. Theresult in such a case was a vast, rambling edifice, whose meritsconsisted in the imposing character of individual parts, ratherthan in an organic and symmetrical relation of parts to whole.

Statues of the New Empire are far more numerous than those of anyother period, but few of them will compare in excellence with thebest of those of the Old Empire. Colossal figures of kings abound,chiseled with infinite patience from granite and other obduraterocks. All these and others may be passed over in order to makeroom for a statue in the Louvre (Fig. 11), which is chosen, notbecause of its artistic merits, but because of its material andits subject. It is of bronze, somewhat over three feet in height,thus being the largest Egyptian bronze statue known. It was castin a single piece, except for the arms, which were cast separatelyand attached. The date of it is in dispute, one authorityassigning it to the Eighteenth Dynasty and another bringing itdown as late as the seventh century B.C. Be that as it may, theart of casting hollow bronze figures is of high antiquity inEgypt. The figure represents a hawk-headed god, Horus, who onceheld up some object, probably a vase for libations. Egyptiandivinities are often represented with the heads of animals—Anubis with the head of a jackal, Hathor with that of a cow, Sebekwith that of a crocodile, and so on. This in itself shows a lackof nobility in the popular theology. Moreover it is clear that thebest talents of sculptors were engaged upon portraits of kings andqueens and other human beings, not upon figures of the gods. Thelatter exist by the thousand, to be sure, but they are generallysmall statuettes, a few inches high, in bronze, wood, or faience.And even if sculptors had been encouraged to do their best inbodying forth the forms of gods, they would hardly have achievedhigh success. The exalted imagination was lacking.

Among the innumerable painted bas-reliefs covering the walls oftombs and temples, those of the great Temple of Abydos in UpperEgypt hold a high place. One enthusiastic art critic has gone sofar as to pronounce them "the most perfect, the most noble bas-reliefs ever chiseled." A specimen of this work, now, alas! moredefaced than is here shown, is given in Fig. 12. King Seti I. ofthe Nineteenth Dynasty stands in an attitude of homage before aseated divinity, of whom almost nothing appears in theillustration. On the palm of his right hand he holds a figure ofMaat, goddess of truth. In front of him is a libation-standard, onwhich rests a bunch of lotus flowers, buds, and leaves. The firstremark to be made about this work is that it is genuine relief.The forms are everywhere modeled, whereas in much of what iscommonly called bas-relief in Egypt, the figures are only outlinedand the spaces within the outlines are left flat. As regards thetreatment of the human figure, we have here the stereotypedEgyptian conventions. The head, except the eye, is in profile, theshoulders in front view, the abdomen in three-quarters view, thelegs again in profile. As a result of the distortion of the body,the arms are badly attached at the shoulders. Furthermore thehands, besides being very badly drawn, have in this instance theappearance of being mismated with the arms, while both feet looklike right feet. The dress consists of the usual loin-cloth and ofa thin, transparent over-garment, indicated only by a line infront and below. Now surely no one will maintain that thesemethods and others of like sort which there is no opportunity hereto illustrate are the most artistic ever devised. Neverthelessserious technical faults and shortcomings may coexist with greatmerits of composition and expression. So it is in this relief ofSeti. The design is stamped with unusual refinement and grace. Thetheme is hackneyed enough, but its treatment here raises it abovethe level of commonplace.

Egyptian bas-reliefs were always completely covered with paint,laid on in uniform tints. Paintings on a flat surface differ in noessential respect from these painted bas-reliefs. The conventionaland untruthful methods of representing the human form, as well asother objects—buildings, landscapes, etc.—are the same in theformer as in the latter. The coloring, too, is of the same sort,there being no attempt to render gradations of color due to theplay of light and shade. Fig. 13, a lute-player from a royal tombof the Eighteenth Dynasty, illustrates some of these points. Thereader who would form an idea of the composition of extensivescenes must consult works more especially devoted to Egyptian art.He will be rewarded with many a vivid picture of ancient Egyptianlife.

Art was at a low ebb in Egypt during the centuries of Libyan andEthiopian domination which succeeded the New Empire. There was arevival under the Saite monarchy in the seventh and sixthcenturies B.C. To this period is assigned a superb head of darkgreen stone (Fig. 14), recently acquired by the Berlin Museum. Ithas been broken from a standing or kneeling statue. The form ofthe closely-shaven skull and the features of the strong face,wrinkled by age, have been reproduced by the sculptor withunsurpassable fidelity. The number of works emanating from thesame school as this is very small, but in quality they representthe highest development of Egyptian sculpture. It is fit that weshould take our leave of Egyptian art with such a work as thisbefore us, a work which gives us the quintessence of the artisticgenius of the race.

Babylonia was the seat of a civilization perhaps more hoary thanthat of Egypt. The known remains of Babylonian art, however, areat present far fewer than those of Egypt and will probably alwaysbe so. There being practically no stone in the country and woodbeing very scarce, buildings were constructed entirely of bricks,some of them merely sun-dried, others kiln-baked. The naturalwells of bitumen supplied a tenacious mortar. [Footnote: CompareGenesis XI 3: "And they had brick for stone and slime had they formortar."] The ruins that have been explored at Tello, Nippur, andelsewhere, belong to city walls, houses, and temples. The mostpeculiar and conspicuous feature of the temple was a loftyrectangular tower of several stages, each stage smaller than theone below it. The arch was known and used in Babylonia from timeimmemorial. As for the ornamental details of buildings, we knowvery little about them except that large use was made of enameledbricks.

The only early Babylonian sculptures of any consequence that wepossess are a collection of broken reliefs and a dozen sculpturesin the round, found in a group of mounds called Tello and now inthe Louvre. The reliefs are extremely rude. The statues are muchbetter and are therefore probably of later date, they are commonlyassigned by students of Babylonian antiquities to about 3000 B.C.Fig. 15 reproduces one of them. The material, as of the otherstatues found at the same place, is a dark and excessively hardigneous rock (dolerite). The person represented is one Gudea, theruler of a small semi-independent principality. On his lap he hasa tablet on which is engraved the plan of a fortress, veryinteresting to the student of military antiquities. The forms ofthe body are surprisingly well given, even the knuckles of thefingers being indicated. As regards the drapery, it is noteworthythat an attempt has been made to render folds on the right breastand the left arm. The skirt of the dress is covered with aninscription in cuneiform characters.

Fig. 16 belongs to the same group of sculptures as the seatedfigure just discussed. Although this head gives no such impressionof lifelikeness as the best Egyptian portraits, it yet showscareful study. Cheeks, chin, and mouth are well rendered. Theeyelids, though too wide open, are still good; notice the innercorners. The eyebrows are less successful. Their general form isthat of the half of a figure 8 bisected vertically, and the hairsare indicated by slanting lines arranged in herring-bone fashion.Altogether, the reader will probably feel more respect thanenthusiasm for this early Babylonian art and will have no keenregret that the specimens of it are so few.

The Assyrians were by origin one people with the Chaldeans andwere therefore a branch of the great Semitic family. It is notuntil the ninth century B.C. that the great period of Assyrianhistory begins. Then for two and a half centuries Assyria was thegreat conquering power of the world. Near the end of the seventhcentury it was completely annihilated by a coalition of Babyloniaand Media.

With an insignificant exception or two the remains of Assyrianbuildings and sculptures all belong to the period of Assyriangreatness. The principal sites where explorations have beencarried on are Koyunjik (Nineveh), Nimroud, and Khorsabad, and theruins uncovered are chiefly those of royal palaces. Thesebuildings were of enormous extent. The palace of Sennacherib atNineveh, for example, covered more than twenty acres. Although thecountry possessed building stone in plenty, stone was not usedexcept for superficial ornamentation, baked and unbaked bricksbeing the architect's sole reliance. This was a mere blindfollowing of the example of Babylonia, from which Assyria derivedall its culture. The palaces were probably only one story inheight. Their principal splendor was in their interior decorationof painted stucco, enameled bricks, and, above all, paintedreliefs in limestone or alabaster.

The great Assyrian bas-reliefs covered the lower portions of thewalls of important rooms. Designed to enrich the royal palaces,they drew their principal themes from the occupations of thekings. We see the monarch offering sacrifice before a divinity,or, more often, engaged in his favorite pursuits of war andhunting. These extensive compositions cannot be adequatelyillustrated by two or three small pictures. The most that can bedone is to show the sculptor's method of treating single figures.Fig. 17 is a slab from the earliest series we possess, thatbelonging to the palace of Asshur-nazir-pal (884-860 B.C.) atNimroud. It represents the king facing to right, with a bowl forlibation in his right hand and his bow in his left, while a eunuchstands fronting him. The artistic style exhibited here remainswith no essential change throughout the whole history of Assyrianart. The figures are in profile, except that the king's furthershoulder is thrown forward in much the fashion which we have foundthe rule in Egypt, and the eyes appear as in front view. Both kingand attendant are enveloped in long robes, in which there is noindication of folds, though fringes and tassels are elaboratelyrendered. The faces are of a strongly marked Semitic cast, butwithout any attempt at portraiture. The hair of the head ends inseveral rows of snail-shell curls, and the king's beard has rowsof these curls alternating with more natural-looking portions.Little is displayed of the body except the fore-arms, whoseanatomy, though intelligible, is coarse and false. As for minormatters, such as the too high position of the ears, and theunnatural shape of the king's right hand, it is needless to dwellupon them. A cuneiform inscription runs right across the relief,interrupted only by the fringes of the robes.

Fig. 18 shows more distinctly the characteristic Assyrian methodof representing the human head. Here are the same Semiticfeatures, the eye in front view, and the strangely curled hair andbeard. The only novelty is the incised line which marks the irisof the eye. This peculiarity is first observed in work of Sargon'stime (722-705 B. C.).

A constant and striking feature of the Assyrian palaces wasafforded by the great, winged, human-headed bulls, which flankedthe principal doorways. The one herewith given (Fig. 19) is fromSargon's palace at Khorsabad. The peculiar methods of Assyriansculpture are not ill suited to this fantastic creature, anembodiment of force and intelligence. One special peculiarity willnot escape the attentive observer. Like all his kind, except inSennacherib's palace, this bull has five legs. He was designed tobe looked at from directly in front or from the side, not from anintermediate point of view.

Assyrian art was not wholly without capacity for improvement.Under Asshur-bam-pal (668-626), the Sardanapalus of the Greeks, itreached a distinctly higher level than ever before. It is from hispalace at Nineveh that the slab partially shown in Fig. 20 wasobtained. Two demons, with human bodies, arms, and legs, but withlions' heads, asses' ears, and eagles' talons, confront oneanother angrily, brandishing daggers in their right hands.Mesopotamian art was fond of such creatures, but we do not knowprecisely what meaning was attached to the present scene. We needtherefore consider only stylistic qualities. As the two demonswear only short skirts reaching from the waist to the knees, theirbodies are more exposed than those of men usually are. We note theinaccurate anatomy of breast, abdomen, and back, in dealing withwhich the sculptor had little experience to guide him. A markeddifference is made between the outer and the inner view of theleg, the former being treated in the same style as the arms inFig. 17. The arms are here better, because less exaggerated. Thejunction of human shoulders and animal necks is managed with nosort of verisimilitude. But the heads, conventionalized thoughthey are, are full of vigor. One can almost hear the angry snarland see the lightning flash from the eyes.

It is, in fact, in the rendering of animals that Assyrian artattains to its highest level. In Asshur-bam-pal's palace extensivehunting scenes give occasion for introducing horses, dogs, wildasses, lions, and lionesses, and these are portrayed with a keeneye for characteristic forms and movements. One of the most famousof these animal figures is the lioness shown in Fig. 21. Thecreature has been shot through with three great arrows. Bloodgushes from her wounds. Her hind legs are paralyzed and draghelplessly behind her. Yet she still moves forward on her fore-feet and howls with rage and agony. Praise of this admirablefigure can hardly be too strong. This and others, of equal meritredeem Assyrian art.

As has been already intimated, these bas-reliefs were alwayscolored, though, it would seem, only partially, whereas Egyptianbas-reliefs were completely covered with color.

Of Assyrian stone sculpture in the round nothing has yet beensaid. A few pieces exist, but their style is so essentially likethat of the bas-reliefs that they call for no separate discussion.More interesting is the Assyrian work in bronze. The mostimportant specimens of this are some hammered reliefs, now in theBritish Museum, which originally adorned a pair of wooden doors inthe palace of Shalmaneser III. at Balawat. The art of castingstatuettes and statues in bronze was also known and practiced, asit had been much earlier in Babylonia, but the examples preservedto us are few. For the decorative use which the Assyrians made ofcolor, our principal witnesses are then enameled bricks. These areornamented with various designs—men, genii, animals, and floralpatterns—in a few rich colors, chiefly blue and yellow. Ofpainting, except in the sense of mural decoration, there is notrace.

Egypt and Mesopotamia are, of all the countries around theMediterranean the only seats of an important, indigenous art,antedating that of Greece. Other countries of Western Asia—Syria,Phrygia, Phenicia, Persia, and so on—seem to have been ratherrecipients and transmitters than originators of artisticinfluences. For Egypt, Assyria, and the regions just named did notremain isolated from one another. On the contrary, intercourseboth friendly and hostile was active, and artistic products, atleast of the small and portable kind, were exchanged. The paths ofcommunication were many, but there is reason for thinking that thePhenicians, the great trading nation of early times, wereespecially instrumental in disseminating artistic ideas. To theseinfluences Greece was exposed before she had any great art of herown. Among the remains of prehistoric Greece we find, besides someobjects of foreign manufacture, others, which, though presumablyof native origin, are yet more or less directly inspired byEgyptian or oriental models. But when the true history of Greekart begins, say about 600 B. C., the influences from Egypt andAsia sink into insignificance. It may be that the impulse torepresent gods and men in wood or stone was awakened in Greece bythe example of older communities. It may be that one or two typesof figures were suggested by foreign models. It may be that a hintwas taken from Egypt for the form of the Doric column and that theIonic capital derives from an Assyrian prototype. It is almostcertain that the art of casting hollow bronze statues was borrowedfrom Egypt. And it is indisputable that some ornamental patternsused in architecture and on pottery were rather appropriated thaninvented by Greece. There is no occasion for disguising orunderrating this indebtedness of Greece to her elder neighbors.But, on the other hand, it is important not to exaggerate thedebt. Greek art is essentially self-originated, the product of aunique, incommunicable genius. As well might one say that Greekliterature is of Asiatic origin, because, forsooth, the Greekalphabet came from Phenicia, as call Greek art the offspring ofEgyptian or oriental art because of the impulses received in thedays of its beginning. [Footnote: This comparison is perhaps notoriginal with the present writer.]


Thirty years ago it would have been impossible to write with anyconsiderable knowledge of prehistoric art in Greece. The Iliad andOdyssey, to be sure, tell of numerous artistic objects, but nodefinite pictures of these were called up by the poet's words. Ofactual remains only a few were known. Some implements of stone,the mighty walls of Tiryns, Mycenae, and many another ancientcitadel, four "treasuries," as they were often called, at Mycenaeand one at the Boeotian Orchomenus—these made up pretty nearlythe total of the visible relics of that early time. To-day thecase is far different. Thanks to the faith, the liberality, andthe energy of Heinrich Schliemann, an immense impetus has beengiven to the study of prehistoric Greek archaeology. Hisexcavations at Troy, Mycenae, Tiryns, and elsewhere aroused theworld. He labored, and other men, better trained than he, haveentered into his labors. The material for study is constantlyaccumulating, and constant progress is being made in classifyingand interpreting this material. A civilization antedating theHomeric poems stands now dimly revealed to us. Mycenae, the city"rich in gold," the residence of Agamemnon, whence he ruled over"many islands and all Argos," [Footnote: Iliad II, 108] is seen tohave had no merely legendary preeminence. So conspicuous, in fact,does Mycenae appear in the light as well of archaeology as ofepic, that it has become common, somewhat misleading though it is,to call a whole epoch and a whole civilization "Mycenaean." This"Mycenaean" civilization was widely extended over the Greekislands and the eastern portions of continental Greece in thesecond millennium before our era. Exact dates are very risky, butit is reasonably safe to say that this civilization was in fulldevelopment as early as the fifteenth century B.C., and that itwas not wholly superseded till considerably later than 1000 B.C.

It is our present business to gain some acquaintance with thisepoch on its artistic side. It will be readily understood that ourknowledge of the long period in question is still veryfragmentary, and that, in the absence of written records, ourinterpretation of the facts is hardly better than a groping in thedark. Fortunately we can afford, so far as the purposes of thisbook are concerned, to be content with a slight review. For itseems clear that the "Mycenaean" civilization developed littlewhich can be called artistic in the highest sense of that term.The real history of Greek art—that is to say, of Greekarchitecture, sculpture, and painting—begins much later.Nevertheless it will repay us to get some notion, however slight,of such prehistoric Greek remains as can be included under thebroadest acceptation of the word "art."

In such a survey it is usual to give a place to early walls offortification, although these, to be sure, were almost purelyutilitarian in their character. The classic example of theseconstructions is the citadel wall of Tiryns in Argolis. Fig. 22shows a portion of this fortification on the east side, with theprincipal approach. Huge blocks of roughly dressed limestone—someof those in the lower courses estimated to weigh thirteen orfourteen tons apiece—are piled one upon another, the intersticeshaving been filled with clay and smaller stones. This wall is ofvarying thickness, averaging at the bottom about twenty-five feet.At two places, viz., at the south end and on the east side nearthe southeast corner, the thickness is increased, in order to giveroom in the wall for a row of store chambers with communicatinggallery. Fig. 23 shows one of these galleries in its presentcondition. It will be seen that the roof has been formed bypushing the successive courses of stones further and furtherinward from both sides until they meet. The result is in form avault, but the principle of the arch is not there, inasmuch as thestones are not jointed radially, but lie on approximatelyhorizontal beds. Such a construction is sometimes called a"corbelled" arch or vault.

Similar walls to those of Tiryns are found in many places, thoughnowhere else are the blocks of such gigantic size. The Greeks ofthe historical period Viewed these imposing structures with asmuch astonishment as do we, and attributed them (of at leastthose in Argohs) to the Cyclopes, a mythical folk, conceived inthis connection as masons of superhuman strength. Hence theadjective Cyclopian or Cyclopean, whose meaning variesunfortunately in modern usage, but which is best restricted towalls of the Tirynthian type; that is to say, walls built of largeblocks not accurately fitted together, the interstices beingfilled with small stones. This style of masonry seems to be alwaysof early date

Portions of the citadel wall of Mycenae are Cyclopean. Otherportions, quite probably of later date, show a very differentcharacter (Fig. 24). Here the blocks on the outer surface of thewall, though irregular in shape. are fitted together with closejoints. This style of masonry is called polygonal and is to becarefully distinguished from Cyclopean, as above defined. Finally,still other portions of this same Mycenaean wall show on theoutside a near approach to what is called ashlar masonry, in whichthe blocks are rectangular and laid in even horizontal courses.This is the case near the Lion Gate, the principal entrance to thecitadel. (Fig. 25)

Next to the walls of fortification the most numerous early remainsof the builder's art in Greece are the "bee-hive" tombs of whichmany examples have been discovered in Argolis, Laconia, Attica,Boeotia, Thessaly, and Crete. At Mycenae alone there are eightnow known, all of them outside the citadel. The largest and mostimposing of these, and indeed of the entire class, is the onecommonly referred to by the misleading name of the "Treasury ofAtreus." Fig 26 gives a section through this tomb. A straightpassage, A B, flanked by walls of ashlar masonry and open to thesky, leads to a doorway, B. This doorway, once closed with heavydoors, was framed with an elaborate aichitectural composition, ofwhich only small fragments now exist and these widely dispersed inLondon, Berlin, Carlsruhe, Munich, Athens, and Mycenae itself. Inthe decoration of this facade rosettes and running spirals playeda conspicuous part, and on either side of the doorway stood acolumn which tapered downwards and was ornamented with spiralsarranged in zigzag bands. This downward-tapering column, sounlike the columns of classic times, seems to have been in commonuse in Mycenaean architecture. Inside the doors comes a shortpassage, B C, roofed by two huge lintel blocks, the inner one ofwhich is estimated to weigh 132 tons. The principal chamber, D,which is embedded in the hill, is circular in plan, with a lowerdiameter of about forty-seven feet. Its wall is formed ofhorizontal courses of stone, each pushed further inward than theone below it, until the opening was small enough to be covered bya single stone. The method of roofing is therefore identical inprinciple with that used in the galleries and store chambers ofTiryns; but here the blocks have been much more carefully workedand accurately fitted, and the exposed ends have been so beveledas to give to the whole interior a smooth, curved surface.Numerous horizontal rows of small holes exist, only partlyindicated in our illustration, beginning in the fourth course fromthe bottom and continuing at intervals probably to the top. Insome of these holes bronze nails still remain. These must haveserved for the attachment of some sort of bronze decoration. Themost careful study of the disposition of the holes has led to theconclusion that the fourth and fifth courses were completelycovered with bronze plates, presumably ornamented, and that abovethis there were rows of single ornaments, possibly rosettes. Fig.27 will give some idea of the present appearance of this chamber,which is still complete, except for the loss of the bronzedecoration and two or three stones at the top. The small doorwaywhich is seen here, as well as in Fig. 26, leads into arectangular chamber, hewn in the living rock. This is much smallerthan the main chamber.

At Orchomenus in Boeotia are the ruins of a tomb scarcely inferiorin size to the "Treasury of Atreus" and once scarcely lessmagnificent. Here too, besides the "bee-hive" construction, therewas a lateral, rectangular chamber—a feature which occurs onlyin these two cases. Excavations conducted here by Schliemann in1880-81 brought to light the broken fragments of a ceiling ofgreenish schist with which this lateral chamber was once covered.Fig. 28 shows this ceiling restored. The beautiful sculptureddecoration consists of elements which recur in almost the samecombination on a fragment of painted stucco from the palace ofTiryns. The pattern is derived from Egypt.

The two structures just described were long ago broken into anddespoiled. If they stood alone, we could only guess at theiroriginal purpose. But some other examples of the same class havebeen left unmolested or less completely ransacked, until in recentyears they could be studied by scientific investigators.Furthermore we have the evidence of numerous rock-cut chambers ofanalogous shape, many of which have been recently opened in avirgin condition. Thus it has been put beyond a doubt that thesesubterranean "beehive" chambers were sepulchral monuments, thebodies having been laid in graves within. The largest and bestbuilt of these tombs, if not all, must have belonged to princelyfamilies.

Even the dwelling-houses of the chieftains who ruled at Tiryns andMycenae are known to us by their remains. The palace of Tirynsoccupied the entire southern end of the citadel, within themassive walls above described. Its ruins were uncovered in 1884-85. The plan and the lower portions of the walls of an extensivecomplex of gateways, open courts, and closed rooms were thusrevealed. There are remains of a similar building at Mycenae, butless well preserved, while the citadels of Athens and Troy presentstill more scanty traces of an analogous kind. The walls of theTirynthian palace were not built of gigantic blocks of stone, suchas were used in the citadel wall. That would have been a recklesswaste of labor. On the contrary, they were built partly of smallirregular pieces of stone, partly of sun-dried bricks. Clay wasused to hold these materials together, and beams of wood ("bondtimbers") were laid lengthwise here and there in the wall to giveadditional strength. Where columns were needed, they were in everycase of wood, and consequently have long since decomposed anddisappeared. Considerable remains, however, were found of thedecorations of the interior. Thus there are bits of what must oncehave been a beautiful frieze of alabaster, inlaid with pieces ofblue glass. A restored piece of this, sufficient to give thepattern, is seen in Fig. 29. Essentially the same design, somewhatsimplified, occurs on objects of stone, ivory, and glass found atMycenae; and in a "bee-hive" tomb of Attica. Again, there arefragments of painted stucco which decorated the walls of rooms inthe palace of Tiryns. The largest and most interesting of thesefragments is shown in Fig. 30. A yellow and red bull isrepresented against a blue background, galloping furiously toleft, tail in air. Above him is a man of slender build, nearlynaked. With his right hand the man grasps one of the bull's horns;his right leg is bent at the knee and the foot seems to touch withits toes the bull's back; his outstretched left leg is raised highin air. We have several similar representations on objects of theMycenaean period, the most interesting of which will be presentlydescribed (see page 67). The comparison of these with one anotherleaves little room for doubt that the Tirynthian fresco wasintended to portray the chase of a wild bull. But what does theman's position signify? Has he been tossed into the air by theinfuriated animal? Has he adventurously vaulted upon thecreature's back? Or did the painter mean him to be running on theground, and, finding the problem of drawing the two figures intheir proper relation too much for his simple skill, did he adoptthe child-like expedient of putting one above the other? This lastseems much the most probable explanation, especially as the sameexpedient is to be seen in several other designs belonging to thisperiod.

At Mycenae also, both in the principal palace which corresponds tothat of Tiryns and in a smaller house, remains of wall-frescoeshave been found. These, like those of Tiryns, consisted partly ofmerely ornamental patterns, partly of genuine pictures, with humanand animal figures. But nothing has there come to light at once sowell preserved and so spirited as the bull-fresco from Tiryns.

Painting in the Mycenaean period seems to have been nearly, if notentirely, confined to the decoration of house-walls and ofpottery. Similarly sculpture had no existence as a great,independent art. There is no trace of any statue in the round oflife-size or anything approaching that. This agrees with theimpression we get from the Homeric poems, where, with possibly oneexception, [Footnote: Iliad VI, 273, 303.] there is no allusion toany sculptured image. There are, to be sure, primitive statuettes,one class of which, very rude and early, in fact pre-Mycenaean incharacter, is illustrated by Fig. 31. Images of this sort havebeen found principally on the islands of the Greek Archipelago.They are made of marble or limestone, and represent a naked femalefigure standing stiffly erect, with arms crossed in front belowthe breasts. The head, is of extraordinary rudeness, the face of ahorse-shoe shape, often with no feature except a long triangularnose. What religious ideas were associated with these barbarouslittle images by their possessors we can hardly guess. We shallsee that when a truly Greek art came into being, figures ofgoddesses and women were decorously clothed.

Excavations on Mycenaean sites have yielded quantities of smallfigures, chiefly of painted terra-cotta (cf. Fig. 43), but also ofbronze or lead. Of sculpture on a larger scale we possess nothingexcept the gravestones found at Mycenae and the relief which hasgiven a name, albeit an inaccurate one, to the Lion Gate. Thegravestones are probably the earlier. They were found within acircular enclosure just inside the Lion Gate, above a group of sixgraves—the so-called pit-graves or shaft-graves of Mycenae. Thebest preserved of these gravestones is shown in Fig. 32. Thefield, bordered by a double fillet, is divided horizontally intotwo parts. The upper part is filled with an ingeniously contrivedsystem of running spirals. Below is a battle-scene: a man in achariot is driving at full speed, and in front there is a nakedfoot soldier (enemy?), with a sword in his uplifted left hand.Spirals, apparently meaningless, fill in the vacant spaces. Thetechnique is very simple. The figures having been outlined, thebackground has been cut away to a shallow depth; within theoutlines there is no modeling, the surfaces being left flat. It isneedless to dwell on the shortcomings of this work, but it isworth while to remind the reader that the gravestone commemoratesone who must have been an important personage, probably achieftain, and that the best available talent would have beensecured for the purpose.

The famous relief above the Lion Gate of Mycenae (Figs. 25, 33),though probably of somewhat later date than the sculpturedgravestones, is still generally believed to go well back into thesecond millennium before Christ. It represents two lionesses (notlions) facing one another in heraldic fashion, their fore-pawsresting on what is probably to be called an altar or pair, ofaltars; between them is a column, which tapers downward (cf. thecolumns of the "Treasury of Atreus," page 53), surmounted by whatseems to be a suggestion of an entablature. The heads of thelionesses, originally made of separate pieces and attached, havebeen lost. Otherwise the work is in good preservation, in spite ofits uninterrupted exposure for more than three thousand years. Thetechnique is quite different from that of the gravestones, for allparts of the relief are carefully modeled. The truth to nature isalso far greater here, the animals being tolerably life-like. Thedesign is one which recurs with variations on two or threeengraved gems of the Mycenaean period (cf Fig. 40), as well as ina series of later Phrygian reliefs in stone. Placed in thisconspicuous position above the principal entrance to the citadel,it may perhaps have symbolized the power of the city and itsrulers.

If sculpture in stone appears to have been very little practicedin the Mycenaean age, the arts of the goldsmith, silversmith, gem-engraver, and ivory carver were in great requisition. The shaft-graves of Mycenae contained, besides other things, a rich treasureof gold objects—masks, drinking-cups, diadems, ear-rings,finger-rings, and so on, also several silver vases. One of thelatter may be seen in Fig. 43. It is a large jar, about two andone half feet in height, decorated below with horizontal flutingsand above with continuous spirals in repousse (i.e., hammered)work. Most of the gold objects must be passed over, interestingthough many of them are. But we may pause a moment over a group ofcircular ornaments in thin gold-leaf about two and one half inchesin diameter, of which 701 specimens were found, all in a singlegrave. The patterns on these discs were not executed with a freehand, but by means of a mold. There are fourteen patterns in all,some of them made up of spirals and serpentine curves, othersderived from vegetable and animal forms. Two of the latter classare shown in Figs. 34, 35. One is a butterfly, the other a cuttle-fish, both of them skilfully conventionalized. It is interestingto note how the antennae of the butterfly and still more the armsof the cuttle-fish are made to end in the favorite spiral.

The sculptures and gold objects which have been thus far describedor referred to were in all probability executed by native, or atany rate by resident, workmen, though some of the patterns clearlybetray oriental influence. Other objects must have been, othersmay have been, actually imported from Egypt or the East. It isimpossible to draw the line with certainty between native andimported. Thus the admirable silver head of a cow from one of theshaft-graves (Fig. 36) has been claimed as an Egyptian or aPhenician production, but the evidence adduced is not decisive.Similarly with the fragment of a silver vase shown in Fig. 37.This has a design in relief (repousse) representing the siege of awalled town or citadel. On the walls is a group of women makingfrantic gestures. The defenders, most of them naked, are armedwith bows and arrows and slings. On the ground lie sling-stonesand throwing-sticks,[Footnote: So explained by Mr A. J. Evans inThe Journal of Hellenic Studies, XIII., page 199. ] which may besupposed to have been hurled by the enemy. In the background thereare four nondescript trees, perhaps intended for olive trees.

Another variety of Mycenaean metal-work is of a much higher orderof merit than the dramatic but rude relief on this silver vase. Irefer to a number of inlaid dagger-blades, which were found in twoof the shaft-graves. Fig. 38 reproduces one side of the finest ofthese. It is about nine inches long. The blade is of bronze, whilethe rivets by which the handle was attached are of gold. Thedesign was inlaid in a separate thin slip of bronze, which wasthen inserted into a sinking on the blade. The materials used arevarious. The lions and the naked parts of the men are of gold, theshields and trunks of the men of electrum (a mixture of gold andsilver), the hair of the men, the manes of the lions, and someother details of an unidentified dark substance; the background,to the edges of the inserted slip, was covered with a blackenamel. The scene is a lion-hunt. Four men, one armed only with abow, the others with lances and huge shields of two differentforms, are attacking a lion. A fifth hunter has fallen and liesunder the lion's fore-paws. The beast has already been run throughwith a lance, the point of which is seen protruding from hishaunch; but he still shows fight, while his two companions dashaway at full speed. The design is skilfully composed to fill thetriangular space, and the attitudes of men and beasts are varied,expressive, and fairly truthful. Another of these dagger-bladeshas a representation of panthers hunting ducks by the banks of ariver in which what may be lotus plants are growing, The lotuswould point toward Egypt as the ultimate source of the design.Moreover, a dagger of similar technique has been found in Egypt inthe tomb of a queen belonging to the end of the SeventeenthDynasty. On the other hand, the dress and the shields of the menengaged in the lion-hunt are identical with those on a number ofother "Mycenaean" articles—gems, statuettes, etc.—which it isdifficult to regard as all of foreign importation. Theprobability, then, seems to be that while the technique of thedagger-blades was directly or indirectly derived from Egypt, thespecimens found at Mycenae were of local manufacture.

The greatest triumph of the goldsmith's art in the "Mycenaean"period does not come from Mycenae. The two gold cups shown in Fig.39 were found in 1888 in a bee-hive tomb at Vaphio in Laconia.Each cup is double; that is to say, there is an outer cup, whichhas been hammered into shape from a single disc of gold and whichis therefore without a joint, and an inner cup, similarly made,whose upper edge is bent over the outer cup so as to hold the twotogether. The horizontal parts of the handles are attached byrivets, while the intervening vertical cylinders are soldered. Thedesigns in repousse work are evidently pendants to one another.The first represents a hunt of wild bulls. One bull, whoseappearance indicates the highest pitch of fury, has dashed awould-be captor to earth and is now tossing another on his horns.A second bull, entangled in a stout net, writhes and bellows inthe vain effort to escape. A third gallops at full speed from thescene of his comrade's captivity. The other design shows us fourtame bulls. The first submits with evident impatience to hismaster. The next two stand quietly, with an almost comical effectof good nature and contentment. The fourth advances slowly,browsing. In each composition the ground is indicated, not onlybeneath the men and animals, but above them, wherever the designaffords room. It is an example of the same naive perspective whichseems to have been employed in the Tirynthian bull-fresco (Fig.30). The men, too, are of the same build here as there, and thebulls have similarly curving horns. There are several trees on thecups, two of which are clearly characterized as palms, while theothers resemble those in Fig. 37, and may be intended for olives.The bulls are rendered with amazing spirit and understanding.True, there are palpable defects, if one examines closely. Forexample, the position of the bull in the net is quite impossible.But in general the attitudes and expressions are as lifelike asthey are varied. Evidently we have here the work of an artist whodrew his inspiration directly from nature.

Engraved gems were in great demand in the Mycenaean period, beingworn as ornamental beads, and the work of the gem-engraver, likethat of the goldsmith, exhibits excellent qualities. The usualmaterial was some variety of ornamental stone—agate, jasper,rock-crystal, etc. There are two principal shapes, the onelenticular, the other elongated or glandular (Figs. 40, 41). Thedesigns are engraved in intaglio, but, our illustrations beingmade, as is usual, from plaster impressions, they appear ascameos. Among the subjects the lion plays an important part,sometimes represented singly, sometimes in pairs, sometimesdevouring a bull or stag. Cattle, goats, deer, and fantasticcreatures (sphinxes, griffins, etc.) are also common. So are humanfigures, often engaged in war or the chase. In the best of thesegems the work is executed with great care, and the designs, thoughoften inaccurate, are nevertheless vigorous. Very commonly,however, the distortion of the figure is carried beyond allbounds. Fig. 40 was selected for illustration, not because it is aparticularly favorable specimen of its class, but because itoffers an interesting analogy to the relief above the Lion Gate.It represents two lions rampant, their fore-paws resting on analtar (?), their heads, oddly enough, combined into one. Thecolumn which figures in the relief above the gate is absent fromthe gem, but is found on another specimen from Mycenae, where theanimals, however, are winged griffins. Fig. 41 has only a standingman, of the wasp-waisted figure and wearing the girdle with whichother representations have now made us familiar.

It remains to glance at the most important early varieties ofGreek pottery. We need not stop here to study the rude, unpainted,mostly hand-made vases from the earliest strata at Troy andTiryns, nor the more developed, yet still primitive, ware of theisland of Thera. But the Mycenaean pottery is of too greatimportance to be passed over. This was the characteristic ware ofthe Mycenaean civilization. The probability is that it wasmanufactured at several different places, of which Mycenae mayhave been one and perhaps the most important. It was an article ofexport and thus found its way even into Egypt, where specimenshave been discovered in tombs of the Eighteenth Dynasty and later.The variations in form and ornamentation are considerable, as isnatural with an article whose production was carried on atdifferent centers and during a period of centuries. Fig. 42 showsa few of the characteristic shapes and decorations; someadditional pieces may be seen in Fig. 43. The Mycenaean vases aremostly wheel-made. The decoration, in the great majority ofexamples, is applied in a lustrous color, generally red, shadingto brown or black. The favorite elements of design are bands andspirals and a variety of animal and vegetable forms, chieflymarine. Thus the vase at the bottom of Fig. 42, on the left, has aconventionalized nautilus; the one at the top, on the right, showsa pair of lily-like plants; and the jug in the middle of Fig. 43is covered with the stalks and leaves of what is perhaps meant forseaweed. Quadrupeds and men belong to the latest period of thestyle, the vase-painters of the early and central Mycenaeanperiods having abstained, for some reason or other, from thosesubjects which formed the stock in trade of the gem-engravers.

The Mycenaean pottery was gradually superseded by pottery of anessentially different style, called Geometric, from the characterof its painted decorations. It is impossible to say when thisstyle made its first appearance in Greece, but it seems to haveflourished for some hundreds of years and to have lasted till aslate as the end of the eighth century B. C. It falls into severallocal varieties, of which the most important is the Athenian. Thisis commonly called Dipylon pottery, from the fact that thecemetery near the Dipylon, the chief gate of ancient Athens, hassupplied the greatest number of specimens. Some of these Dipylonvases are of great size and served as funeral monuments. Fig. 44gives a good example of this class. It is four feet high. Both theshape and the decoration are very different from those of theMycenaean style. The surface is almost completely covered by asystem of ornament in which zigzags, meanders, and groups ofconcentric circles play an important part. In this system ofGeometric patterns zones or friezes are reserved for designs intowhich human and animal figures enter. The center of interest is inthe middle of the upper frieze, between the handles. Here we see acorpse upon a funeral bier, drawn by a two-horse wagon. To rightand left are mourners arranged in two rows, one above the other.The lower frieze, which encircles the vase about at its middle,consists of a line of two-horse chariots and their drivers. Thedrawing of these designs is illustrated on a larger scale on theright and left of the vase in Fig. 44; it is more childish thananything we have seen from the Mycenaean period. The horses havethin bodies, legs, and necks, and their heads look as much likefishes as anything. The men and women are just as bad. Their headsshow no feature save, at most, a dot for the eye and a projectionfor the nose, with now and then a sort of tassel for the hair;their bodies are triangular, except those of the charioteers,whose shape is perhaps derived from one form of Greek shield;their thin arms, of varying lengths, are entirely destitute ofnatural shape; their long legs, though thigh and calf aredistinguished, are only a shade more like reality than the arms.Such incapacity on the part of the designer would be hard toexplain, were he to be regarded as the direct heir of theMycenaean culture. But the sources of the Geometric style areprobably to be sought among other tribes than those which weredominant in the days of Mycenae's splendor. Greek tradition tellsof a great movement of population, the so-called Dorian migration,which took place some centuries before the beginning of recordedhistory in Greece. If that invasion and conquest of Peloponnesusby ruder tribes from the North be a fact, then the hypothesis is aplausible one which would connect the gradual disappearance ofMycenaean art with that great change. Geometric art, according tothis theory, would have originated with the tribes which now cameto the fore.

Besides the Geometric pottery and its offshoots, several otherlocal varieties were produced in Greece in the eighth and seventhcenturies. These are sometimes grouped together under the name of"orientalizing" styles, because, in a greater or less degree, theyshow in their ornamentation the influence of oriental models, ofwhich the pure Geometric style betrays no trace. It is impossiblehere to describe all these local wares, but a single plate fromRhodes (Fig. 45) may serve to illustrate the degree of proficiencyin the drawing of the human figure which had been attained aboutthe end of the seventh century. Additional interest is lent tothis design by the names attached to the three men. The combatantsare Menelaus and Hector; the fallen warrior is Euphorbus. Here forthe first time we find depicted a scene from the Trojan War. Fromthis time on the epic legends form a large part of the repertoryof the vase-painters.


The supreme achievement of Greek architecture was the temple. Inimperial Rome, or in any typical city of the Roman Empire, themost extensive and imposing buildings were secular—basilicas,baths, amphitheaters, porticoes, aqueducts. In Athens, on theother hand, or in any typical Greek city, there was little ornothing to vie with the temples and the sacred edifices associatedwith them. Public secular buildings, of course, there were, butthe little we know of them does not suggest that they often rankedamong the architectural glories of the country. Private houseswere in the best period of small pretensions. It was to the templeand its adjunct buildings that the architectural genius and thematerial resources of Greece were devoted. It is the temple, then,which we have above all to study.

Before beginning, however, to analyze the artistic features of thetemple, it will be useful to consider the building materials whicha Greek architect had at his disposal and his methods of puttingthem together. Greece is richly provided with good building stone.At many points there are inexhaustible stores of white marble. Theisland of Paros, one of the Cyclades, and Mount Pentelicus inAttica—to name only the two best and most famous quarries—aresimply masses of white marble, suitable as well for the builder asthe sculptor. There are besides various beautiful colored marbles,but it was left to the Romans to bring these into use. Then thereare many commoner sorts of stone ready to the builder's hand,especially the rather soft, brown limestones which the Greekscalled by the general name of poros. [Footnote: The word has noconnection with porous] This material was not disdained, even forimportant buildings. Thus the Temple of Zeus at Olympia, one ofthe two most important religious centers in the Greek world, wasbuilt of local poros. The same was the case with the numeroustemples of Acragas (Girgenti) and Selinus in Sicily. An evenmeaner material, sun-dried brick, was sometimes, perhaps often,employed for cella walls. Where poros or crude brick was used, itwas coated over with a very fine, hard stucco, which gave asurface like that of marble.

It is remarkable that no use was made in Greece of baked bricksbefore the period of Roman domination. Roof-tiles of terra-cottawere in use from an early period, and Greek travelers to Babyloniabrought back word of the use of baked bricks in that country.Nevertheless Greek builders showed no disposition to adopt bakedbricks for their masonry.

This probably hangs together with another important fact, theabsence of lime-mortar from Greek architecture. Lime-stucco was inuse from time immemorial. But lime-mortar, i.e., lime mixed withsand and used as a bond for masonry, is all but unknown in Greekwork. [Footnote: The solitary exception at present known is anAttic tomb built of crude bricks laid in lime-mortar] Consequentlyin the walls of temples and other carefully constructed buildingsan elaborate system of bonding by means of clamps and dowels wasresorted to. Fig. 46 illustrates this and some other points. Theblocks of marble are seen to be perfectly rectangular and ofuniform length and height. Each end of every block is worked witha slightly raised and well-smoothed border, for the purpose ofsecuring without unnecessary labor a perfectly accurate joint. Theshallow holes, III, III, in the upper surfaces are pry-holes,which were of use in prying the blocks into position. Theadjustment having been made, contiguous blocks in the same coursewere bonded to one another by clamps, I, I, embedded horizontally,while the sliding of one course upon another was prevented byupright dowels, II, II. Greek clamps and dowels were usually ofiron and they were fixed in their sockets by means of molten leadrun in. The form of the clamp differs at different periods. Thedouble-T shape shown in the illustration is characteristic of thebest age (cf. also Fig. 48).

Another important fact to be noted at the outset is the absence ofthe arch from Greek architecture. It is reported by the Romanphilosopher, Seneca, that the principle of the arch was"discovered" by the Greek philosopher, Democritus, who lived inthe latter half of the fifth century B. C. That he independentlydiscovered the arch as a practical possibility is most unlikely,seeing that it had been used for ages in Egypt and Mesopotamia;but it may be that he discussed, however imperfectly, themathematical theory of the subject. If so, it would seem likelythat he had practical illustrations about him; and this viewreceives some support from the existence of a few subterraneanvaults which perhaps go back to the good Greek period. Be that asit may, the arch plays absolutely no part in the columnararchitecture of Greece. In a Greek temple or similar building onlythe flat ceiling was known. Above the exterior portico and thevestibules of a temple the ceiling was sometimes of stone ormarble, sometimes of wood; in the interior it was always of wood.It follows that no very wide space could be ceiled over withoutextra supports. At Priene in Asia Minor we find a temple (Fig. 49)whose cella, slightly over thirty feet in breadth, has no interiorcolumns. The architect of the Temple of Athena on the island ofAEgina (Fig. 52) was less venturesome. Although the cella there isonly 21 1/4 feet in breadth, we find, as in large temples, adouble row of columns to help support the ceiling. And when areally large room was built, like the Hall of Initiation atEleusis or the Assembly Hall of the Arcadians at Megalopolis, sucha forest of pillars was required as must have seriously interferedwith the convenience of congregations. We are now ready to studythe plan of a Greek temple. The essential feature is an enclosedchamber, commonly called by the Latin name cella, in which stood,as a rule, the image of the god or goddess to whom the temple wasdedicated. Fig. 47 shows a very simple plan. Here the side wallsof the cella are prolonged in front and terminate in antae (seebelow, page 88). Between the antae are two columns. This type oftemple is called a templum in antis. Were the vestibule (pronaos)repeated at the other end of the building, it would be called anopisthodomos, and the whole building would be a double templum inantis. In Fig. 48 the vestibules are formed by rows of columnsextending across the whole width of the cella, whose side wallsare not prolonged. Did a vestibule exist at the front only, thetemple would be called prostyle; as it is, it is amphiprostyle.Only small Greek temples have as simple a plan as those justdescribed. Larger temples are peripteral, i.e., are surrounded bya colonnade or peristyle (Figs. 49. 50). In Fig. 49 the cella withits vestibules has the form of a double templum in antis, in Fig50 it is amphiprostyle. A further difference should be noted. InFig. 49, which is the plan of an Ionic temple, the antae andcolumns of the vestibules are in line with columns of the outerrow, at both the ends and the sides; in Fig. 50, which is the planof a Doric temple, the exterior columns are set without regard tothe cella wall, and the columns of the vestibules. This is aregular difference between Doric and Ionic temples, though therule is subject to a few exceptions in the case of the former.

The plan of almost any Greek temple will be found to be referableto one or other of the types just described, although there aregreat differences in the proportions of the several parts. Itremains only to add that in almost every case the principal frontwas toward the east or nearly so. When Greek temples wereconverted into Christian churches, as often happened, it wasnecessary, in order to conform to the Christian ritual, to reversethis arrangement and to place the principal entrance at thewestern end.

The next thing is to study the principal elements of a Greektemple as seen in elevation. This brings us to the subject of theGreek "orders." There are two principal orders in Greekarchitecture, the Doric and the Ionic. Figs. 51 and 61 show acharacteristic specimen of each. The term "order," it should besaid, is commonly restricted in architectural parlance to thecolumn and entablature. Our illustrations, however, show all thefeatures of a Doric and an Ionic facade. There are several pointsof agreement between the two: in each the columns rest on astepped base, called the crepidoma, the uppermost step of which isthe stylobate; in each the shaft of the column tapers from thelower to the upper end, is channeled or fluted vertically, and issurmounted by a projecting member called a capital; in each theentablature consists of three members—architrave, frieze, andcornice. There the important points of agreement end. Thedifferences will best be fixed in mind by a detailed examinationof each order separately.

Our typical example of the Doric order (Fig. 51) is taken from theTemple of Aphaia on the island of Aegina—a temple probablyerected about 480 B.C. (cf. Fig. 52.) The column consists of twoparts, shaft and capital. It is of sturdy proportions, its heightbeing about five and one half times the lower diameter of theshaft. If the shaft tapered upward at a uniform rate, it wouldhave the form of a truncated cone. Instead of that, the shaft hasan ENTASIS or swelling. Imagine a vertical section to be madethrough the middle of the column. If, then, the diminution of theshaft were uniform, the sides of this section would be straightlines. In reality, however, they are slightly curved lines, convexoutward. This addition to the form of a truncated cone is theentasis. It is greatest at about one third or one half the heightof the shaft, and there amounts, in cases that have been measured,to from 1/80 to 1/140 of the lower diameter of theshaft.[Footnote: Observe that the entasis is so slight that thelowest diameter of the shaft is always the greatest diameter. Theillustration is unfortunately not quite correct, since it givesthe shaft a uniform diameter for about one third of its height.]In some early Doric temples, as the one at Assos in Asia Minor,there is no entasis. The channels or flutes in our typical columnare twenty in number. More rarely we find sixteen; much morerarely larger multiples of four. These channels are so placed thatone comes directly under the middle of each face of the capital.They are comparatively shallow, and are separated from one anotherby sharp edges or ARRISES. The capital, though worked out of oneblock, may be regarded as consisting of two parts—a cushion-shaped member called an ECHINUS, encircled below by three to fiveANNULETS, (cf. Figs. 59, 60) and a square slab called an ABACUS,the latter so placed that its sides are parallel to the sides ofthe building. The ARCHITRAVE is a succession of horizontal beamsresting upon the columns. The face of this member is plain, exceptthat along the upper edge there runs a slightly projecting flatband called a TAENIA, with regulae and guttae at equal intervals;these last are best considered in connection with the frieze. TheFRIEZE is made up of alternating triglyphs and metopes. A TRIGLYPHis a block whose height is nearly twice its width; upon its faceare two furrows, triangular in plan, and its outer edges arechamfered off. Thus we may say that the triglyph has two furrowsand two half-furrows; these do not extend to the top of the block.A triglyph is placed over the center of each column and over thecenter of each intercolumniation. But at the corners of thebuildings the intercolumniations are diminished, with the resultthat the corner triglyphs do not stand over the centers of thecorner columns, but farther out (cf. Fig. 52). Under each triglyphthere is worked upon the face of the architrave, directly belowthe taenia, a REGULA, shaped like a small cleat, and to the undersurface of this regula is attached a row of six cylindrical orconical GUTTAE. Between every two triglyphs, and standing a littlefarther back, there is a square or nearly square slab or blockcalled a METOPE. This has a flat band across the top; for therest, its face may be either plain or sculptured in relief. Theuppermost member of the entablature, the CORNICE, consistsprincipally of a projecting portion, the CORONA, on whose inclinedunder surface or soffit are rectangular projections, the so-calledMUTULES (best seen in the frontispiece), one over each triglyphand each metope. Three rows of six guttae each are attached to theunder surface of a mutule. Above the cornice, at the east and westends of the building, come the triangular PEDIMENTS or gables,formed by the sloping roof and adapted for groups of sculpture.The pediment is protected above by a "raking" cornice, which hasnot the same form as the horizontal cornice, the principaldifference being that the under surface of the raking cornice isconcave and without mutules. Above the raking cornice comes a SIMAor gutter-facing, which in buildings of good period has acurvilinear profile. This sima is sometimes continued along thelong sides of the building, and sometimes not. When it is socontinued, water-spouts are inserted into it at intervals, usuallyin the form of lions' heads. Fig 53 shows a fine lion's head ofthis sort from a sixth century temple on the Athenian Acropolis.If it be added that upon the apex and the lower corners of thepediment there were commonly pedestals which supported statues orother ornamental objects (Fig. 52), mention will have been made ofall the main features of the exterior of a Doric peripteraltemple.

Every other part of the building had likewise its establishedform, but it will not be possible here to describe or even tomention every detail. The most important member not yet treated ofis the ANTA. An anta may be described as a pilaster forming thetermination of a wall. It stands directly opposite a column and isof the same height with it, its function being to receive one endof an architrave block, the other end of which is borne by thecolumn. The breadth of its front face is slightly greater than thethickness of the wall; the breadth of a side face depends uponwhether or not the anta supports an architrave on that side (Figs.47, 48, 49, 50). The Doric anta has a special capital, quiteunlike the capital of the column. Fig. 54 shows an example from abuilding erected in 437-32 B. C. Its most striking feature is theDORIC CYMA, or HAWK'S-BEAK MOLDING, the characteristic molding ofthe Doric style (Fig. 55), used also to crown the horizontalcornice and in other situations (Fig. 51 and frontispiece). Belowthe capital the anta is treated precisely like the wall of whichit forms a part; that is to say, its surfaces are plain, exceptfor the simple base-molding, which extends also along the foot ofthe wall. The method of ceiling the peristyle and vestibules bymeans of ceiling-beams on which rest slabs decorated with square,recessed panels or COFFERS may be indistinctly seen in Fig. 56.Within the cella, when columns were used to help support thewooden ceiling, there seem to have been regularly two ranges, oneabove the other. This is the only case, so far as we know, inwhich Greek architecture of the best period put one range ofcolumns above another. There were probably no windows of any kind,so that the cella received no daylight, except such as entered bythe great front doorway, when the doors were open. [Footnote: Thiswhole matter, however, is in dispute. Some authorities believethat large temples were HYPOETHRAL, i. e., open, or partly open,to the sky, or in some way lighted from above. In Fig. 56 an opengrating has been inserted above the doors, but for such anarrangement in a Greek temple there is no evidence, so far as I amaware.] The roof-beams were of wood. The roof was covered withterra-cotta or marble tiles.

Such are the main features of a Doric temple (those last mentionednot being peculiar to the Doric style). Little has been said thusfar of variation in these features. Yet variation there was. Notto dwell on local differences, as between Greece proper and theGreek colonies in Sicily, there was a development constantly goingon, changing the forms of details and the relative proportions ofparts and even introducing new features originally foreign to thestyle. Thus the column grows slenderer from century to century. Inearly examples it is from four to five lower diameters in heightin the best period (fifth and fourth centuries) about five and onehalf, in the post classical period, six to seven. The differencein this respect between early and late examples may be seen bycomparing the sixth century Temple of Posidon (?) at Paestum insouthern Italy (Fig. 57) with the third (?) century Temple of Zeusat Nemea (Fig. 58). Again, the echinus of the capital is in theearly period widely flaring, making in some very early examples anangle at the start of not more than fifteen or twenty degrees withthe horizontal (Fig. 59); in the best period it rises moresteeply, starting at an angle of about fifty degrees with thehorizontal and having a profile which closely approaches astraight line, until it curves inward under the abacus (Fig. 51);in the post-classical period it is low and sometimes quite conical(Fig. 60). In general, the degeneracy of post-classical Greekarchitecture is in nothing more marked than in the loss of thosesubtle curves which characterize the best Greek work. Otherdifferences must be learned from more extended treatises.

The Ionic order was of a much more luxuriant character than theDoric. Our typical example (Fig. 61) is taken from the Temple ofPriene in Asia Minor—a temple erected about 340-30 B. C. Thecolumn has a base consisting of a plain square PLINTH, twoTROCHILI with moldings, and a TORUS fluted horizontally. The Ionicshaft is much slenderer than the Doric, the height of the column(including base and capital) being in different examples fromeight to ten times the lower diameter of the shaft. The diminutionof the shaft is naturally less than in the Doric, and the entasis,where any has been detected, is exceedingly slight. The flutes,twenty-four in number, are deeper than in the Doric shaft, beingin fact nearly or quite semicircular, and they are separated fromone another by flat bands or fillets. For the form of the capitalit will be better to refer to Fig. 62, taken from an Atticbuilding of the latter half of the fifth century. The principalparts are an OVOLO and a SPIRAL ROLL (the latter name not ingeneral use). The ovolo has a convex profile, and is sometimescalled a quarter-round; it is enriched with an EGG-AND-DARTornament The spiral roll may be conceived as a long cushion, whoseends are rolled under to form the VOLUTES. The part connecting thevolutes is slightly hollowed, and the channel thus formed iscontinued into the volutes. As seen from the side (Fig. 63), theend of the spiral roll is called a BOLSTER; it has the appearanceof being drawn together by a number of encircling bands. On thefront, the angles formed by the spiral roll are filled by aconventionalized floral ornament (the so-called PALMETTE). Abovethe spiral roll is a low abacus, oblong or square in plan. In Fig.62 the profile of the abacus is an ovolo on which the egg-and-dartornament was painted (cf. Fig. 66, where the ornament issculptured). In Fig. 61, as in Fig. 71, the profile is a complexcurve called a CYMA REVERSA, convex above and concave below,enriched with a sculptured LEAF-AND-DART ornament. [Footnote: Theegg-and-dart is found only on the ovolo, the leaf-and-dart only onthe cyma reversa or the cyma recta (concave above and convexbelow) Both ornaments are in origin leaf-patterns one row ofleaves showing their points behind another row.] Finally,attention may be called to the ASTRAGAL or PEARL-BEADING justunder the ovolo in Figs. 61, 71. This might be described as astring of beads and buttons, two buttons alternating with a singlebead.

In the normal Ionic capital the opposite faces are of identicalappearance. If this were the case with the capital at the cornerof a building, the result would be that on the side of thebuilding all the capitals would present their bolsters instead oftheir volutes to the spectator. The only way to prevent this wasto distort the corner capital into the form shown by Fig. 64; cf.also Figs. 61 and 70.

The Ionic architrave is divided horizontally into three (orsometimes two) bands, each of the upper ones projecting slightlyover the one below it. It is crowned by a sort of cornice enrichedwith moldings. The frieze is not divided like the Doric frieze,but presents an uninterrupted surface. It may be either plain orcovered with relief-sculpture. It is finished off with moldingsalong the upper edge. The cornice (cf. Fig. 65) consists of twoprincipal parts. First comes a projecting block, into whose facerectangular cuttings have been made at short intervals, thusleaving a succession of cogs or DENTELS; above these are moldings.Secondly there is a much more widely projecting block, the CORONA,whose under surface is hollowed to lighten the weight and whoseface is capped with moldings. The raking cornice is like thehorizontal cornice except that it has no dentels. The sima orgutter-facing, whose profile is here a cyma recta (concave aboveand convex below), is enriched with sculptured floral ornament.

In the Ionic buildings of Attica the base of the column consistsof two tori separated by a trochilus. The proportions of theseparts vary considerably. The base in Fig. 66 (from a buildingfinished about 408 B.C.) is worthy of attentive examination byreason of its harmonious proportions. In the Roman form of thisbase, too often imitated nowadays, the trochilus has too small adiameter. The Attic-Ionic cornice never has dentels, unless thecornice of the Caryatid portico of the Erechtheum ought to bereckoned as an instance (Fig. 67).

The capital shown in Fig. 66 is a special variety of the Ioniccapital, of rather rare occurrence. Its distinguishing featuresare the insertion between ovolo and spiral roll of a torusornamented with a braided pattern, called a GUILLOCHE; the absenceof the palmettes from the corners formed by the spiral roll; andthe fact that the channel of the roll is double instead of single,which gives a more elaborate character to that member. Finally, inthe Erechtheum the upper part or necking of the shaft is enrichedwith an exquisitely wrought band of floral ornament, the so-calledhoneysuckle pattern. This feature is met with in some otherexamples.

As in the Doric style, so in the Ionic, the anta-capital is quiteunlike the column-capital. Fig. 68 shows an anta-capital from theErechtheum, with an adjacent portion of the wall-band; cf. alsoFig. 69. Perhaps it is inaccurate in this case to speak of ananta-capital at all, seeing that the anta simply shares themoldings which crown the wall. The floral frieze under themoldings is, however, somewhat more elaborate on the anta than onthe adjacent wall. The Ionic method of ceiling a peristyle orportico may be partly seen in Fig 69. The principal ceiling-beamshere rest upon the architrave, instead of upon the frieze, as in aDoric building (cf. Fig. 56). Above were the usual coffered slabs.The same illustration shows a well-preserved and finelyproportioned doorway, but unfortunately leaves the details of itsornamentation indistinct.

The Ionic order was much used in the Greek cities of Asia Minorfor peripteral temples. The most considerable remains of suchbuildings, at Ephesus, Priene, etc., belong to the fourth centuryor later. In Greece proper there is no known instance of aperipteral Ionic temple, but the order was sometimes used forsmall prostyle and amphiprostyle buildings, such as the Temple ofWingless Victory in Athens (Fig. 70). Furthermore, Ionic columnswere sometimes employed in the interior of Doric temples, as atBassae in Arcadia and (probably) in the temple built by Scopas atTegea. In the Propylaea or gateway of the Athenian Acropolis weeven find the Doric and Ionic orders juxtaposed, the exteriorarchitecture being Doric and the interior Ionic, with no wall toseparate them. One more interesting occurrence of the Ionic orderin Greece proper may be mentioned, viz., in the Philippeum atOlympia (about 336 B.C.). This is a circular building, surroundedby an Ionic colonnade. Still other types of building affordedopportunity enough for the employment of this style.

After what has been said of the gradual changes in the Doricorder, it will be understood that the Ionic order was not the samein the sixth century as in the fifth, nor in the fifth the same asin the third. The most striking change concerns the spiral roll ofthe capital. In the good period the portion of this member whichconnects the volutes is bounded below by a depressed curve,graceful and vigorous. With the gradual degradation of taste thiscurve tended to become a straight line, the result being theunlovely, mechanical form shown in Fig. 71 (from a building ofPtolemy Philadelphus, who reigned from 283 to 246 B.C.). Betterformed capitals than this continued for some time to be made inGreek lands; but the type just shown, or rather somethingresembling it in the disagreeable feature noted, became canonicalwith Roman architects.

The Corinthian order, as it is commonly called, hardly deserves tobe called a distinct order. Its only peculiar feature is thecapital; otherwise it agrees with the Ionic order. The Corinthiancapital is said to have been invented in the fifth century; and asolitary specimen, of a meager and rudimentary type, found in 1812in the Temple of Apollo at Bassae, but since lost, was perhaps anoriginal part of that building (about 430 B. C). At present theearliest extant specimens are from the interior of a roundbuilding of the fourth century near Epidaurus in Argolis (Fig.72). [Footnote: For some reason or other the particular capitalshown in our illustration was not used in the building, but it isof the same model as those actually used, except that the edge ofthe abacus is not finished.] It was from such a form as this thatthe luxuriant type of Corinthian capital so much in favor withRoman architects and their public was derived. On the other hand,the form shown in Fig. 73, from a little building erected in 334B.C. or soon after, is a variant which seems to have left nolineal successors. In its usual form the Corinthian capital has acylindrical core, which expands slightly toward the top so as tobecome bell-shaped; around the lower part of this core are tworows of conventionalized acanthus leaves, eight in each row; fromthese rise eight principal stalks (each, in fully developedexamples, wrapped about its base with an acanthus leaf) whichcombine, two and two, to form four volutes (HELICES), one undereach corner of the abacus, while smaller stalks, branching fromthe first, cover the rest of the upper part of the core; there iscommonly a floral ornament on the middle of each face at the top;finally the abacus has, in plan, the form of a square whose sideshave been hollowed out and whose corners have been truncated. Inthe form shown in Fig. 73 we find, first, a row of sixteen simpleleaves, like those of a reed, with the points of a second rowshowing between them; then a single row of eight acanthus leaves;then the scroll-work, supporting a palmette on each side; andfinally an abacus whose profile is made up of a trochilus and anovolo. This capital, though extremely elegant, is open to thecharge of appearing weak at its middle. There is a much lessornate variety, also reckoned as Corinthian, which has no scroll-work, but only a row of acanthus leaves with a row of reed leavesabove them around a bell-shaped core, the whole surmounted by asquare abacus. In the Choragic Monument of Lysicrates the cornicehas dentels, and this was always the case, so far as we know,where the Corinthian capital was used. In Corinthian buildings theanta, where met with, has a capital like that of the column. Butthere is very little material to generalize from until we descendto Roman times.

Some allusion has been made in the foregoing to other types ofcolumnar buildings besides the temple. The principal ones of whichremains exist are PROPYLAEA and STOAS. Propylaea is the Greek namefor a form of gateway, consisting essentially of a cross wallbetween side walls, with a portico on each front. Such gatewaysoccur in many places as entrances to sacred precincts. The finestexample, and one of the noblest monuments of Greek architecture,is that at the west end of the Athenian Acropolis. The stoa may bedefined as a building having an open range of columns on at leastone side. Usually its length was much greater than its depth.Stoas were often built in sacred precincts, as at Olympia, andalso for secular purposes along public streets, as in Athens.These and other buildings into which the column entered as anintegral feature involved no new architectural elements orprinciples.

One highly important fact about Greek architecture has thus farbeen only touched upon; that is, the liberal use it made of color.The ruins of Greek temples are to-day monochromatic, eitherglittering white, as is the temple at Sunium, or of a goldenbrown, as are the Parthenon and other buildings of Pentelicmarble, or of a still warmer brown, as are the limestone templesof Paestum and Girgenti (Acragas). But this uniformity of tint isdue only to time. A "White City," such as made the pride ofChicago in 1893, would have been unimaginable to an ancient Greek.Even to-day the attentive observer may sometimes see upon oldGreek buildings, as, for example, upon ceiling-beams of theParthenon, traces left by patterns from which the color hasvanished. In other instances remains of actual color exist. Sospecks of blue paint may still be seen, or might a few years ago,on blocks belonging to the Athenian Propylaea. But our mostabundant evidence for the original use of color comes fromarchitectural fragments recently unearthed. During the excavationof Olympia (1875-81) this matter of the coloring of architecturewas constantly in mind and a large body of facts relating to itwas accumulated. Every new and important excavation adds to thestore. At present our information is much fuller in regard to thepolychromy of Doric than of Ionic buildings. It appears that, justas the forms and proportions of a building and of all its detailswere determined by precedent, yet not so absolutely as to leave noscope for the exercise of individual genius, so there was anestablished system in the coloring of a building, yet a systemwhich varied somewhat according to time and place and the taste ofthe architect. The frontispiece attempts to suggest what thecoloring of the Parthenon was like, and thus to illustrate thegeneral scheme of Doric polychromy. The colors used were chieflydark blue, sometimes almost black, and red; green and yellow alsooccur, and some details were gilded. The coloration of thebuilding was far from total. Plain surfaces, as walls, wereunpainted. So too were the columns, including, probably, theircapitals, except between the annulets. Thus color was confined tothe upper members—the triglyphs, the under surface (soffit) ofthe cornice, the sima, the anta-capitals (cf. Fig. 54), theornamental details generally, the coffers of the ceiling, and thebackgrounds of sculpture. [Footnote: Our frontispiece gives thebackgrounds of the metopes as plain, but this is probably anerror] The triglyphs, regulae, and mutules were blue; the taeniaof the architrave and the soffit of the cornice between themutules with the adjacent narrow bands were red; the backgroundsof sculpture, either blue or red; the hawk's-beak molding,alternating blue and red; and so on. The principal uncertaintyregards the treatment of the unpainted members. Were these left ofa glittering white, or were they toned down, in the case of marblebuildings, by some application or other, so as to contrast lessglaringly with the painted portions? The latter suppositionreceives some confirmation from Vitruvius, a Roman writer onarchitecture of the age of Augustus, and seems to some modernwriters to be demanded by aesthetic considerations. On the otherhand, the evidence of the Olympia buildings points the other way.Perhaps the actual practice varied. As for the coloring of Ionicarchitecture, we know that the capital of the column was painted,but otherwise our information is very scanty.

If it be asked what led the Greeks to a use of color so strange tous and, on first acquaintance, so little to our taste, it may beanswered that possibly the example of their neighbors hadsomething to do with it. The architecture of Egypt, ofMesopotamia, of Persia, was polychromatic. But probably thepractice of the Greeks was in the main an inheritance from theearly days of their own civilization. According to a well-supported theory, the Doric temple of the historical period is atranslation into stone or marble of a primitive edifice whosewalls were of sun-dried bricks and whose columns and entablaturewere of wood. Now it is natural and appropriate to paint wood; andwe may suppose that the taste for a partially colored architecturewas thus formed. This theory does not indeed explain everything.It does not, for example, explain why the columns or thearchitrave should be uncolored. In short, the Greek system ofpolychromy presents itself to us as a largely arbitrary system.

More interesting than the question of origin is the question ofaesthetic effect. Was the Greek use of color in good taste? It isnot easy to answer with a simple yes or no. Many of the attemptsto represent the facts by restorations on paper have been crudeand vulgar enough. On the other hand, some experiments indecorating modern buildings with color, in a fashion, to be sure,much less liberal than that of ancient Greece, have producedpleasing results. At present the question is rather one of faiththan of sight; and most students of the subject have faith tobelieve that the appearance of a Greek temple in all its pomp ofcolor was not only sumptuous, but harmonious and appropriate.

When we compare the architecture of Greece with that of othercountries, we must be struck with the remarkable degree in whichthe former adhered to established usage, both in the general planof a building and in the forms and proportions of each feature.Some measure of adherence to precedent is indeed implied in thevery existence of an architectural style. What is meant is thatthe Greek measure was unusual, perhaps unparalleled. Yet thefollowing of established canons was not pushed to a slavishextreme. A fine Greek temple could not be built according to ahard and fast rule. While the architect refrained from bold andlawless innovations, he yet had scope to exercise his genius. Thedifferences between the Parthenon and any other contemporary Dorictemple would seem slight, when regarded singly; but the preeminentperfection of the Parthenon lay in just those skilfully calculateddifferences

A Greek columnar building is extremely simple in form.[Footnote:The substance of this paragraph and the following is borrowed fromBoutmy, "Philosophie de l'Architecture en Grece" (Paris, 1870)]The outlines of an ordinary temple are those of an oblongrectangular block surmounted by a triangular roof. With aqualification to be explained presently, all the lines of thebuilding, except those of the roof, are either horizontal orperpendicular. The most complicated Greek columnar buildingsknown, the Erechtheum and the Propylaea of the Athenian Acropolis,are simplicity itself when compared to a Gothic cathedral, withits irregular plan, its towers, its wheel windows, itsmultitudinous diagonal lines.

The extreme simplicity which characterizes the general form of aGreek building extends also to its sculptured and paintedornaments. In the Doric style these are very sparingly used; andeven the Ionic style, though more luxuriant, seems reserved incomparison with the wealth of ornamental detail in a Gothiccathedral. Moreover, the Greek ornaments are simple in character.Examine again the hawk's-beak, the egg-and-dart, the leaf-and-dart, the astragal, the guilloche, the honeysuckle, the meander orfret. These are almost the only continuous patterns in use inGreek architecture. Each consists of a small number of elementsrecurring in unvarying order; a short section is enough to givethe entire pattern. Contrast this with the string-course in thenave of the Cathedral of Amiens, where the motive of the designundergoes constant variation, no piece exactly duplicating itsneighbor, or with the intricate interlacing patterns of Arabicdecoration, and you will have a striking illustration of the Greeklove for the finite and comprehensible.

When it was said just now that the main lines of a Greek templeare either horizontal or perpendicular, the statement called forqualification. The elevations of the most perfect of Doricbuildings, the Parthenon, could not be drawn with a ruler. Some ofthe apparently straight lines are really curved. The stylobate isnot level, but convex, the rise of the curve amounting to 1/450 ofthe length of the building; the architrave has also a risingcurve, but slighter than that of the stylobate. Then again, manyof the lines that would commonly be taken for vertical are inreality slightly inclined. The columns slope inward and so do theprincipal surfaces of the building, while the anta-capitals slopeforward. These refinements, or some of them, have been observed inseveral other buildings. They are commonly regarded as designed toobviate certain optical illusions supposed to arise in theirabsence. But perhaps, as one writer has suggested, their principaloffice was to save the building from an appearance of mathematicalrigidity, to give it something of the semblance of a living thing.

Be that as it may, these manifold subtle curves and sloping linestestify to the extraordinary nicety of Greek workmanship. A columnof the Parthenon, with its inclination, its tapering, its entasis,and its fluting, could not have been constructed without the mostconscientious skill. In fact, the capabilities of the workmen keptpace with the demands of the architects. No matter how delicatethe adjustment to be made, the task was perfectly achieved. Andwhen it came to the execution of ornamental details, these werewrought with a free hand and, in the best period, with fineartistic feeling. The wall-band of the Erechtheum is one of themost exquisite things which Greece has left us.

Simplicity in general form, harmony of proportion, refinement ofline—these are the great features of Greek columnar architecture.

One other type of Greek building, into which the column does notenter, or enters only in a very subordinate way, remains to bementioned—the theater. Theaters abounded in Greece. Everyconsiderable city and many a smaller place had at least one, andthe ruins of these structures rank with temples and walls offortification among the commonest classes of ruins in Greek lands.But in a sketch of Greek art they may be rapidly dismissed. Thatpart of the theater which was occupied by spectators—theauditorium, as we may call it—was commonly built into a naturalslope, helped out by means of artificial embankments andsupporting walls. There was no roof. The building, therefore, hadno exterior, or none to speak of. Such beauty as it possessed wasdue mainly to its proportions. The theater at the sanctuary ofAsclepius near Epidaurus, the work of the same architect who builtthe round building with the Corinthian columns referred to on page103, was distinguished in ancient times for "harmony and beauty,"as the Greek traveler, Pausamas (about 165 A. D.), puts it. It isfortunately one of the best preserved. Fig. 74, a view taken froma considerable distance will give some idea of that quality whichPausanias justly admired. Fronting the auditorium was the stagebuilding, of which little but foundations remains anywhere. So faras can be ascertained, this stage building had but smallarchitectural pretensions until the post classical period (i.e.,after Alexander) But there was opportunity for elegance as well asconvenience in the form given to the stone or marble seats withwhich the auditorium was provided.


In the Mycenaean period, as we have seen, the art of sculpture hadlittle existence, except for the making of small images and thedecoration of small objects. We have now to take up the story ofthe rise of this art to an independent and commanding position, ofits perfection and its subsequent decline. The beginner must notexpect to find this story told with as much fulness and certaintyas is possible in dealing with the art of the Renaissance or anymore modern period. The impossibility of equal fulness andcertainty here will become apparent when we consider what ourmaterials for constructing a history of Greek sculpture are.

First, we have a quantity of notices, more or less relevant, inancient Greek and Roman authors, chiefly of the time of the RomanEmpire. These notices are of the most miscellaneous description.They come from writers of the most unlike tastes and the mostunequal degrees of trustworthiness. They are generally very vague,leaving most that we want to know unsaid. And they have such ahaphazard character that, when taken all together, they do notbegin to cover the field. Nothing like all the works of thegreater sculptors, let alone the lesser ones, are so much asmentioned by name in extant ancient literature.

Secondly, we have several hundreds of original inscriptionsbelonging to Greek works of sculpture and containing the names ofthe artists who made them. It was a common practice, in the caseespecially of independent statues in the round, for the sculptorto attach his signature, generally to the pedestal. Unfortunately,while great numbers of these inscribed pedestals have beenpreserved for us, it is very rarely that we have the statues whichonce belonged on them. Moreover, the artists' names which we meeton the pedestals are in a large proportion of cases names not evenmentioned by our literary sources. In fact, there is only oneindisputable case where we possess both a statue and the pedestalbelonging to it, the latter inscribed with the name of an artistknown to us from literary tradition. (See pages 212-3.)

Thirdly, we have the actual remains of Greek sculpture, aconstantly accumulating store, yet only an insignificant remnantof what once existed. These works have suffered sad disfigurement.Not one life-sized figure has reached us absolutely intact; butfew have escaped serious mutilation. Most of those found beforethe beginning of this century, and some of those found since, havebeen subjected to a process known as "restoration." Missing partshave been supplied, often in the most arbitrary and tastelessmanner, and injured surfaces, e. g., of faces, have been polished,with irreparable damage as the result.

Again, it is important to recognize that the creations of Greeksculpture which have been preserved to us are partly originalGreek works, partly copies executed in Roman times from Greekoriginals. Originals, and especially important originals, arescarce. The statues of gold and ivory have left not a vestigebehind. Those of bronze, once numbered by thousands, went longago, with few exceptions, into the melting-pot. Even sculptures inmarble, though the material was less valuable, have been throwninto the lime-kiln or used as building stone or wantonly mutilatedor ruined by neglect. There does not exist to-day a singlecertified original work by any one of the six greatest sculptorsof Greece, except the Hermes of Praxiteles (see page 221). Copiesare more plentiful. As nowadays many museums and private houseshave on their walls copies of paintings by the "old masters," so,and far more usually, the public and private buildings of imperialRome and of many of the cities under her sway were adorned withcopies of famous works by the sculptors of ancient Greece. Anypiece of sculpture might thus be multiplied indefinitely; and soit happens that we often possess several copies, or even somedozens of copies, of one and the same original. Most of themasterpieces of Greek sculpture which are known to us at all areknown only in this way.

The question therefore arises, How far are these copies to betrusted? It is impossible to answer in general terms. Theinstances are very few where we possess at once the original and acopy. The best case of the kind is afforded by Fig. 75, comparedwith Fig. 132. Here the head, fore-arms, and feet of the copy aremodern and consequently do not enter into consideration. Limitingone's attention to the antique parts of the figure, one sees thatit is a tolerably close, and yet a hard and lifeless, imitation ofthe original. This gives us some measure of the degree of fidelitywe may expect in favorable cases. Generally speaking, we have toform our estimate of the faithfulness of a copy by the quality ofits workmanship and by a comparison of it with other copies, wheresuch exist. Often we find two or more copies agreeing with oneanother as closely as possible. This shows—and the conclusion isconfirmed by other evidence—that means existed in Roman times ofreproducing statues with the help of measurements mechanicallytaken. At the same time, a comparison of copies makes it apparentthat copyists, even when aiming to be exact in the main, oftentreated details and accessories with a good deal of freedom. Ofcourse, too, the skill and conscientiousness of the copyistsvaried enormously. Finally, besides copies, we have to reckon withvariations and modernizations in every degree of earlier works.Under these circ*mstances it will easily be seen that the task ofreconstructing a lost original from extant imitations is a verydelicate and perilous one. Who could adequately appreciate theSistine Madonna, if the inimitable touch of Raphael were known tous only at second-hand?

Any history of Greek sculpture attempts to piece together theseveral classes of evidence above described. It classifies theactual remains, seeking to assign to each piece its place and dateof production and to infer from direct examination and comparisonthe progress of artistic methods and ideas. And this it does withconstant reference to what literature and inscriptions have totell us. But in the fragmentary state of our materials, it isevident that the whole subject must be beset with doubt. Great andsteady progress has indeed been made since Winckelmann, thefounder of the science of classical archaeology, produced thefirst "History of Ancient Art" (published in 1763); but twilightstill reigns over many an important question. This general warningshould be borne in mind in reading this or any other hand-book ofthe subject.

We may next take up the materials and the technical processes of
Greek sculpture. These may be classified as follows:

(1) Wood. Wood was often, if not exclusively, used for theearliest Greek temple-images, those rude xoana, of which manysurvived into the historical period, to be regarded with peculiarveneration. We even hear of wooden statues made in the developedperiod of Greek art. But this was certainly exceptional. Woodplays no part worth mentioning in the fully developed sculpture ofGreece, except as it entered into the making of gold and ivorystatues or of the cheaper substitutes for these.

(2) Stone and marble. Various uncrystallized limestones werefrequently used in the archaic period and here and there even inthe fifth century. But white marble, in which Greece abounds, camealso early into use, and its immense superiority to limestone forstatuary purposes led to the abandonment of the latter. Thechoicest varieties of marble were the Parian and Pentelic (cf.page 77). Both of these were exported to every part of the Greekworld.

A Greek marble statue or group is often not made of a singlepiece. Thus the Aphrodite of Melos (page 249) was made of twoprincipal pieces, the junction coming just above the drapery,while several smaller parts, including the left arm, were madeseparately and attached. The Laocoon group (page 265), which Plinyexpressly alleges to have been made of a single block, is inreality made of six. Often the head was made separately from thebody, sometimes of a finer quality of marble, and then insertedinto a socket prepared for it in the neck of the figure. And veryoften, when the statue was mainly of a single block, small pieceswere attached, sometimes in considerable numbers. Of course thejoining was done with extreme nicety, and would have escapedordinary observation.

In the production of a modern piece of marble sculpture, theartist first makes a clay model and then a mere workman producesfrom this a marble copy. In the best period of Greek art, on theother hand, there seems to have been no mechanical copying offinished models. Preliminary drawings or even clay models, perhapssmall, there must often have been to guide the eye; but thesculptor, instead of copying with the help of exact measurements,struck out freely, as genius and training inspired him. If he madea mistake, the result was not fatal, for he could repair his errorby attaching a fresh piece of marble. Yet even so, the ability towork in this way implies marvelous precision of eye and hand. Tothis ability and this method we may ascribe something of thefreedom, the vitality, and the impulsiveness of Greek marblesculpture—qualities which the mechanical method of productiontends to destroy. Observe too that, while pediment-groups,metopes, friezes, and reliefs upon pedestals would often beexecuted by subordinates following the design of the principalartist, any important single statue or group in marble was in allprobability chiseled by the very hand of the master.

Another fact of importance, a fact which few are able to keepconstantly enough in their thoughts, is that Greek marblesculpture was always more or less painted. This is proved both bystatements in ancient authors and by the fuller and more explicitevidence of numberless actual remains. (See especially pages 148,247.) From these sources we learn that eyes, eyebrows, hair, andperhaps lips were regularly painted, and that draperies and otheraccessories were often painted in whole or in part. As regards thetreatment of flesh the evidence is conflicting. Some instances arereported where the flesh of men was colored a reddish brown, as inthe sculpture of Egypt. But the evidence seems to me to warrantthe inference that this was unusual in marble sculpture. On the"Alexander" sarcophagus the nude flesh has been by some processtoned down to an ivory tint, and this treatment may have been therule, although most sculptures which retain remains of color showno trace of this. Observe that wherever color was applied, it waslaid on in "flat" tints, i.e., not graded or shaded.

This polychromatic character of Greek marble sculpture is atvariance with what we moderns have been accustomed to since theRenaissance. By practice and theory we have been taught thatsculpture and painting are entirely distinct arts. And in theaustere renunciation by sculpture of all color there has evenbeen seen a special distinction, a claim to precedence in thehierarchy of the arts. The Greeks had no such idea. The sculptureof the older nations about them was polychromatic; their own earlysculpture in wood and coarse stone was almost necessarily so;their architecture, with which sculpture was often associated, wasso likewise. The coloring of marble sculpture, then, was a naturalresult of the influences by which that sculpture was molded. And,of course, the Greek eye took pleasure in the combination of formand color, and presumably would have found pure white figures likeours dull and cold. We are better circ*mstanced for judging Greektaste in this matter than in the matter of colored architecture,for we possess Greek sculptures which have kept their coloringalmost intact. A sight of the "Alexander" sarcophagus, if it doesnot revolutionize our own taste, will at least dispel any fearthat a Greek artist was capable of outraging beautiful form by avulgarizing addition.

(3) Bronze. This material (an alloy of copper with tin andsometimes lead), always more expensive than marble, was thefavorite material of some of the most eminent sculptors (Myron,Polycl*tus, Lysippus) and for certain purposes was alwayspreferred. The art of casting small, solid bronze images goes farback into the prehistoric period in Greece. At an early date, too(we cannot say how early), large bronze statues could be made of anumber of separate pieces, shaped by the hammer and rivetedtogether. Such a work was seen at Sparta by the travelerPausanias, and was regarded by him as the most ancient existingstatue in bronze. A great impulse must have been given to bronzesculpture by the introduction of the process of hollow-casting.Pausanias repeatedly attributes the invention of this process toRhoecus and Theodorus, two Samian artists, who flourishedapparently early in the sixth century. This may be substantiallycorrect, but the process is much more likely to have been borrowedfrom Egypt than invented independently.

In producing a bronze statue it is necessary first to make anexact clay model. This done, the usual Greek practice seems tohave been to dismember the model and take a casting of each partseparately. The several bronze pieces were then carefully unitedby rivets or solder, and small defects were repaired by theinsertion of quadrangular patches of bronze. The eye-sockets werealways left hollow in the casting, and eyeballs of glass, metal,or other materials, imitating cornea and iris, were inserted.[Footnote: Marble statues also sometimes had inserted eyes]Finally, the whole was gone over with appropriate tools, the hair,for example, being furrowed with a sharp graver and thus receivinga peculiar, metallic definiteness of texture.

A hollow bronze statue being much lighter than one in marble andmuch less brittle, a sculptor could be much bolder in posing afigure of the former material than one of the latter. Hence when aGreek bronze statue was copied in marble in Roman times, adisfiguring support, not present in the original, had often to beadded (cf. Figs, 101, 104, etc.). The existence of such a supportin a marble work is, then, one reason among others for assuming abronze original. Other indications pointing the same way areafforded by a peculiar sharpness of edge, e.g., of the eyelids andthe eyebrows, and by the metallic treatment of the hair. Thesepoints are well illustrated by Fig. 76. Notice especially thecurls, which in the original would have been made of separatestrips of bronze, twisted and attached after the casting of thefigure.

Bronze reliefs were not cast, but produced by hammering. This iswhat is called repousse work. These bronze reliefs were of smallsize, and were used for ornamenting helmets, cuirasses, mirrors,and so on.

(4) Gold and ivory. Chryselephantine statues, i.e., statues ofgold and ivory, must, from the costliness of the materials, havebeen always comparatively rare. Most of them, though not all, weretemple-images, and the most famous ones were of colossal size. Weare very imperfectly informed as to how these figures were made.The colossal ones contained a strong framework of timbers andmetal bars, over which was built a figure of wood. To this thegold and ivory were attached, ivory being used for flesh and goldfor all other parts. The gold on the Athena of the Parthenon (cf.page 186) weighed a good deal over a ton. But costly as theseworks were, the admiration felt for them seems to have beenuntainted by any thought of that fact.

(5) Terra-cotta. This was used at all periods for small figures, afew inches high, immense numbers of which have been preserved tous. But large terra-cotta figures, such as were common in Etruria,were probably quite exceptional in Greece.

Greek sculpture may be classified, according to the purposes whichit served, under the following heads:

(1) Architectural sculpture. A temple could hardly be consideredcomplete unless it was adorned with more or less of sculpture. Thechief place for such sculpture was in the pediments and especiallyin the principal or eastern pediment. Relief-sculpture might beapplied to Doric metopes or an Ionic frieze. And finally, singlestatues or groups might be placed, as acroteria, upon the apex andlower corners of a pediment. Other sacred buildings besidestemples might be similarly adorned. But we hear very little ofsculpture on secular buildings.

(2) Cult-images. As a rule, every temple or shrine contained atleast one statue of the divinity, or of each divinity, worshipedthere.

(3) Votive sculptures. It was the habit of the Greeks to presentto their divinities all sorts of objects in recognition of pastfavors or in hope of favors to come. Among these votive objects orANATHEMETA works of sculpture occupied a large and importantplace. The subjects of such sculptures were various. Statues ofthe god or goddess to whom the dedication was made were common;but perhaps still commoner were figures representing humanpersons, either the dedicators themselves or others in whom theywere nearly interested. Under this latter head fall most of themany statues of victors in the athletic games. These were set upin temple precincts, like that of Zeus at Olympia, that of Apolloat Delphi, or that of Athena on the Acropolis of Athens, and were,in theory at least, intended rather as thank-offerings than asmeans of glorifying the victors themselves.

(4) Sepulchral sculpture. Sculptured grave monuments were commonin Greece at least as early as the sixth century. The most usualmonument was a slab of marble—the form varying according to placeand time—sculptured with an idealized representation in reliefof the deceased person, often with members of his family.

(5) Honorary statues. Statues representing distinguished men,contemporary or otherwise, could be set up by state authority insecular places or in sanctuaries. The earliest known case of thiskind is that of Harmodius and Aristogiton, shortly after 510 B.C.(cf. pages 160-4). The practice gradually became common, reachingan extravagant development in the period after Alexander.

(6) Sculpture used merely as ornament, and having no sacred orpublic character. This class belongs mainly, if not wholly, to thelatest period of Greek art. It would be going beyond our evidenceto say that never, in the great age of Greek sculpture, was astatue or a relief produced merely as an ornament for a privatehouse or the interior of a secular building. But certain it isthat the demand for such things before the time of Alexander, ifit existed at all, was inconsiderable. It may be neglected in abroad survey of the conditions of artistic production in the greatage.

The foregoing list, while not quite exhaustive, is sufficiently sofor present purposes. It will be seen how inspiring and elevatingwas the role assigned to the sculptor in Greece. His work destinedto be seen by intelligent and sympathetic multitudes, appealed,not to the coarser elements of their nature, but to the mostserious and exalted. Hence Greek sculpture of the best period isalways pure and noble. The grosser aspects of Greek life, whichflaunt themselves shamelessly in Attic comedy, as in some of thedesigns upon Attic vases, do not invade the province of this art.

It may be proper here to say a word in explanation of that frankand innocent nudity which is so characteristic a trait of the bestGreek art. The Greek admiration for the masculine body and thewillingness to display it were closely bound up with theextraordinary importance in Greece of gymnastic exercises andcontests and with the habits which these engendered. As early asthe seventh century, if not earlier, the competitors in the foot-race at Olympia dispensed with the loin-cloth, which hadpreviously been the sole covering worn. In other Olympic conteststhe example thus set was not followed till some time later, but inthe gymnastic exercises of every-day life the same custom musthave early prevailed. Thus in contrast to primitive Greek feelingand to the feeling of "barbarians" generally, the exhibition bymen among men of the naked body came to be regarded as somethingaltogether honorable. There could not be better evidence of thisthan the fact that the archer-god, Apollo, the purest god in theGreek pantheon, does not deign in Greek art to veil the glory ofhis form.

Greek sculpture had a strongly idealizing bent. Gods and goddesseswere conceived in the likeness of human beings, but human beingsfreed from eery blemish, made august and beautiful by the artisticimagination. The subjects of architectural sculpture were mainlymythological, historical scenes being very rare in purely Greekwork; and these legendary themes offered little temptation to aliteral copying of every-day life. But what is most noteworthy isthat even in the representation of actual human persons, e.g., inathlete statues and upon grave monuments, Greek sculpture in thebest period seems not to have even aimed at exact portraiture. Thedevelopment of realistic portraiture belongs mainly to the age ofAlexander and his successors.

Mr. Ruskin goes so far as to say that a Greek "never expressespersonal character," and "never expresses momentary passion."[Footnote: "Aratra Pentelici," Lecture VI, Section 191, 193.] These arereckless verdicts, needing much qualification. For the art of thefourth century they will not do at all, much less for the laterperiod. But they may be of use if they lead us to note thepreference for the typical and permanent with which Greeksculpture begins, and the very gradual way in which it progressestoward the expression of the individual and transient. However,even in the best period the most that we have any right to speakof is a prevailing tendency. Greek art was at all times very muchalive, and the student must be prepared to find exceptions to anyformula that can be laid down.


The date above suggested for the beginning of the period withwhich we have first to deal must not be regarded as making anypretense to exactitude. We have no means of assigning a definitedate to any of the most primitive-looking pieces of Greeksculpture. All that can be said is that works which can beconfidently dated about the middle of the sixth century show sucha degree of advancement as implies more than half a century ofdevelopment since the first rude beginnings.

Tradition and the more copious evidence of actual remains teach usthat these early attempts at sculpture in stone or marble were notconfined to any one spot or narrow region. On the contrary, thecenters of artistic activity were numerous and widely diffused—the islands of Crete, Paros, and Naxos; the Ionic cities of AsiaMinor and the adjacent islands of Chios and Samos; in Greeceproper, Boeotia, Attica, Argolis, Arcadia, Laconia; in Sicily, theGreek colony Selinus; and doubtless many others. It is verydifficult to make out how far these different spots wereindependent of one another; how far, in other words, we have aright to speak of local "schools" of sculpture. Certainly therewas from the first a good deal of action and reaction between someof these places, and one chief problem of the subject is todiscover the really originative centers of artistic impulse, andto trace the spread of artistic types and styles and methods fromplace to place. Instead of attempting here to discuss or decidethis difficult question, it will be better simply to pass inreview a few typical works of the early archaic period fromvarious sites.

The first place may be given to a marble image (Fig. 77) found in1878 on the island of Delos, that ancient center of Apollineworship for the Ionians. On the left side of the figure isengraved in early Greek characters a metrical inscription,recording that the statue was dedicated to Artemis by one Nicandraof Naxos. Whether it was intended to represent the goddess Artemisor the woman Nicandra, we cannot tell; nor is the question of muchimportance to us. We have here an extremely rude attempt torepresent a draped female form. The figure stands stiffly erect,the feet close together, the arms hanging straight down, the facelooking directly forward. The garment envelops the body like aclose-fitting sheath, without a suggestion of folds. The trunk ofthe body is flat or nearly so at the back, while in front theprominence of the breasts is suggested by the simple device of twoplanes, an upper and a lower, meeting at an angle. The shapelessarms were not detached from the sides, except just at the waist.Below the girdle the body is bounded by parallel planes in frontand behind and is rounded off at the sides. A short projection atthe bottom, slightly rounded and partly divided, does duty for thefeet. The features of the face are too much battered to becommented upon. The most of the hair falls in a rough mass uponthe back, but on either side a bunch, divided by grooves into fourlocks, detaches itself and is brought forward upon the breast.This primitive image is not an isolated specimen of its type.Several similar figures or fragments of figures have been found onthe island of Delos, in Boeotia, and elsewhere. A small statuetteof this type, found at Olympia, but probably produced at Sparta,has its ugly face tolerably preserved.

Another series of figures, much more numerously represented, givesus the corresponding type of male figure. One of the earliestexamples of this series is shown in Fig. 78, a life-sized statueof Naxian marble, found on the island of Thera in 1836. The figureis completely nude. The attitude is like that of the female typejust described, except that the left foot is advanced. Otherstatues, agreeing with this one in attitude, but showing variousstages of development, have been found in many places, from Samoson the east to Actium on the west. Several features of this classof figures have been thought to betray Egyptian influence.[Footnote: See Wolters's edition of Friederichs's "Gipsabgusseantiker Bildwerke," pages 11 12.] The rigid position might beadopted independently by primitive sculpture anywhere. But thefact that the left leg is invariably advanced, the narrowness ofthe hips, and the too high position frequently given to the ears—did this group of coincidences with the stereotyped Egyptianstanding figures come about without imitation? There is nohistorical difficulty in the way of assuming Egyptian influence,for as early as the seventh century Greeks certainly visited Egyptand it was perhaps in this century that the Greek colony ofNaucratis was founded in the delta of the Nile. Here was a chancefor Greeks to see Egyptian statues; and besides, Egyptianstatuettes may have reached Greek shores in the way of commerce.But be the truth about this question what it may, the early Greeksculptors were as far as possible from slavishly imitating a fixedprototype. They used their own eyes and strove, each in his ownway, to render what they saw. This is evident, when the differentexamples of the class of figures now under discussion are passedin review.

Our figure from Thera is hardly more than a first attempt. Thereis very little of anatomical detail, and what there is is notcorrect; especially the form and the muscles of the abdomen arenot understood. The head presents a number of characteristicswhich were destined long to persist in Greek sculpture. Such arethe protuberant eyeballs, the prominent cheek-bones, the square,protruding chin. Such, too, is the formation of the mouth, withits slightly upturned corners—a feature almost, though not quite,universal in Greek faces for more than a century. This is thesculptor's childlike way of imparting a look of cheerfulness tothe countenance, and with it often goes an upward slant of theeyes from the inner to the outer corners. In representing thisyouth as wearing long hair, the sculptor followed the actualfashion of the times, a fashion not abandoned till the fifthcentury and in Sparta not till later. The appearance of the hairover the forehead and temples should be noticed. It is arrangedsymmetrically in flat spiral curls, five curls on each side.Symmetry in the disposition of the front hair is constant in earlyGreek sculpture, and some scheme or other of spiral curls isextremely common.

It was at one time thought that these nude standing figures allrepresented Apollo. It is now certain that Apollo was sometimesintended, but equally certain that the same type was used for men.Greek sculpture had not yet learned to differentiate divine fromhuman beings The so-called "Apollo" of Tenea (Fig. 79), probablyin reality a grave-statue representing the deceased, was found onthe site of the ancient Tenea, a village in the territory ofCorinth. It is unusually well preserved, there being nothingmissing except the middle portion of the right arm, which has beenrestored. This figure shows great improvement over his fellow fromThera. The rigid attitude, to be sure, is preserved unchanged,save for a slight bending of the arms at the elbows; and we meetagain the prominent eyes, cheek-bones, and chin, and the smilingmouth. But the arms are much more detached from the sides and themodeling of the figure generally is much more detailed. There arestill faults in plenty, but some parts are rendered very well,particularly the lower legs and feet, and the figure seems alive.The position of the feet, flat upon the ground and parallel to oneanother, shows us how to complete in imagination the "Apollo" ofThera and other mutilated members of the series. Greek sculptureeven in its earliest period could not limit itself to singlestanding figures. The desire to adorn the pediments of temples andtemple-like buildings gave use to more complex compositions. Theearliest pediment sculptures known were found on the Acropolis ofAthens in the excavations of 1885-90 (see page 147) The mostprimitive of these is a low relief of soft poros (see page 78),representing Heracles slaying the many-headed hydra. Somewhatlater, but still very rude, is the group shown in Fig. 80, whichonce occupied the right-hand half of a pediment. The material hereis a harder sort of poros, and the figures are practically in theround, though on account of the connection with the background thework has to be classed as high relief. We see a triple monster, orrather three monsters, with human heads and trunks and arms thehuman bodies passing into long snaky bodies coiled together. Asingle pair of wings was divided between the two outermost of thethree beings, while snakes' heads, growing out of the humanbodies, rendered the aspect of the group still more portentous.The center of the pediment was probably occupied by a figure ofZeus, hurling his thunderbolt at this strange enemy. We havetherefore here a scene from one of the favorite subjects of Greekart at all periods—the gigantomachy, or battle of gods andgiants. Fig. 81 gives a better idea of the nearest of the threeheads. [Footnote: It is doubtful whether this head belongs whereit is placed in Fig 80, or in another pediment-group, of whichfragments have been found.] It was completely covered with a crustof paint, still pretty well preserved. The flesh was red; thehair, moustache, and beard, blue; the irises of the eyes, green;the eyebrows, edges of the eyelids, and pupils, black. Aconsiderable quantity of early poros sculptures was found on theAthenian Acropolis. These were all liberally painted. The poorquality of the material was thus largely or wholly concealed.

Fig. 82 shows another Athenian work, found on the Acropolis in1864-65. It is of marble and is obviously of later date than theporos sculptures. In 1887 the pedestal of this statue was found,with a part of the right foot. An inscription on the pedestalshows that the statue was dedicated to some divinity, doubtlessAthena, whose precinct the Acropolis was. The figure then probablyrepresents the dedicator, bringing a calf for sacrifice. Theposition of the body and legs is here the same as in the "Apollo"figures, but the subject has compelled the sculptor to vary theposition of the arms. Another difference from the "Apollo" figureslies in the fact that this statue is not wholly naked. Thegarment, however, is hard to make out, for it clings closely tothe person of the wearer and betrays its existence only along theedges. The sculptor had not yet learned to represent the folds ofdrapery

The British Museum possesses a series of ten seated figures ofParian marble, which were once ranged along the approach to animportant temple of Apollo near Miletus. Fig. 83 shows three ofthese. They are placed in their assumed chronological order, theearliest furthest off. Only the first two belong in the period nowunder review. The figures are heavy and lumpish, and areenveloped, men and women alike, in draperies, which leave only theheads, the fore-arms, and the toes exposed. It is interesting tosee the successive sculptors attacking the problem of renderingthe folds of loose garments. Not until we reach the latest of thethree statues do we find any depth given to the folds, and thatfigure belongs distinctly in the latter half of the archaicperiod.

Transporting ourselves now from the eastern to the westernconfines of Greek civilization, we may take a look at a sculpturedmetope from Selinus in Sicily (Fig. 84). That city was founded,according to our best ancient authority, about the year 629 B.C.,and the temple from which our metope is taken is certainly one ofthe oldest, if not the oldest, of the many temples of the place.The material of the metope, as of the whole temple, is a localporos, and the work is executed in high relief. The subject isPerseus cutting off the head of Medusa. The Gorgon is trying torun away—the position given to her legs is used in early Greeksculpture and vase-painting to signify rapid motion—but isovertaken by her pursuer. From the blood of Medusa sprang,according to the legend, the winged horse, Pegasus; and theartist, wishing to tell as much of the story as possible, hasintroduced Pegasus into his composition, but has been forced toreduce him to miniature size. The goddess Athena, the protectressof Perseus, occupies what remains of the field. There is no needof dwelling in words on the ugliness of this relief, an uglinessonly in part accounted for by the subject. The student should notethat the body of each of the three figures is seen from the front,while the legs are in profile. The same distortion occurs in asecond metope of this same temple, representing Heracles carryingoff two prankish dwarfs who had tried to annoy him, and is in factcommon in early Greek work. We have met something similar inEgyptian reliefs and paintings (cf. page 33), but this method ofrepresenting the human form is so natural to primitive art that weneed not here assume Egyptian influence. The garments of Perseusand Athena show so much progress in the representation of foldsthat one scruples to put this temple back into the seventhcentury, as some would have us do. Like the poros sculptures ofAttica, these Selinus metopes seem to have been covered withcolor.

Fig. 85 takes us back again to the island of Delos, where thestatue came to light in 1877. It is of Parian marble, and isconsiderably less than life-sized. A female figure is hererepresented, the body unnaturally twisted at the hips, as in theSelinus metopes, the legs bent in the attitude of rapid motion. Atthe back there were wings, of which only the stumps now remain. Acomparison of this statue with similar figures from the AthenianAcropolis has shown that the feet did not touch the pedestal, thedrapery serving as a support. The intention of the artist, then,was to represent a flying figure, probably a Victory. The goddessis dressed in a chiton (shift), which shows no trace of foldsabove the girdle, while below the girdle, between the legs, thereis a series of flat, shallow ridges. The face shows the usualarchaic features—the prominent eyeballs, cheeks, and chin, andthe smiling mouth. The hair is represented as fastened by a sortof hoop, into which metallic ornaments, now lost, were inserted.As usual, the main mass of the hair falls straight behind, andseveral locks, the same number on each side, are brought forwardupon the breast. As usual, too, the front hair is disposedsymmetrically; in this case, a smaller and a larger flat curl oneach side of the middle of the forehead are succeeded by acontinuous tress of hair arranged in five scallops.

If, as has been generally thought, this statue belongs on aninscribed pedestal which was found near it, then we have before usthe work of one Archermus of Chios, known to us from literarytradition as the first sculptor to represent Victory with wings.At all events, this, if a Victory, is the earliest that we know.She awakens our interest, less for what she is in herself thanbecause she is the forerunner of the magnificent Victories ofdeveloped Greek art.

Thus far we have not met a single work to which it is possible toassign a precise date. We have now the satisfaction of finding achronological landmark in our path. This is afforded by somefragments of sculpture belonging to the old Temple of Artemis atEphesus. The date of this temple is approximately fixed by thestatement of Herodotus (I, 92) that most of its columns werepicsented by Croesus, king of Lydia, whose reign lasted from 560to 546 B. C. In the course of the excavations carried on for theBritish Museum upon the site of Ephesus there were brought tolight, in 1872 and 1874, a few fragments of this sixth centuryedifice. Even some letters of Croesus's dedicatory inscriptionhave been found on the bases of the Ionic columns, affording awelcome confirmation to the testimony of Herodotus. It appearsthat the columns, or some of them, were treated in a veryexceptional fashion, the lowest drums being adorned with relief-sculpture. The British Museum authorities have partially restoredone such drum (Fig. 86), though without guaranteeing that thepieces of sculpture here combined actually belong to the samecolumn. The male figure is not very pre-possessing, but that ispartly due to the battered condition of the face. Much moreattractive is the female head, of which unfortunately only theback is seen in our illustration. It bears a strong familylikeness to the head of the Victory of Delos, but shows markedimprovement over that. Some bits of a sculptured cornicebelonging to the same temple are also refined in style. In thisgroup of reliefs, fragmentary though they are, we have anindication of the development attained by Ionic sculptors aboutthe middle of the sixth century. For, of course, though Croesuspaid for the columns, the work was executed by Greek artists uponthe spot, and presumably by the best artists that could besecured. We may therefore use these sculptures as a standard bywhich to date other works, whose date is not fixed for us byexternal evidence.


Greek sculpture now enters upon a stage of development whichpossesses for the modern student a singular and potent charm True,many traces still remain of the sculptor's imperfect mastery. Hecannot pose his figures in perfectly easy attitudes not even inreliefs, where the problem is easier than in sculpture in theround. His knowledge of human anatomy—that is to say, of theoutward appearance of the human body, which is all the artisticanatomy that any one attempted to know during the rise and thegreat age of Greek sculpture—is still defective, and his means ofexpression are still imperfect. For example, in the nude malefigure the hips continue to be too narrow for the shoulders, andthe abdomen too flat. The facial peculiarities mentioned in thepreceding chapter—prominent eyeballs, cheeks, and chin, andsmiling mouth—are only very gradually modified. As from thefirst, the upper eyelid does not overlap the lower eyelid at theouter corner, as truth, or rather appearance, requires, and inrelief sculpture the eye of a face in profile is rendered as infront view. The texture and arrangement of hair are expressed invarious ways but always with a marked love of symmetry andformalism. In the difficult art of representing drapery there ismuch experimentation and great progress. It seems to have beenamong the eastern Ionians perhaps at Chios, that the deep cuttingof folds was first practiced, and from Ionia this method oftreatment spread to Athens and elsewhere. When drapery is used,there is a manifest desire on the sculptor's part to reveal whathe can, more, in fact, than in reality could appear, of the formunderneath. The garments fall in formal folds, sometimes of greatelaboration. They look as if they were intended to representgarments of irregular cut, carefully starched and ironed. But onemust be cautious about drawing inferences from an imperfectartistic manner as to the actual fashions of the day.

But whatever shortcomings in technical perfection may be laid totheir charge, the works of this period are full of the indefinablefascination of promise. They are marked, moreover, by a simplicityand sincerity of purpose, an absence of all ostentation, aconscientious and loving devotion on the part of those who madethem. And in many of them we are touched by great refinement andtenderness of feeling, and a peculiarly Greek grace of line.

To illustrate these remarks we may turn first to Lycia, insouthwestern Asia Minor. The so called "Harpy" tomb was a huge,four sided pillar of stone, in the upper part of which a squareburial-chamber was hollowed out. Marble bas-reliefs adorned theexterior of this chamber The best of the four slabs is seen in Fig87 [Footnote: Our illustration is not quite complete on the right]At the right is a seated female figure, divinity or deceasedwoman, who holds in her right hand a pomegranate flower and in herleft a pomegranate fruit To her approach three women, the firstraising the lower part of her chiton with her right hand anddrawing forward her outer garment with her left, the secondbringing a fruit and a flower the third holding an egg in herright hand and raising her chiton with her left. Then comes theopening into the burial-chamber, surmounted by a diminutive cowsuckling her calf. At the left is another seated female figure,holding a bowl for libation. The exact significance of this sceneis unknown, and we may limit our attention to its artisticqualities. We have here our first opportunity of observing theprinciple of isocephaly in Greek relief-sculpture; i.e., theconvention whereby the heads of figures in an extended compositionare ranged on nearly the same level, no matter whether the figuresare seated, standing, mounted on horseback, or placed in any otherposition. The main purpose of this convention doubtless was toavoid the unpleasing blank spaces which would result if thefigures were all of the same proportions. In the present instancethere may be the further desire to suggest by the greater size ofthe seated figures their greater dignity as goddesses or divinizedhuman beings. Note, again, how, in the case of each standingwoman, the garments adhere to the body behind. The sculptor heresacrifices truth for the sake of showing the outline of thefigure. Finally, remark the daintiness with which the hands areused, particularly in the case of the seated figure on the right.The date of this work may be put not much later than the middle ofthe sixth century, and the style is that of the Ionian school.

Under the tyrant Pisistratus and his sons Athens attained to animportance in the world of art which it had not enjoyed before. Afine Attic work, which we may probably attribute to the time ofPisistratus, is the grave-monument of Aristion (Fig. 88). Thematerial is Pentelic marble. The form of the monument, a tall,narrow, slightly tapering slab or stele, is the usual one inAttica in this period. The man represented in low relief is, ofcourse, Aristion himself. He had probably fallen in battle, and sois put before us armed. Over a short chiton he wears a leathercuirass with a double row of flaps below, on his head is a smallhelmet, which leaves his face entirely exposed, on his legs aregreaves; and in his left hand he holds a spear There is someconstraint in the position of the left arm and hand, due to thelimitations of space In general, the anatomy, so far as exhibitedis creditable, though fault might be found with the shape of thethighs The hair, much shorter than is usual in the archaic period,is arranged in careful curls The beard, trimmed to a point infront, is rendered by parallel grooves The chiton, where it showsfrom under the cuirass, is arranged in symmetrical plaits Thereare considerable traces of color on the relief, as well as on thebackground Some of these may be seen in our illustration on thecuirass.

Our knowledge of early Attic sculpture has been immenselyincreased by the thorough exploration of the summit of theAthenian Acropolis in 1885-90 In regard to these importantexcavations it must be remembered that in 480 and again in 479 theAcropolis was occupied by Persians belonging to Xerxes' invadingarmy, who reduced the buildings and sculptures on that site to aheap of fire-blackened ruins This debris was used by the Atheniansin the generation immediately following toward raising the generallevel of the summit of the Acropolis. All this material, afterhaving been buried for some twenty three and a half centuries, hasnow been recovered. In the light of the newly found remains, whichinclude numerous inscribed pedestals, it is seen that under therule of Pisistratus and his sons Athens attracted to itselftalented sculptors from other Greek communities, notably fromChios and Ionia generally. It is to Ionian sculptors and toAthenian sculptors brought under Ionian influences that we mustattribute almost all those standing female figures which form thechief part of the new treasures of the Acropolis Museum.

The figures of this type stand with the left foot, as a rule, alittle advanced, the body and head facing directly forward withprimitive stiffness. But the arms no longer hang straight at thesides, one of them, regularly the right, being extended from theelbow, while the other holds up the voluminous drapery. Many ofthe statues retain copious traces of color on hair, eyebrows,eyes, draperies, and ornaments; in no case does the flesh give anyevidence of having been painted (cf. page 119). Fig. 89 is takenfrom an illustration which gives the color as it was when thestatue was first found, before it had suffered from exposure. Fig.90 is not in itself one of the most pleasing of the series, but ithas a special interest, not merely on account of its exceptionallylarge size—it is over six and a half feet high—but because weprobably know the name and something more of its sculptor. If, asseems altogether likely, the statue belongs upon the inscribedpedestal upon which it is placed in the illustration, then we havebefore us an original work of that Antenor who was commissioned bythe Athenian people, soon after the expulsion of the tyrantHippias and his family in 510, to make a group in bronze ofHarmodius and Aristogiton (cf. pages 160-4) This statue might, ofcourse, be one of his earlier productions.

At first sight these figures strike many untrained observers assimply grotesque. Some of them are indeed odd; Fig. 91 reproducesone which is especially so. But they soon become absorbinglyinteresting and then delightful. The strange-looking, puzzlinggarments, [Footnote: Fig 91 wears only one garment the Ionicchiton, a long; linen shift, girded at the waist and pulled up soas to fall over conceal the girdle. Figs 89, 90, 92 93 wear overthis a second garment which goes over the right shoulder and underthe left This over-garment reaches to the feet, so as to concealthe lower portion of the chiton At the top it is folded over, orperhaps rather another piece of cloth is sewed on. This over-fold,if it may be so called, appears as if cut with two or more longpoints below] which cling to the figure behind and fall in formalfolds in front, the elaborately, often impossibly, arranged hair,the gracious countenances, a certain quaintness and refinement andunconsciousness of self—these things exercise over us an endlessfascination.

Who are these mysterious beings? We do not know. There are thosewho would see in them, or in some of them, representations ofAthena, who was not only a martial goddess, but also patroness ofspinning and weaving and all cunning handiwork. To others,including the writer, they seem, in their manifold variety, to bedaughters of Athens. But, if so, what especial claim these womenhad to be set up in effigy upon Athena's holy hill is an unsolvedriddle.

Before parting from their company we must not fail to look at twofragmentary figures (Figs. 94, 95), the most advanced in style ofthe whole series and doubtless executed shortly before 480. In theformer, presumably the earlier of the two, the marvelousarrangement of the hair over the forehead survives and theeyeballs still protrude unpleasantly. But the mouth has lost theconventional smile and the modeling of the face is of greatbeauty. In the other, alone of the series, the hair presents afairly natural appearance, the eyeballs lie at their proper depth,and the beautiful curve of the neck is not masked by the locksthat fall upon the breasts. In this head, too, the mouth actuallydroops at the corners, giving a perhaps unintended look ofseriousness to the face. The ear, though set rather high, isexquisitely shaped.

Still more lovely than this lady is the youth's head shown in Fig.96. Fate has robbed us of the body to which it belonged, but thehead itself is in an excellent state of preservation. The face isone of singular purity and sweetness. The hair, once of a goldentint, is long behind and is gathered into two braids, which startfrom just behind the ears, cross one another, and are fastenedtogether in front; the short front hair is combed forward andconceals the ends of the braids; and there is a mysterious puff infront of each ear. In the whole work, so far at least as appearsin a profile view, there is nothing to mar our pleasure. Thesculptor's hand has responded cunningly to his beautiful thought.

It is a pity not to be able to illustrate another group of Atticsculptures of the late archaic period, the most recent addition toour store. The metopes of the Treasury of the Athenians at Delphi,discovered during the excavations now in progress, are ofextraordinary interest and importance; but only two or three ofthem have yet been published, and these in a form not suited forreproduction. The same is the case with another of the recentfinds at Delphi, the sculptured frieze of the Treasury of theCnidians, already famous among professional students and destinedto be known and admired by a wider public. Here, however, it ispossible to submit a single fragment, which was found years ago(Fig. 97). It represents a four-horse chariot approaching analtar. The newly found pieces of this frieze have abundant remainsof color. The work probably belongs in the last quarter of thesixth century.

The pediment-figures from Aegina, the chief treasure of the Munichcollection of ancient sculpture, were found in 1811 by a party ofscientific explorers and were restored in Italy under thesuperintendence of the Danish sculptor, Thorwaldsen. Until latelythese AEginetan figures were our only important group of latearchaic Greek sculptures; and, though that is no longer the case,they still retain, and will always retain, an especial interestand significance. They once filled the pediments of a Doric templeof Aphaia, of which considerable remains are still standing. Thereis no trustworthy external clue to the date of the building, andwe are therefore obliged to depend for that on the style of thearchitecture and sculpture, especially the latter. In the dearthof accurately dated monuments which might serve as standards ofcomparison, great difference of opinion on this point hasprevailed. But we are now somewhat better off, thanks to recentdiscoveries at Athens and Delphi, and we shall probably not go farwrong in assigning the temple with its sculptures to about 480B.C. Fig. 52 illustrates, though somewhat incorrectly, thecomposition of the western pediment. The subject was a combat, inthe presence of Athena, between Greeks and Asiatics, probably onthe plain of Troy. A close parallelism existed between the twohalves of the pediment, each figure, except the goddess and thefallen warrior at her feet, corresponding to a similar figure onthe opposite side. Athena, protectress of the Greeks, stands inthe center (Fig. 98). She wears two garments, of which the outerone (the only one seen in the illustration) is a marvel offormalism. Her aegis covers her breasts and hangs far down behind;the points of its scalloped edge once bristled with serpents'heads, and there was a Gorgon's head in the middle of the front.She has upon her head a helmet with lofty crest, and carriesshield and lance. The men, with the exception of the two archers,are naked, and their helmets, which are of a form intended tocover the face, are pushed back. Of course, men did not actuallygo into battle in this fashion; but the sculptor did not care forrealism, and he did care for the exhibition of the body. Hebelonged to a school which had made an especially careful study ofanatomy, and his work shows a great improvement in this respectover anything we have yet had the opportunity to consider. Still,the men are decidedly lean in appearance and their angularattitudes are a little suggestive of prepared skeletons. They haveoblique and prominent eyes, and, whether fighting or dying, theywear upon their faces the same conventional smile.

The group in the eastern pediment corresponds closely in subjectand composition to that in the western, but is of a distinctlymore advanced style. Only five figures of this group weresufficiently preserved to be restored. Of these perhaps the mostadmirable is the dying warrior from the southern corner of thepediment (Fig. 99), in which the only considerable modern part isthe right leg, from the middle of the thigh. The superiority ofthis and its companion figures to those of the western pedimentlies, as the Munich catalogue points out, in the justerproportions of body, arms, and legs, the greater fulness of themuscles, the more careful attention to the veins and to thequalities of the skin, the more natural position of eyes andmouth. This dying man does not smile meaninglessly. His lips areparted, and there is a suggestion of death-agony on hiscountenance. In both pediments the figures are carefully finishedall round; there is no neglect, or none worth mentioning, of thoseparts which were destined to be invisible so long as the figureswere in position.

The Strangford "Apollo" (Fig. 100) is of uncertain provenience,but is nearly related in style to the marbles of Aegina. Thisstatue, by the position of body, legs, and head, belongs to theseries of "Apollo" figures discussed above (pages 129-32); but thearms were no longer attached to the sides, and were probably bentat the elbows. The most obvious traces of a lingering archaism,besides the rigidity of the attitude, are the narrowness of thehips and the formal arrangement of the hair, with its double rowof snail-shell curls. The statue has been spoken of by a highauthority [Footnote: Newton, "Essays on Art and Archaeology" page81.] as showing only "a meager and painful rendering of nature."That is one way of looking at it. But there is another way, whichhas been finely expressed by Pater, in an essay on "The Marbles ofAegina": "As art which has passed its prime has sometimes thecharm of an absolute refinement in taste and workmanship, soimmature art also, as we now see, has its own attractiveness inthe naivete, the freshness of spirit, which finds power andinterest in simple motives of feeling, and in the freshness ofhand, which has a sense of enjoyment in mechanical processes stillperformed unmechanically, in the spending of care and intelligenceon every touch. … The workman is at work in dry earnestness,with a sort of hard strength of detail, a scrupulousness vergingon stiffness, like that of an early Flemish painter; hecommunicates to us his still youthful sense of pleasure in theexperience of the first rudimentary difficulties of his artovercome." [Footnote: Pater, "Greek Studies" page 285]


The term "Transitional period" is rather meaningless in itself,but has acquired considerable currency as denoting that stage inthe history of Greek art in which the last steps were taken towardperfect freedom of style. It is convenient to reckon this periodas extending from the year of the Persian invasion of Greece underXerxes to the middle of the century. In the artistic as in thepolitical history of this generation Athens held a position ofcommanding importance, while Sparta, the political rival ofAthens, was as barren of art as of literature. The other principalartistic center was Argos, whose school of sculpture had been andwas destined long to be widely influential. As for other localschools, the question of their centers and mutual relations is tooperplexing and uncertain to be here discussed.

In the two preceding chapters we studied only original works, butfrom this time on we shall have to pay a good deal of attention tocopies (cf. pages 114-16). We begin with two statues in Naples(Fig. 101). The story of this group—for the two statues weredesigned as a group—is interesting. The two friends, Harmodiusand Aristogiton, who in 514 had formed a conspiracy to rid Athensof her tyrants, but who had succeeded only in killing one of them,came to be regarded after the expulsion of the remaining tyrantand his family in 510 as the liberators of the city. Their statuesin bronze, the work of Antenor, were set up on a terrace above themarket-place (cf. pages 124, 149). In 480 this group was carriedoff to Persia by Xerxes and there it remained for a hundred andfifty years or more when it was restored to Athens by Alexanderthe Great or one of his successors. Athens however had as promptlyas possible repaired her loss. Critius and Nesiotes, two sculptorswho worked habitually in partnership, were commissioned to make asecond group, and this was set up in 477-6 on the same terracewhere the first had been After the restoration of Antenor'sstatues toward the end of the fourth century the two groups stoodside by side.

It was argued by a German archaeologist more than a generation agothat the two marble statues shown in Fig. 101 are copied from oneof these bronze groups, and this identification has been all butuniversally accepted. The proof may be stated briefly, as follows.First several Athenian objects of various dates, from the fifthcentury B.C. onward, bear a design to which the Naples statuesclearly correspond One of these is a relief on a marble throneformerly in Athens. Our illustration of this (Fig. 102) is takenfrom a "squeeze," or wet paper impression. This must then, havebeen an important group in Athens. Secondly, the style of theNaples statues points to a bronze original of the early fifthcentury. Thirdly, the attitudes of the figures are suitable forHarmodius and Aristogiton, and we do not know of any other groupof that period for which they are suitable. This proof, though notquite as complete as we should like, is as good as we generallyget in these matters. The only question that remains in seriousdoubt is whether our copies go back to the work of Antenor or tothat of Critius and Nesiotes. Opinions have been much divided onthis point but the prevailing tendency now is to connect them withthe later artists. That is the view here adopted

In studying the two statues it is important to recognize the workof the modern "restorer." The figure of Aristogiton (the one onyour left as you face the group) having been found in a headlesscondition, the restorer provided it with a head, which is antique,to be sure, but which is outrageously out of keeping, being of thestyle of a century later. The chief modern portions are the lefthand of Aristogiton and the arms, right leg, and lower part of theleft leg of Harmodius. As may be learned from the small copies,Aristogiton should be bearded, and the right arm of Harmodiusshould be in the act of being raised to bring down a stroke of thesword upon his antagonist. We have, then, to correct inimagination the restorer's misdoings, and also to omit the tree-trunk supports, which the bronze originals did not need. Further,the two figures should probably be advancing in the samedirection, instead of in converging lines.

When these changes are made, the group cannot fail to command ouradmiration. It would be a mistake to fix our attention exclusivelyon the head of Harmodius. Seen in front view, the face, with itslow forehead and heavy chin, looks dull, if not ignoble. But thebodies! In complete disregard of historic truth, the two men arerepresented in a state of ideal nudity, like the Aeginetanfigures. The anatomy is carefully studied, the attitudes lifelikeand vigorous. Finally, the composition is fairly successful. Thisis the earliest example preserved to us of a group of sculptureother than a pediment-group. The interlocking of the figures isnot yet so close as it was destined to be in many a more advancedpiece of Greek statuary. But already the figures are not merelyjuxtaposed; they share in a common action, and each is needed tocomplete the other.

Of about the same date, it would seem, or not much later, musthave been a lost bronze statue, whose fame is attested by theexistence of several marble copies. The best of these was found in1862, in the course of excavating the great theater on thesouthern slope of the Athenian Acropolis (Fig. 103). The naming ofthis figure is doubtful. It has been commonly taken for Apollo,while another view sees in it a pugilist. Recently the suggestionhas been thrown out that it is Heracles. Be that as it may, thefigure is a fine example of youthful strength and beauty. In poseit shows a decided advance upon the Strangford "Apollo" (Fig.100). The left leg is still slightly advanced, and both feet wereplanted flat on the ground; but more than half the weight of thebody is thrown upon the right leg, with the result of giving aslight curve to the trunk, and the head is turned to one side. Theupper part of the body is very powerful, the shoulders broad andheld well back, the chest prominently developed. The face, inspite of its injuries, is one of singular refinement andsweetness. The long hair is arranged in two braids, as in Fig. 96,the only difference being that here the braids pass over insteadof under the fringe of front hair. The rendering of the hair is ina freer style than in the case just cited, but of this differencea part may be chargeable to the copyist. Altogether we see herethe stamp of an artistic manner very different from that ofCritius and Nesiotes. Possibly, as some have conjectured, it isthe manner of Calamis, an Attic sculptor of this period, whoseeminence at any rate entitles him to a passing mention. But eventhe Attic origin of this statue is in dispute.

We now reach a name of commanding importance, and one with whichwe are fortunately able to associate some definite ideas. It isthe name of Myron of Athens, who ranks among the six mostillustrious sculptors of Greece. It is worth remarking, as anillustration of the scantiness of our knowledge regarding thelives of Greek artists, that Myron's name is not so much asmentioned in extant literature before the third century B.C.Except for a precise, but certainly false, notice in Pliny, whor*presents him as flourishing in 420-416, our literary sourcesyield only vague indications as to his date. These indications,such as they are, point to the "Transitional period." Thisinference is strengthened by the recent discovery on the AthenianAcropolis of a pair of pedestals inscribed with the name ofMyron's son and probably datable about 446. Finally, the argumentis clinched by the style of Myron's most certainly identifiablework.

Pliny makes Myron the pupil of an influential Argive master,Ageladas, who belongs in the late archaic period. Whether or notsuch a relation actually existed, the statement is useful as areminder of the probability that Argos and Athens wereartistically in touch with one another. Beyond this, we get nodirect testimony as to the circ*mstances of Myron's life. We canonly infer that his genius was widely recognized in his lifetime,seeing that commissions came to him, not from Athens only, butalso from other cities of Greece proper, as well as from distantSamos and Ephesus. His chief material was bronze, and colossalfigures of gold and ivory are also ascribed to him. So far as weknow, he did not work in marble at all. His range of subjectsincluded divinities, heroes, men, and animals. Of no work of hisdo we hear so often or in terms of such high praise as of acertain figure of a cow, which stood on or near the AthenianAcropolis. A large number of athlete statues from his hand were tobe seen at Olympia, Delphi, and perhaps elsewhere, and this sideof his activity was certainly an important one. Perhaps it is amere accident that we hear less of his statues of divinities andheroes.

The starting point in any study of Myron must be his Discobolus(Discus-thrower). Fig. 104 reproduces the best copy. This statuewas found in Rome in 1781, and is in an unusually good state ofpreservation. The head has never been broken from the body; theright arm has been broken off, but is substantially antique; andthe only considerable restoration is the right leg from the kneeto the ankle. The two other most important copies were foundtogether in 1791 on the site of Hadrian's villa at Tibur (Tivoli).One of these is now in the British Museum, the other in theVatican; neither has its original head. A fourth copy of the body,a good deal disguised by "restoration," exists in the Museum ofthe Capitol in Rome. There are also other copies of the headbesides the one on the Lancellotti statue.

The proof that these statues and parts of statues were copied fromMyron's Discobolus depends principally upon a passage in Lucian(about 160 A. D.). [Footnote: Philopseudes, Section 18.] He gives acirc*mstantial description of the attitude of that work, or ratherof a copy of it, and his description agrees point for point withthe statues in question. This agreement is the more decisivebecause the attitude is a very remarkable one, no other knownfigure showing anything in the least resembling it. Moreover, thestyle of the Lancellotti statue points to a bronze original of the"Transitional period," to which on historical grounds Myron isassigned.

Myron's statue represented a young Greek who had been victoriousin the pentathlon, or group of five contests (running, leaping,wrestling, throwing the spear, and hurling the discus), but wehave no clue as to where in the Greek world it was set up. Theattitude of the figure seems a strange one at first sight, butother ancient representations, as well as modern experiments,leave little room for doubt that the sculptor has truthfullycaught one of the rapidly changing positions which the exerciseinvolved. Having passed the discus from his left hand to hisright, the athlete has swung the missile as far back as possible.In the next instant he will hurl it forward, at the same time, ofcourse, advancing his left foot and recovering his erect position.Thus Myron has preferred to the comparatively easy task ofrepresenting the athlete at rest, bearing some symbol of victory,the far more difficult problem of exhibiting him in action. Itwould seem that he delighted in the expression of movement. So hisLadas, known to us only from two epigrams in the Anthology,represented a runner panting toward the goal; and others of hisathlete statues may have been similarly conceived. His temple-images, on the other hand, must have been as composed in attitudeas the Discobolus is energetic.

The face of the Discobolus is rather typical than individual. Ifthis is not immediately obvious to the reader, the comparison of aclosely allied head may make it clear. Of the numerous works whichhave been brought into relation with Myron by reason of theirlikeness to the Discobolus, none is so unmistakable as a fine bustin Florence (Fig. 105). The general form of the head, therendering of the hair, the anatomy of the forehead, the form ofthe nose and the angle it makes with the forehead—these and otherfeatures noted by Professor Furtwangler are alike in theDiscobolus and the Riccardi head. These detailed resemblancescannot be verified without the help of casts or at least of goodphotographs taken from different points of view; but the generalimpression of likeness will be felt convincing, even withoutanalysis. Now these two works represent different persons, theRiccardi head being probably copied from the statue of some idealhero. And the point to be especially illustrated is that in theDiscobolus we have not a realistic portrait, but a generalizedtype. This is not the same as to say that the face bore norecognizable resemblance to the young man whom the statuecommemorated. Portraiture admits of many degrees, from literalfidelity to an idealization in which the identity of the subjectis all but lost. All that is meant is that the Discobolus belongssomewhere near the latter end of the scale. In this absence ofindividualization we have a trait, not of Myron alone, but ofGreek sculpture generally in its rise and in the earlier stages ofits perfection (cf. page 126).

Another work of Myron has been plausibly recognized in a statue ofa satyr in the Lateran Museum (Fig. 106). The evidence for this istoo complex to be stated here. If the identification is correct,the Lateran statue is copied from the figure of Marsyas in abronze group of Athena and Marsyas which stood on the AthenianAcropolis The goddess was represented s having just flung down indisdain a pair of flutes; the satyr, advancing on tiptoe,hesitates between cupidity and the fear of Athena's displeasure.Marsyas has a lean and sinewy figure, coarse stiff hair and beard,a wrinkled forehead, a broad flat nose which makes a marked anglewith the forehead, pointed ears (modern, but guaranteed by anothercopy of the head), and a short tail sprouting from the small ofthe back The arms, which were missing, have been incorrectlyrestored with castanets. The right should be held up, the leftdown, in a gesture of astonishment. In this work we see againMyron's skill in suggesting movement. We get a lively impressionof an advance suddenly checked and changed to a recoil.

Thus far in this chapter we have been dealing with copies Ourstock of original works of this period, however, is not small; itconsists, as usual, largely of architectural sculpture. Fig. 107shows four metopes from a temple at Selinus. They represent(beginning at the left) Heracles in combat with an Amazon, Heraunveiling herself before Zeus, Actaeon torn by his dogs in thepresence of Artemis, and Athena overcoming the giant Enceladus.These reliefs would repay the most careful study, but thesculptures of another temple have still stronger claims toattention.

Olympia was one of the two most important religious centers of theGreek world, the other being Delphi. Olympia was sacred to Zeus,and the great Doric temple of Zeus was thus the chief among thegroup of religious buildings there assembled. The erection of thistemple probably falls in the years just preceding and following460 B.C. A slight exploration carried on by the French in 1829 andthe thorough excavation of the site by the Germans in 1875-81brought to light extensive remains of its sculptured decoration.This consisted of two pediment groups and twelve sculpturedmetopes, besides the acroteria. In the eastern pediment thesubject is the preparation for the chariot-race of Pelops andOenomaus. The legend ran that Oenomaus, king of Pisa in Elis,refused the hand of his daughter save to one who should beat himin a chariot-race. Suitor after suitor tried and failed, till atlast Pelops, a young prince from over sea, succeeded In thepediment group Zeus, as arbiter of the impending contest, occupiesthe center. On one side of him stand Pelops and his destinedbride, on the other Oenomaus and his wife, Sterope (Fig. 108). Thechariots, with attendants and other more or less interestedpersons follow (Fig. 109). The moment chosen by the sculptor isone of expectancy rather than action, and the various figures arein consequence simply juxtaposed, not interlocked. Far differentis the scene presented by the western pediment. The subject hereis the combat between Lapiths and Centaurs, one of the favoritethemes of Greek sculpture, as of Greek painting. The Centaurs,brutal creatures, partly human, partly equine, were fabled to havelived in Thessaly. There too was the home of the Lapiths, who wereGreeks. At the wedding of Pirithous, king of the Lapiths, theCentaurs, who had been bidden as guests, became inflamed with wineand began to lay hands on the women. Hence a general metee, inwhich the Greeks were victorious. The sculptor has placed the godApollo in the center (Fig. 110), undisturbed amid the wild tumult;his presence alone assures us what the issue is to he. Thestruggling groups (Figs. 111, 112) extend nearly to the corners,which are occupied each by two reclining female figures,spectators of the scene. In each pediment the composition issymmetrical, every figure having its corresponding figure on theopposite side. Yet the law of symmetry is interpreted much morefreely than in the Aegina pediments of a generation earlier; thecorresponding figures often differ from one another a good deal inattitude, and in one instance even in sex.

Our illustrations, which give a few representative specimens ofthese sculptures, suggest some comments. To begin with, theworkmanship here displayed is rapid and far from faultless. Unlikethe Aeginetan pediment-figures and those of the Parthenon, thesefigures are left rough at the back. Moreover, even in the visibleportions there are surprising evidences of carelessness, as in theportentously long left thigh of the Lapith in Fig. 112. It is,again, evidence of rapid, though not exactly of faulty, execution,that the hair is in a good many cases only blocked out, the formof the mass being given, but its texture not indicated (e.g., Fig.111). In the pose of the standing figures (e.g., Fig. 108), withthe weight borne about equally by both legs, we see a modifiedsurvival of the usual archaic attitude. A lingering archaism maybe seen in other features too; very plainly, for example, in thearrangement of Apollo's hair (Fig 110). The garments represent athick woolen stuff, whose folds show very little pliancy. Thedrapery of Sterope (Fig. 108) should be especially noted, as it isa characteristic example for this period of a type which has along history She wears the Doric chiton, a sleeveless woolengarment girded and pulled over the girdle and doubled over fromthe top. The formal, starched-looking folds of the archaic periodhave disappeared. The cloth lies pretty flat over the chest andwaist; there is a rather arbitrary little fold at the neck. Belowthe girdle the drapery is divided vertically into two parts; onthe one side it falls in straight folds to the ankle, on the otherit is drawn smooth over the bent knee.

Another interesting fact about these sculptures is a certaintendency toward realism. The figures and faces and attitudes ofthe Greeks, not to speak of the Centaurs, are not all entirelybeautiful and noble. This is illustrated by Fig. 109, a bald-headed man, rather fat. Here is realism of a very mild type, to besure, in comparison with what we are accustomed to nowadays; butthe old men of the Parthenon frieze bear no disfiguring marks ofa*ge. Again, in the face of the young Lapith whose arm is beingbitten by a Centaur (Fig. 112), there is a marked attempt toexpress physical pain; the features are more distorted than in anyother fifth century sculpture, except representations of Centaursor other inferior creatures. In the other heads of imperiled menand women in this pediment, e.g., in that of the bride (Fig. 111),the ideal calm of the features is overspread with only a faintshadow of distress.

Lest what has been said should suggest that the sculptors of theOlympia pediment-figures were indifferent to beauty, attention maybe drawn again to the superb head of the Lapith bride. Apollo, too(Fig. 110), though not that radiant god whom a later age conceivedand bodied forth, has an austere beauty which only a dull eye canfail to appreciate.

The twelve sculptured metopes of the temple do not belong to theexterior frieze, whose metopes were plain, but to a second frieze,placed above the columns and antae of pronaos and opisthodomos.Their subjects are the twelve labors of Heracles, beginning withthe slaying of the Nemean lion and ending with the cleansing ofthe Augean stables. The one selected for illustration is one ofthe two or three best preserved members of the series (Fig. 113).Its subject is the winning of the golden apples which grew in thegarden of the Hesperides, near the spot where Atlas stood,evermore supporting on his shoulders the weight of the heavens.Heracles prevailed upon Atlas to go and fetch the covetedtreasure, himself meanwhile assuming the burden. The moment chosenby the sculptor is that of the return of Atlas with the apples. Inthe middle stands Heracles, with a cushion, folded double, uponhis shoulders, the sphere of the heavens being barely suggested atthe top of the relief. Behind him is his companion andprotectress, Athena, once recognizable by a lance in her righthand. [Footnote: Such at least seems to be the view adopted in thelatest official publication on the subject "Olympia; Die Bildwerkein Stein und Thon," Pl. LXV.] With her left hand she seeks to easea little the hero's heavy load. Before him stands Atlas, holdingout the apples in both hands. The main lines of the compositionare somewhat monotonous, but this is a consequence of the subject,not of any incapacity of the artist, as the other metopes testify.The figure of Athena should be compared with that of Sterope inthe eastern pediment. There is a substantial resemblance in thedrapery, even to the arbitrary little fold in the neck; but thegarment here is entirely open on the right side, after the fashionfollowed by Spartan maidens, whereas there it is sewed togetherfrom the waist down; there is here no girdle; and the broad, flatexpanse of cloth in front observable there is here narrowed by twofolds falling from the breasts.

Fig. 114 is added as a last example of the severe beauty to befound in these sculptures. It will be observed that the hair ofthis head is not worked out in detail, except at the front. Thissummary treatment of the hair is, in fact, more general in themetopes than in the pediment-figures. The upper eyelid does notyet overlap the under eyelid at the outer corner (cf. Fig. 110).

The two pediment-groups and the metopes of this temple show suchclose resemblances of style among themselves that they must all beregarded as products of a single school of sculpture, if not asdesigned by a single man. Pausanias says nothing of the authorshipof the metopes; but he tells us that the sculptures of the easternpediment were the work of Paeonius of Mende, an indisputablestatue by whom is known (cf. page 213), and those of the westernby Alcamenes, who appears elsewhere in literary tradition as apupil of Phidias. On various grounds it seems almost certain thatPausanias was misinformed on this point. Thus we are left withouttrustworthy testimony as to the affiliations of the artist orartists to whom the sculptured decoration of this temple wasintrusted.

The so-called Hestia (Vesta) which formerly belonged to theGiustiniani family (Fig. 115), has of late years been inaccessibleeven to professional students. It must be one of the very bestpreserved of ancient statues in marble, as it is not reported tohave anything modern about it except the index finger of the lefthand. This hand originally held a scepter. The statue representssome goddess, it is uncertain what one. In view of the likeness inthe drapery to some of the Olympia figures, no one can doubt thatthis is a product of the same period.

In regard to the bronze statue shown in Fig. 116 there is moreroom for doubt, but the weight of opinion is in favor of placingit here. It is confidently claimed by a high authority that thisis an original Greek bronze. There exist also fragmentary copiesof the same in marble and free imitations in marble and in bronze.The statue represents a boy of perhaps twelve, absorbed in pullinga thorn from his foot. We do not know the original purpose of thework; perhaps it commemorated a victory won in a foot-race of boysThe left leg of the figure is held in a position which gives asomewhat ungraceful outline; Praxiteles would not have placed itso. But how delightful is the picture of childish innocence andself-forgetfulness! This statue might be regarded as an epitome ofthe artistic spirit and capacity of the age—its simplicity andpurity and freshness of feeling, its not quite completeemancipation from the formalism of an earlier day.


The Age of Pericles, which, if we reckon from the first entranceof Pericles, into politics, extended from about 466 to 429, hasbecome proverbial as a period of extraordinary artistic andliterary splendor. The real ascendancy of Pericles began in 447,and the achievements most properly associated with his name belongto the succeeding fifteen years. Athens at this time possessedample material resources, derived in great measure from thetribute of subject allies, and wealth was freely spent upon noblemonuments of art. The city was fled with artists of high and lowdegree. Above them all in genius towered Phidias, and to him, ifwe may believe the testimony of Plutarch, [Footnote: Life ofPericles Section 13] a general superintendence of all the artisticundertakings of the state was intrusted by Pericles.

Great as was the fame of Phidias in after ages, we are left inalmost complete ignorance as to the circ*mstances of his life. Ifhe was really the author of certain works ascribed to him, he musthave been born about 500 B.C. This would make him as old, perhaps,as Myron. Another view would put his birth between 490 and 485,still another, as late as 480. The one undisputed date in his lifeis the year 438, when the gold and ivory statue of Athena in theParthenon was completed. Touching the time and circ*mstances ofhis death we have two inconsistent traditions. According to theone, he was brought to trial in Athens immediately after thecompletion of the Athena on the charge of misappropriating some ofthe ivory with which he had been intrusted but made his escape toElis, where, after executing the gold and ivory Zeus for thetemple of that god at Olympia he was put to death for someunspecified reason by the Eleans in 432-1. According to the othertradition he was accused in Athens, apparently not before 432, ofstealing some of the gold destined for the Athena and, when thischarge broke down, of having sacrilegiously introduced his own andPericles's portraits into the relief on Athena's shield, beingcast into prison he died there of disease, or, as some said, ofpoison.

The most famous works of Phidias were the two chryselephantinestatues to which reference has just been made, and two or threeother statues of the same materials were ascribed to him. Heworked also in bronze and in marble. From a reference inAristotle's "Ethics" it might seem as if he were best known as asculptor in marble, but only three statues by him are expresslyrecorded to have been of marble, against a larger number of bronzeHis subjects were chiefly divinities, we hear of only one or twofigures of human beings from his hands.

Of the colossal Zeus at Olympia, the most august creation of Greekartistic imagination, we can form only an indistinct idea. The godwas seated upon a throne, holding a figure of Victory upon onehand and a scepter in the other. The figure is represented onthree Elean coins of the time of Hadrian (117-138 A.D.) but on toosmall a scale to help us much. Another coin of the same periodgives a fine head of Zeus in profile (Fig. 117),[Footnote: A moretruthful representation of this coin may be found in Gardner's"Types of Greek Coins," PI XV 19] which is plausibly supposed topreserve some likeness to the head of Phidias's statue.

In regard to the Athena of the Parthenon we are considerablybetter off, for we possess a number of marble statues which, withthe aid of Pausanias's description and by comparison with oneanother, can be proved to be copies of that work. But a warning isnecessary here. The Athena, like the Zeus, was of colossal size.Its height, with the pedestal, was about thirty-eight feet. Now itis not likely that a really exact copy on a small scale couldpossibly have been made from such a statue, nor, if one had beenmade, would it have given the effect of the original. With thiswarning laid well to heart the reader may venture to examine thatone among our copies which makes the greatest attempt atexactitude (Fig. 118). It is a statuette, not quite 3 1/2 feethigh with the basis, found in Athens in 1880. The goddess standswith her left leg bent a little and pushed to one side. She isdressed in a heavy Doric chiton, open at the side. The girdle,whose ends take the form of snakes' heads, is worn outside thedoubled-over portion of the garment. Above it the folds arecarefully adjusted, drawn in symmetrically from both sides towardthe middle; in the lower part of the figure there is the commonvertical division into two parts, owing to the bending of one leg.Over the chiton is the aegis, much less long behind than inearlier art (cf. Fig. 98), fringed with snakes' heads and having aGorgon's mask in front. The helmet is an elaborate affair withthree crests, the central one supported by a sphinx, the others bywinged horses; the hinged cheek-pieces are turned up. At the leftof the goddess is her shield, within which coils a serpent. On herextended right hand stands a Victory. The face of Athena is themost disappointing part of it all, but it is just there that thecopyist must have failed most completely. Only the eye of faith,or better, the eye trained by much study of allied works, candivine in this poor little figure the majesty which awed thebeholder of Phidias's work.

Speculation has been busy in attempting to connect other statuesthat have been preserved to us with the name of Phidias. The mostprobable case that has yet been made out concerns two closelysimilar marble figures in Dresden, one of which is shown in Fig.119. The head of this statue is missing, but its place has beensupplied by a cast of a head in Bologna (Fig. 120), which has beenproved to be another copy from the same original. This proof,about which there seems to be no room for question, is due toProfessor Furtwangler, [Footnote: "Masterpieces of GreekSculpture" pages 4 ff.] who argues further that the statue as thusrestored is a faithful copy of the Lemnian Athena of Phidias, abronze work which stood on the Athenian Acropolis. The proof ofthis depends upon (1) the resemblance in the standing position andin the drapery of this figure to the Athena of the Parthenon, and(2) the fact that Phidias is known to have made a statue of Athena(thought to be the Lemnian Athena) without a helmet on the head—an exceptional, though not wholly unique, representation insculpture in the round.

If this demonstration be thought insufficient, there cannot, atall events, be much doubt that we have here the copy of anoriginal of about the middle of the fifth century. The style isseverely simple, as we ought to expect of a religious work of thatperiod. The virginal face, conceived and wrought with ineffablerefinement, is as far removed from sensual charm as from theecstasy of a Madonna. The goddess does not reveal herself as onewho can be "touched with a feeling of our infirmities"; but by thepower of her pure, passionless beauty she sways our minds andhearts.

The supreme architectural achievement of the Periclean age was theParthenon, which crowned the Athenian Acropolis. It appears tohave been begun in 447, and was roofed over and perhapssubstantially finished by 438. Its sculptures were more extensivethan those of any other Greek temple, comprising two pediment-groups, the whole set of metopes of the exterior frieze, ninety-two in number, and a continuous frieze of bas-relief, 522 feet 10inches in total length, surrounding the cella and its vestibules(cf. Fig. 56). After serving its original purpose for nearly athousand years, the building was converted into a Christian churchand then, in the fifteenth century, into a Mohammedan mosque. In1687 Athens was besieged by the forces of Venice. The Parthenonwas used by the Turks as a powder-magazine, and was consequentlymade the target for the enemy's shells. The result was anexplosion, which converted the building into a ruin. Of thesculptures which escaped from this catastrophe, many small pieceswere carried off at the time or subsequently, while other pieceswere used as building stone or thrown into the lime-kiln. Most ofthose which remained down to the beginning of this century wereacquired by Lord Elgin, acting under a permission from the Turkishgovernment (1801-3), and in 1816 were bought for the BritishMuseum. The rest are in Athens, either in their original positionson the building, or in the Acropolis Museum.

The best preserved metopes of the Parthenon belong to the southside and represent scenes from the contest between Lapiths andCentaurs (cf. page 174). These metopes differ markedly in stylefrom one another, and must have been not only executed, butdesigned, by different hands. One or two of them are spiritlessand uninteresting. Others, while fine in their way, show littlevehemence of action. Fig. 121 gives one of this class. Fig. 122 isvery different. In this "the Lapith presses forward, advancing hisleft hand to seize the rearing Centaur by the throat, and forcinghim on his haunches; the right arm of the Lapith is drawn back, asif to strike; his right hand, now wanting, probably held a sword.…. The Centaur, rearing up, against his antagonist, tries invain to pull away the left hand of the Lapith, which, in Carrey'sdrawing [made in 1674] he grasps." [Footnote: A. H. Smith,"Catalogue of Sculpture in the British Museum," page 136.] Observehow skilfully the design is adapted to the square field, so as toleave no unpleasant blank spaces, how flowing and free frommonotony are the lines of the composition, how effective (incontrast with Fig. 121) is the management of the drapery, and,above all, what vigor is displayed in the attitudes. Fig. 123 isof kindred character. These two metopes and two others, onerepresenting a victorious Centaur prancing in savage glee over thebody of his prostrate foe, the other showing a Lapith about tostrike a Centaur already wounded in the back, are among the verybest works of Greek sculpture preserved to us.

The Parthenon frieze presents an idealized picture of theprocession which wound its way upward from the market-place to theAcropolis on the occasion of Athena's chief festival. Fully toillustrate this extensive and varied composition is out of thequestion here. All that is possible is to give three or fourrepresentative pieces and a few comments. Fig. 124 shows the bestpreserved piece of the entire frieze. It belongs to a company ofdivinities, seated to right and left of the central group of theeast front, and conceived as spectators of the scene. The figureat the left of the illustration is almost certainly Posidon, andthe others are perhaps Apollo and Artemis. In Fig. 125 threeyouths advance with measured step, carrying jars filled with wine,while a fourth youth stoops to lift his jar; at the extreme rightmay be seen part of a flute-player, whose figure was completed onthe next slab. The attitudes and draperies of the three advancingyouths, though similar, are subtly varied. So everywhere monotonyis absent from the frieze. Fig. 126 is taken from the mostanimated and crowded part of the design. Here Athenian youths, ina great variety of dress and undress, dash forward on small,mettlesome horses. Owing to the principle of isocephaly (cf. page145), the mounted men are of smaller dimensions than those onfoot, but the difference does not offend the eye. In Fig. 127 wehave, on a somewhat larger scale, the heads of four chariot-horsesinstinct with fiery life. Fig. 132 may also be consulted. Anendless variety in attitude and spirit, from the calm of the ever-blessed gods to the most impetuous movement; grace and harmony ofline; an almost faultless execution—such are some of thequalities which make the Parthenon frieze the source ofinexhaustible delight.

The composition of the group in the western pediment is fairlywell known, thanks to a French artist, Jacques Carrey, who made adrawing of it in 1674, when it was still in tolerablepreservation. The subject was, in the words of Pausanias, "thestrife of Posidon with Athena for the land" of Attica. In theeastern pediment the subject was the birth of Athena. The centralfigures, eleven in number, had disappeared long before Carrey'stime, having probably been removed when the temple was convertedinto a church. On the other hand, the figures near the angles havebeen better preserved than any of those from the western pediment,with one exception. The names of these eastern figures have beenthe subject of endless guess-work. All that is really certain isthat at the southern corner Helios (the Sun-god) was emerging fromthe sea in a chariot drawn by four horses, and at the northerncorner Selene (the Moon-goddess) or perhaps Nyx (Night) wasdescending in a similar chariot. Fig. 128 is the figure that wasplaced next to the horses of Helios. The young god or heroreclines in an easy attitude on a rock; under him are spread hismantle and the skin of a panther or some such animal. In Fig. 129we have, beginning on the right, the head of one of Selene'shorses and the torso of the goddess herself, then a group of threeclosely connected female figures, known as the "Three Fates,"seated or reclining on uneven, rocky ground, and last the body andthighs of a winged goddess, Victory or Iris, perhaps belonging inthe western pediment. Fig. 130, from the northern corner of thewestern pediment, is commonly taken for a river-god.

We possess but the broken remnants of these two pediment-groups,and the key to the interpretation of much that we do possess islost. We cannot then fully appreciate the intention of the greatartist who conceived these works. Yet even in their ruin and theirisolation the pediment-figures of the Parthenon are the sublimestcreations of Greek art that have escaped annihilation.

We have no ancient testimony as to the authorship of the Parthenonsculptures, beyond the statement of Plutarch, quoted above, thatPhidias was the general superintendent of all artistic worksundertaken during Pericles's administration. If this statement betrue, it still leaves open a wide range of conjecture as to thenature and extent of his responsibility in this particular case.Appealing to the sculptures themselves for information, we findamong the metopes such differences of style as exclude the notionof single authorship. With the frieze and the pediment-groups,however, the case is different. Each of these three compositionsmust, of course, have been designed by one master-artist andexecuted by or with the help of subordinate artists or workmen.Now the pediment-groups, so far as preserved, strongly suggest asingle presiding genius for both, and there is no difficulty inascribing the design of the frieze to the same artist. Was itPhidias? The question has been much agitated of late years, butthe evidence at our disposal does not admit of a decisive answer.The great argument for Phidias lies in the incomparable merit ofthese works; and with the probability that his genius is here insome degree revealed to us we must needs be content. After all, itis of much less consequence to be assured of the master's namethan to know and enjoy the masterpieces themselves.

The great statesman under whose administration these immortalsculptures were produced was commemorated by a portrait statue orhead, set up during his lifetime on the Athenian Acropolis; it wasfrom the hand of Cresilas, of Cydonia in Crete. It is perhaps thisportrait of which copies have come down to us. The best of theseis given in Fig 131. The features are, we may believe, theauthentic features of Pericles, somewhat idealized, according tothe custom of portraiture in this age. The helmet characterizesthe wearer as general.

The artistic activity in Athens did not cease with the outbreak ofthe Peloponnesian War in 431. The city was full of sculptors, manyof whom had come directly under the influence of Phidias, and theywere not left idle. The demand from private individuals for votivesculptures and funeral reliefs must indeed have been abated, butwas not extinguished; and in the intervals of the protracted warthe state undertook important enterprises with an undauntedspirit. It is to this period that the Erechtheum probably belongs(420?-408), though all that we certainly know is that the buildingwas nearly finished some time before 409 and that the work wasresumed in that year. The temple had a sculptured frieze of whichfragments are extant, but these are far surpassed in interest bythe Caryatides of the southern porch (Fig. 67). The nameCaryatides, by the way, meets us first in the pages of Vitruvius,a Roman architect of the time of Augustus; a contemporary Athenianinscription, to which we are indebted for many details concerningthe building, calls them simply "maidens." As you face the frontof the porch, the three maidens on your right support themselveschiefly on the left leg, the three on your left on the right leg(Fig. 132), so that the leg in action is the one nearer to the endof the porch. The arms hung straight at the sides, one of themgrasping a corner of the small mantle. The pose and drapery showwhat Attic sculpture had made of the old Peloponnesian type ofstanding female figure in the Doric chiton (cf. page 177). Thefall of the garment preserves the same general features, but thestuff has become much more pliable. It is interesting to notethat, in spite of a close general similarity, no two maidens areexactly alike, as they would have been if they had been reproducedmechanically from a finished model. These subtle variations areamong the secrets of the beauty of this porch, as they are of theParthenon frieze. One may be permitted to object altogether to theuse of human figures as architectural supports, but if the thingwas to be done at all, it could not have been better done. Theweight that the maidens bear is comparatively small, and theirfigures are as strong as they are graceful.

To the period of the Peloponnesian War may also be assigned asculptured balustrade which inclosed and protected the precinct ofthe little Temple of Wingless Victory on the Acropolis (Fig. 70).One slab of this balustrade is shown in Fig. 133. It represents awinged Victory stooping to tie (or, as some will have it, tountie) her sandal. The soft Ionic chiton, clinging to the form,reminds one of the drapery of the reclining goddess from theeastern pediment of the Parthenon (Fig. 129), but it finds itsclosest analogy, among datable sculptures, in a fragment of reliefrecently found at Rhamnus in Attica. This belonged to the pedestalof a statue by Agoracritus, one of the most famous pupils ofPhidias.

The Attic grave-relief given in Fig. 134 seems to belongsomewhere near the end of the fifth century. The subject is acommon one on this class of monuments, but is nowhere else soexquisitely treated. There is no allusion to the fact of death.Hegeso, the deceased lady, is seated and is holding up a necklaceor some such object (originally, it may be supposed, indicated bycolor), which she has just taken from the jewel-box held out bythe standing slave-woman. Another fine grave-relief (Fig. 135) maybe introduced here, though it perhaps belongs to the beginning ofthe fourth century rather than to the end of the fifth. It mustcommemorate some young Athenian cavalryman. It is characteristicthat the relief ignores his death and represents him in a momentof victory. Observe that on both these monuments there is noattempt at realistic portraiture and that on both we may trace theinfluence of the style of the Parthenon frieze.

Among the other bas-reliefs which show that influence there is nodifficulty in choosing one of exceptional beauty, the so-calledOrpheus relief (Fig. 136). This is known to us in three copies,unless indeed the Naples example be the original. The story hereset forth is one of the most touching in Greek mythology. Orpheus,the Thracian singer, has descended into Hades in quest of his deadwife, Eurydice, and has so charmed by his music the sternPersephone that she has suffered him to lead back his wife to theupper air, provided only he will not look upon her on the way. Butlove has overcome him. He has turned and looked, and the doom ofan irrevocable parting is sealed. In no unseemly paroxysm ofgrief, but tenderly, sadly, they look their last at one another,while Hermes, guide of departed spirits, makes gentle signal forthe wife's return. In the chastened pathos of this scene we havethe quintessence of the temper of Greek art in dealing with thefact of death.

Turning now from Athens to Argos, which, though politically weak,was artistically the rival of Athens in importance, we findPolycl*tus the dominant master there, as Phidias was in the othercity. Polycl*tus survived Phidias and may have been the younger ofthe two. The only certain thing is that he was in the plenitude ofhis powers as late as 420, for his gold and ivory statue of Herawas made for a temple built to replace an earlier temple destroyedby fire in 423. His principal material was bronze. As regardssubjects, his great specialty was the representation of youthfulathletes. His reputation in his own day and afterwards was of thehighest; there were those who ranked him above Phidias. ThusXenophon represents [Footnote: Memorabilia I., 4, 3 (written about390 B. C).] an Athenian as assigning to Polycl*tus a preeminencein sculpture like that of Homer in epic poetry and that ofSophocles in tragedy; and Strabo[Footnote: VIII., page 372(written about 18 A. D.).] pronounced his gold and ivory statuesin the Temple of Hera near Argos the finest in artistic meritamong all such works, though inferior to those of Phidias in sizeand costliness. But probably the more usual verdict was thatreported by Quintilian, [Footnote: De Institutione Oratoria XII,10, 7 (written about 90 A. D.).] which, applauding as unrivaledhis rendering of the human form, found his divinities lacking inmajesty.

In view of the exalted rank assigned to Polycl*tus by Greek andRoman judgment, his identifiable works are a little disappointing.His Doryphorus, a bronze figure of a young athlete holding a spearsuch as was used in the pentathlon (cf. page 168), exists innumerous copies. The Naples copy (Fig. 137), found in Pompeii in1797, is the best preserved, being substantially antiquethroughout, but is of indifferent workmanship. The young man, ofmassive build, stands supporting his weight on the right leg; theleft is bent backward from the knee, the foot touching the groundonly in front. Thus the body is a good deal curved. This attitudeis an advance upon any standing motive attained in the"Transitional period" (cf. page 165). It was much used byPolycl*tus, and is one of the marks by which statues of his may berecognized. The head of the Doryphorus, as seen from the side, ismore nearly rectangular than the usual Attic heads of the period,e.g., in the Parthenon frieze. For the characteristic face ourbest guide is a bronze copy of the head from Herculaneum (Fig.138), to which our illustration does less than justice.

A strong likeness to the Doryphorus exists in a whole series ofyouthful athletes, which are therefore with probability traced toPolycl*tus as their author or inspirer. Such is a statue of a boyin Dresden, of which the head is shown in Fig. 139. One of theseobviously allied works can be identified with a statue byPolycl*tus known to us from our literary sources. It is the so-called Diadumenos, a youth binding the fillet of victory about hishead. This exists in several copies, the best of which has beenrecently found on the island of Delos and is not yet published.

An interesting statue of a different order, very often attributedto Polycl*tus, may with less of confidence be accepted as his. Ourillustration (Fig. 140) is taken from the Berlin copy of thisstatue, in which the arms, pillar, nose, and feet are modern, butare guaranteed by other existing copies. It is the figure of anAmazon, who has been wounded in the right breast. She leans upon asupport at her left side and raises her right hand to her head inan attitude perhaps intended to suggest exhaustion, yet hardlysuitable to the position of the wound. The attitude of the figure,especially the legs, is very like that of the Doryphorus, and theface is thought by many to show a family likeness to his. Thereare three other types of Amazon which seem to be connected withthis one, but the mutual relations of the four types are tooperplexing to be here discussed.

It is a welcome change to turn from copies to originals. TheAmerican School of Classical Studies at Athens has carried onexcavations (1890-95) on the site of the famous sanctuary of Heranear Argos, and has uncovered the foundations both of the earliertemple, burned in 423, and of the later temple, in which stood thegold and ivory image by Polycl*tus, as well as of adjacentbuildings. Besides many other objects of interest, there have beenbrought to light several fragments of the metopes of the secondtemple, which, together with a few fragments from the same sourcefound earlier, form a precious collection of materials for thestudy of the Argive school of sculpture of about 420. Still moreinteresting, at least to such as are not specialists, is a headwhich was found on the same site (Fig. 141), and which, to judgeby its style, must date from the same period. It is a goodillustration of the uncertainty which besets the attempt toclassify extant Greek sculptures into local schools that this headhas been claimed with equal confidence as Argive [Footnote: So byProfessor Charles Waldstein, who directed the excavations.] and asAttic in style. In truth, Argive and Attic art had so acted andreacted upon one another that it is small wonder if theirproductions are in some cases indistinguishable by us.

The last remark applies also to the bronze statue shown in Fig.142, which is believed by high authorities to be an original Greekwork and which has been claimed both for Athens and for Argos. Thestanding position, while not identical with that of theDoryphorus, the Diadumenos, and the wounded Amazon, is strikinglysimilar, as is also the form of the head. At all events, thestatue is a fine example of apparently unstudied ease, of thatconsummate art which conceals itself.

The only sculptor of the fifth century who is at once known to usfrom literary tradition and represented by an authenticated andoriginal work is Paeonius of Mende in Thrace. He was an artist ofsecondary rank, if we may judge from the fact that his name occursonly in Pausanias; but in the brilliant period of Greek historyeven secondary artists were capable of work which less fortunateages could not rival. Pausanias mentions a Victory by Paeonius atOlympia, a votive offering of the Messenians for successes gainedin war. Portions of the pedestal of this statue with thededicatory inscription and the artist's signature were found onDecember 20, 1875, at the beginning of the German excavations, andthe mutilated statue itself on the following day (Fig. 143). Arestoration of the figure by a German sculptor (Fig. 144) may betrusted for nearly everything but the face. The goddess isrepresented in descending flight. Poised upon a triangularpedestal about thirty feet high, she seems all but independent ofsupport. Her draperies, blown by the wind, form a background forher figure. An eagle at her feet suggests the element throughwhich she moves. Never was a more audacious design executed inmarble. Yet it does not impress us chiefly as a tour de force. Thebeholder forgets the triumph over material difficulties in thesense of buoyancy, speed, and grace which the figure inspires.Pausanias records that the Messenians of his day believed thestatue to commemorate an event which happened in 425, while hehimself preferred to connect it with an event of 453. Theinscription on the pedestal is indecisive on this point. It runsin these terms: "The Messenians and Naupactians dedicated [thisstatue] to the Olympian Zeus, as a tithe [of the spoils] fromtheir enemies. Paeonius of Mende made it; and he was victorious[over his competitors] in making the acroteria for the temple."The later of the two dates mentioned by Pausanias has beengenerally accepted, though not without recent protest. This wouldgive about the year 423 for the completion and erection of thisstatue.


In the fourth century art became even more cosmopolitan thanbefore. The distinctions between local schools were nearly effacedand the question of an artist's birthplace or residence ceases tohave much importance Athens, however, maintained her artisticpreeminence through the first half or more of the century. Severalof the most eminent sculptors of the period were certainly orprobably Athenians, and others appear to have made Athens theirhome for a longer or shorter time. It is therefore common to speakof a "younger Attic school," whose members would include most ofthe notable sculptors of this period. What the tendencies of thetimes were will best be seen by studying the most eminentrepresentatives of this group or school.

The first great name to meet us is that of Scopas of Paros. Hisartistic career seems to have begun early in the fourth century,for he was the architect of a temple of Athena at Tegea in Arcadiawhich was built to replace one destroyed by fire in 395-4. He asactive as late as the middle of the century, being one of foursculptors engaged on the reliefs of the Mausoleum or funeralmonument of Maussollus, satrap of Caria, who died in 351-0, orperhaps two years earlier. That is about all we know of his life,for it is hardly more than a conjecture that he took up his abodein Athens for a term of years. The works of his hands were widelydistributed in Greece proper and on the coast of Asia Minor.

Until lately nothing very definite was known of the style ofScopas. While numerous statues by him, all representing divinitiesor other imaginary beings, are mentioned in our literary sources,only one of these is described in such a way as to give any notionof its artistic character. This was a Maenad, or female attendantof the god Bacchus, who was represented in a frenzy of religiousexcitement. The theme suggests a strong tendency on the part ofScopas toward emotional expression, but this inference does notcarry us very far. The study of Scopas has entered upon a newstage since some fragments of sculpture belonging to the Temple ofAthena at Tegea have become known. The presumption is that, asScopas was the architect of the building, he also designed, if hedid not execute, the pediment-sculptures. If this be true, thenwe have at last authentic, though scanty, evidence of his style.The fragments thus far discovered consist of little more than twohuman heads and a boar's head. One of the human heads is herereproduced (Fig. 145). Sadly mutilated as it is, is has becomepossible by its help and that of its fellow to recognize withgreat probability the authorship of Scopas in a whole group ofallied works. Not to dwell on anatomical details, which need castsfor their proper illustration, the obvious characteristic mark ofScopadean heads is a tragic intensity of expression unknown toearlier Greek art. It is this which makes the Tegea heads soimpressive in spite of the "rude wasting of old Time."

The magnificent head of Meleager in the garden of the Villa Mediciin Rome (Fig. 146) shows this same quality. A fiery eagerness oftemper animates the marble, and a certain pathos, as if born of aconsciousness of approaching doom. So masterly is the workmanshiphere, so utterly removed from the mechanical, uninspired manner ofRoman copyists, that this head has been claimed as an originalfrom the hand of Scopas, and so it may well be. Something of thesame character belongs to a head of a goddess in Athens, shown inFig. 147.

Fig. 148 introduces us to another tendency of fourth century art.The group represents Eirene and Plutus (Peace and Plenty). It isin all probability a copy of a bronze work by Cephisodotus, whichstood in Athens and was set up, it is conjectured, soon after 375,the year in which the worship of Eirene was officially establishedin Athens. The head of the child is antique, but does not belongto the figure; copies of the child with the true head exist inAthens and Dresden. The principal modern parts are: the right armof the goddess (which should hold a scepter), her left hand withthe vase, and both arms of the child; in place of the vase thereshould be a small horn of plenty, resting on the child's left arm.The sentiment of this group is such as we have not met before. Thetenderness expressed by Eirene's posture is as characteristic ofthe new era as the intensity of look in the head from Tegea.

Cephisodotus was probably a near relative of a much greatersculptor, Praxiteles, perhaps his father. Praxiteles is betterknown to us than any other Greek artist. For we have, to beginwith, one authenticated original statue from his hand, besidesthree fourths of a bas-relief probably executed under hisdirection. In the second place, we can gather from our literarysources a catalogue of toward fifty of his works, a larger listthan can be made out for any other sculptor. Moreover, of severalpieces we get really enlightening descriptions, and there are inaddition one or two valuable general comments on his style.Finally two of his statues that are mentioned in literature can beidentified with sufficient certainty in copies. The basis ofjudgment is thus wide enough to warrant us in bringing numerousother works into relation with him.

About his life, however, we know, as in other cases, next tonothing. He was an Athenian and must have been somewhere near theage of Scopas, though seemingly rather younger. Pliny gives thehundred and fourth Olympiad (370-66) as the date at which heflourished, but this was probably about the beginning of hisartistic career. Only one anecdote is told of him which is worthrepeating here. When asked what ones among his marble statues herated highest he answered that those which Nicias had tinted werethe best. Nicias was an eminent painter of the period (see page282, foot note).

The place of honor in any treatment of Praxiteles must be given tothe Hermes with the infant Dionysus on his arm (Figs. 149, 150).This statue was found on May 8, 1877, in the Temple of Hera atOlympia, lying in front of its pedestal. Here it had stood whenPausanias saw it and recorded that it was the work of Praxiteles.The legs of Hermes below the knees have been restored in plaster(only the right foot being antique), and so have the arms ofDionysus. Except for the loss of the right arm and the lower legs,the figure of Hermes is in admirable preservation, the surfacebeing uninjured. Some notion of the luminosity of the Parianmarble may be gained from Fig. 150.

Hermes is taking the new-born Dionysus to the Nymphs to be rearedby them. Pausing on his way, he has thrown his mantle over aconvenient tree-trunk and leans upon it with the arm that holdsthe child. In his closed left hand he doubtless carried hisherald's wand; the lost right hand must have held up some object—bunch of grapes or what-not—for the entertainment of the littlegod. The latter is not truthfully proportioned; in common withalmost all sculptors before the time of Alexander, Praxitelesseems to have paid very little attention to the characteristicforms of infancy. But the Hermes is of unapproachable perfection.His symmetrical figure, which looks slender in comparison with theDoryphorus of Polycl*tus, is athletic without exaggeration, and ismodeled with faultless skill. The attitude, with the weightsupported chiefly by the right leg and left arm, gives to the bodya graceful curve which Praxiteles loved. It is the last stage inthe long development of an easy standing pose. The head is of theround Attic form, contrasting with the squarer Peloponnesian type;the face a fine oval. The lower part of the forehead between thetemples is prominent; the nose not quite straight, but slightlyarched at the middle. The whole expression is one of indescribablerefinement and radiance. The hair, short and curly, illustratesthe possibilities of marble in the treatment of that feature; inplace of the wiry appearance of hair in bronze we find here aslight roughness of surface, suggestive of the soft texture ofactual hair (cf. Fig. 146 and contrast Fig. 138). The drapery thatfalls over the tree-trunk is treated with a degree of elaborationand richness which does not occur in fifth century work; butbeautiful as it is, it is kept subordinate and does not undulyattract our attention.

For us the Hermes stands alone and without a rival. The statue,however, did not in antiquity enjoy any extraordinary celebrity,and is in fact not even mentioned in extant literature except byPausanias. The most famous work of Praxiteles was the Aphrodite ofCnidus in southwestern Asia Minor. This was a temple-statue; yetthe sculptor, departing from the practice of earlier times, didnot scruple to represent the goddess as nude. With the help ofcertain imperial coins of Cnidus this Aphrodite has beenidentified in a great number of copies. She is in the act ofdropping her garment from her left hand in preparation for a bath;she supports herself chiefly by the right leg, and the body has acurve approaching that of the Hermes, though here no part of theweight is thrown upon the arm. The subject is treated withconsummate delicacy, far removed from the sensuality too usual ina later age; and yet, when this embodiment of Aphrodite iscompared with fifth century ideals, it must be recognized asillustrating a growing fondness on the part of sculptor and publicfor the representation of physical charm. Not being able to offera satisfactory illustration of the whole statue, I have chosen forreproduction a copy of the head alone (Fig. 151). It will help thereader to divine the simple loveliness of the original.

Pliny mentions among the works in bronze by Praxiteies a youthfulApollo, called "Sauroctonos" (Lizard-slayer). Fig. 152 is amarble copy of this, considerably restored. The god, conceived inthe likeness of a beautiful boy, leans against a tree, preparingto stab a lizard with an arrow, which should be in the right hand.The graceful, leaning pose and the soft beauty of the youthfulface and flesh are characteristically Praxitelean.

Two or three satyrs by Praxiteles are mentioned by Greek and Romanwriters, and an anecdote is told by Pausanias which implies thatone of them enjoyed an exceptional fame. Unfortunately they arenot described; but among the many satyrs to be found in museums ofancient sculpture there are two types in which the style ofPraxiteles, as we have now learned to know it, is so stronglymarked that we can hardly go wrong in ascribing them both to him.Both exist in numerous copies. Our illustration of the first (Fig.153) is taken from the copy of which Hawthorne wrote so subtle adescription in "The Marble Faun." The statue is somewhat restored,but the restoration is not open to doubt, except as regards thesingle pipe held in the right hand. No animal characteristic is tobe found here save the pointed ears; the face, however, retains asuggestion of the traditional satyr-type. "The whole statue,unlike anything else that ever was wrought in that severe materialof marble, conveys the idea of an amiable and sensual creature—easy, mirthful, apt for jollity, yet not incapable of beingtouched by pathos." [Footnote: Hawthorne, "The Marble Faun," VolI, Chapter I.]

In the Palermo copy of the other Praxitelean satyr (Fig. 154) theright arm is modern, but the restoration is substantially correct.The face of this statue has purely Greek features, and only thepointed ears remain to betray the mixture of animal nature withthe human form. The original was probably of bronze.

With Fig. 155 we revert from copies to an original work. This isone of three slabs which probably decorated the pedestal of agroup by Praxiteles representing Apollo, Leto, and Artemis; afourth slab, needed to complete the series, has not been found Thepresumption is strong that these reliefs were executed under thedirection of Praxiteles, perhaps from his design. The subject ofone slab is the musical contest between Apollo and Marsyas, whilethe other two bear figures of Muses. The latter are posed anddraped with that delightful grace of which Praxiteles was master,and with which he seems to have inspired his pupils The execution,however, is not quite faultless, as witness the distortion in theright lower leg of the seated Muse in Fig. l55—otherwise anexquisite figure.

Among the many other works that have been claimed for Praxiteleson grounds of style, I venture to single out one (Fig. 156). Theillustration is taken from one of several copies of a lostoriginal, which, if it was not by Praxiteles himself, was by someone who had marvelously caught his spirit. That it represents thegoddess Artemis we may probably infer from the short chiton, anappropriate garment often worn by the divine huntress, but not byhuman maidens. Otherwise the goddess has no conventional attributeto mark her divinity. She is just a beautiful girl, engaged infastening her mantle together with a brooch. In this way ofconceiving a goddess, we see the same spirit that created theApollo Sauroctonos.

The genius of Praxiteles, as thus far revealed to us, waspreeminently sunny, drawn toward what is fair and graceful anduntroubled, and ignoring what is tragic in human existence. Thisview of him is confirmed by what is known from literature of hissubjects. The list includes five figures of Aphrodite, three orfour of Eros, two of Apollo, two of Artemis, two of Dionysus, twoor three of satyrs, two of the courtesan Phryne, and one of abeautiful human youth binding a fillet about his hair, but no workwhose theme is suffering or death is definitely ascribed to him.It is strange therefore to find Pliny saying that it was a matterof doubt in his time whether a group of the dying children ofNiobe which stood in a temple of Apollo in Rome was by Scopas orPraxiteles. It is commonly supposed, though without decisiveproof, that certain statues of Niobe and her children which existin Florence and elsewhere are copied from the group of which Plinyspeaks. The story was that Niobe vaunted herself before Letobecause she had seven sons and seven daughters, while Leto hadborne only Apollo and Artemis. For her presumption all herchildren were stricken down by the arrows of Apollo and Artemis.This punishment is the subject of the group. Fig. 157 gives thecentral figures; they are Niobe herself and her youngest daughter,who has fled to her for protection. The Niobe has long been famousas an embodiment of haughtiness, maternal love, and sharpdistress. But much finer in composition, to my thinking, is Fig.158. In this son of Niobe the end of the right arm and the entireleft arm are modern. Originally this youth was grouped with asister who has been wounded unto death. She has sunk upon theground and her right arm hangs limply over his left knee, thuspreventing his garment from falling. His left arm clasps her andhe seeks ineffectually to protect her. That this is the truerestoration is known from a copy in the Vatican of the woundedgirl with a part of the brother. Except for this son of Niobe theFlorentine figures are not worthy of their old-time reputation. Asfor their authorship, Praxiteles seems out of the question. Thesubject is in keeping—with the genius of Scopas, but it is safernot to associate the group with any individual name.

This reserve is the more advisable because Scopas and Praxitelesare but two stars, by far the brightest, to be sure, in abrilliant constellation of contemporary artists. For the others itis impossible to do much more here than to mention the mostimportant names: Leochares and Timotheus, whose civic ties areunknown, Bryaxis and Silanion of Athens, and Euphranor of Corinth,the last equally famous as painter and sculptor. These artistsseem to be emerging a little from the darkness that has envelopedthem, and it may be hoped that discoveries of new material andfurther study of already existing material will reveal them to uswith some degree of clearness and certainty. A good illustrationof how new acquisitions may help us is afforded by a group offragmentary sculptures found in the sanctuary of Asclepius nearEpidauros in the years 1882-84 and belonging to the pediments ofthe principal temple. An inscription was found on the same sitewhich records the expenses incurred in building this temple, andone item in it makes it probable that Timotheus, the sculptorabove mentioned, furnished the models after which the pediment-sculptures were executed. The largest and finest fragment of thesesculptures that has been found is given in Fig. 159. It belongs tothe western pediment, which seems to have contained a battle ofGreeks and Amazons. The Amazon of our illustration, mounted upon arearing horse, is about to bring down her lance upon a fallen foe.The action is rendered with splendid vigor. The date of thistemple and its sculptures may be put somewhere about 375.

Reference was made above (page 215) to the Mausoleum. The artistsengaged on the sculptures which adorned that magnificent monumentwere, according to Pliny, Scopas, Leochares, Bryaxis, andTimotheus. [Footnote: The tradition on this point was not quiteuniform Vitruvius names Praxiteles as the fourth artist, but addsthat some believed that Timotheus also was engaged] There seem tohave been at least three sculptured friezes, but of only one haveconsiderable remains been preserved (cf. Fig. 65). This has forits subject a battle of Greeks and Amazons, a theme which Greeksculptors and painters never wearied of reproducing. The preservedportions of this frieze amount in all to about eighty feet, butthe slabs are not consecutive. Figs. 160 and 161 give two of thebest pieces. The design falls into groups of two or threecombatants, and these groups are varied with inexhaustiblefertility and liveliness of imagination. Among the points whichdistinguish this from a work of the fifth century may be noted theslenderer forms of men and women and the more expressive faces.The existing slabs, moreover, differ among themselves in style andmerit, and an earnest attempt has been made to distribute themamong the four artists named by Pliny, but without conclusiveresults.

Since the Hermes of Praxiteles was brought to light at Olympiathere has been no discovery of Greek sculpture so dazzling in itssplendor as that made in 1887 on the site of the necropolis ofSidon in Phenicia. There, in a group of communicating subterraneanchambers, were found, along with an Egyptian sarcophagus, sixteenothers of Greek workmanship, four of them adorned with reliefs ofextraordinary beauty. They are all now in the recently createdMuseum of Constantinople, which has thus become one of the placesof foremost consequence to every student and lover of Greek art.The sixteen sarcophagi are of various dates, from early in thefifth to late in the fourth century. The one shown in Fig. 162 maybe assigned to about the middle of the fourth century. Its form isadapted from that of an Ionic temple. Between the columns arestanding or seated women, their faces and attitudes expressingvarying degrees of grief. Our illustration is on too small a scaleto convey any but the dimmest impression of the dignity and beautyof this company of mourners. Above, on a sort of balustrade, maybe been a funeral procession.

The old Temple of Artemis at Ephesus (cf page 140) was set on fireand reduced to ruins by an incendiary in 356 B.C., on the verynight, it is said, in which Alexander the Great was born. TheEphesians rebuilt the temple on a much more magnificent scale,making of it the most extensive and sumptuous columnar edificeever erected by a Greek architect. How promptly the work was begunwe do not know, but it lasted into the reign of Alexander, so thatit* date may be given approximately as 350-30. Through theindefatigable perseverance of Mr J. T. Wood, who conductedexcavations at Ephesus for the British Museum in 1863-74, the siteof this temple, long unknown, was at last discovered and itsremains unearthed. Following the example of the sixth centurytemple, it had the lowest drums of a number of its columns coveredwith relief sculpture. Of the half dozen recovered specimens Fig.163 shows the finest. The subject is an unsolved riddle. The mostprominent figure in the illustration is the god Hermes, as theherald's staff in his right hand shows. The female figures toright and left of him are good examples of that grace in pose anddrapery which was characteristic of Greek sculpture in the age ofScopas and Praxiteles.

The most beautiful Greek portrait statue that we possess is theLateran Sophocles (Fig 164). The figure has numerous smallrestorations, including the feet and the box of manuscript rolls.That Sophocles, the tragic poet, is represented, is known from thelikeness of the head to a bust inscribed with his name. He died in406 B.C. The style of our statue, however, points to an original(if it be not itself the original) of about the middle of thefourth century. There were probably in existence at this timeauthentic likenesses of the poet, on which the sculptor based hiswork. The attitude of the figure is the perfection of apparentease, but in reality of skilful contrivance to secure a duebalance of parts and anety and grace of line. The one garment,drawn closely about the person, illustrates the inestimable goodfortune enjoyed by the Greek sculptor, in contrast with thesculptor of to-day, in having to represent a costume so simple, sopliant, so capable of graceful adjustment. The head, however muchit may contain of the actual look of Sophocles, must be idealized.To appreciate it properly one must remember that this poet, thoughhe dealt with tragic themes, was not wont to brood over the sinand sorrow and unfathomable mystery of the world, but was serenein his temper and prosperous in his life.

The colossal head of Zeus shown in Fig. 165 was found a hundredyears or more ago at Otricoli, a small village to the north ofRome. The antique part is a mere mask; the back of the head andthe bust are modern. The material is Carrara marble, a fact whichalone would prove that the work was executed in Italy and in theimperial period. At first this used to be regarded as copied fromthe Olympian Zeus of Phidias (page 185), but in the light ofincreased acquaintance with the style of Phidias and his age, thisattribution has long been seen to be impossible. The originalbelongs about at the end of the period now under review, orpossibly still later. Although only a copy, the Otricoli Zeus isthe finest representation we have of the father of gods and men.The predominant expression is one of gentleness and benevolence,but the lofty brow, transversely furrowed, tells of thought andwill, and the leonine hair of strength.

With Lysippus of Sicyon we reach the last name of first-rateimportance in the history of Greek sculpture. There is the usualuncertainty about the dates of his life, but it is certain that hewas in his prime during the reign of Alexander (336-23). Thus hebelongs essentially to the generation succeeding that of Scopasand Praxiteles. He appears to have worked exclusively in bronze;at least we hear of no work in marble from his hands. He must havehad a long life. Pliny credits him with fifteen hundred statues,but this is scarcely credible. His subjects suggest that hisgenius was of a very different bent from that of Praxiteles. Nostatue of Aphrodite or indeed of any goddess (except the Muses) isascribed to him; on the other hand, he made at least four statuesof Zeus, one of them nearly sixty feet high, and at least fourfigures of Heracles, of which one was colossal, while one was lessthan a foot high, besides groups representing the labors ofHeracles. In short, the list of his statues of superhuman beings,though it does include an Eros and a Dionysus, looks as if he hadno especial predilection for the soft loveliness of youth, butrather for mature and vigorous forms. He was famous as a portrait-sculptor and made numerous statues of Alexander, from whom hereceived conspicuous recognition. Naturally, too, he acceptedcommissions for athlete statues; five such are mentioned byPausanias as existing at Olympia. An allegorical figure by him ofCairos (Opportunity) receives lavish praise from a laterhetorician. Finally, he is credited with a statue of a tipsyfemale flute-player. This deserves especial notice as the firstwell-assured example of a work of Greek sculpture ignoble in itssubject and obviously unfit for any of the purposes for whichsculpture had chiefly existed (cf. page 124).

It is Pliny who puts us in the way of a more direct acquaintancewith this artist than the above facts can give. He makes thegeneral statement that Lysippus departed from the canon ofproportions previously followed (i.e., probably, by Polycl*tus andhis immediate followers), making the head smaller and the bodyslenderer and "dryer," and he mentions a statue by him in Romecalled an Apoxyomenos, i.e., an athlete scraping himself with astrigil. A copy of such a statue was found in Rome in 1849 (Fig.166). The fingers of the right hand with the inappropriate die aremodern, as are also some additional bits here and there. Now thecoincidence in subject between this statue and that mentioned byPliny would not alone be decisive. Polycl*tus also made anApoxyomenos, and, for all we know, other sculptors may have usedthe same motive. But the statue in question is certainly laterthan Polycl*tus, and its agreement with what Pliny tells us of theproportions adopted by Lysippus is as close as could be desired(contrast Fig. 137). We therefore need not scruple to accept it asLysippian.

Our young athlete, before beginning his exercise, had rubbed hisbody with oil and, if he was to wrestle, had sprinkled himselfwith sand. Now, his exercise over, he is removing oil and sweatand dirt with the instrument regularly used for that purpose. Hisslender figure suggests elasticity and agility rather than brutestrength. The face (Fig. 167) has not the radiant charm whichPraxiteles would have given it, but it is both fine and alert. Theeyes are deeply set; the division of the upper from the lowerforehead is marked by a groove; the hair lies in expressivedisorder. In the bronze original the tree-trunk behind the leftleg was doubtless absent, as also the disagreeable support (nowbroken) which extended from the right leg to the right fore-arm.

The best authenticated likeness of Alexander the Great is a bustin the Louvre (Fig. 168) inscribed with his name: "Alexander ofMacedon, son of Philip." The surface has been badly corroded andthe nose is restored. The work, which is only a copy, may go backto an original by Lysippus, though the evidence for that belief, acertain resemblance to the head of the Apoxyomenos, is hardly asconvincing as one could desire. The king is here represented, onewould guess, at the age of thirty or thereabouts. Now as he wasabsent from Europe from the age of twenty-two until his death atBabylon at the age of thirty-three (323 B.C.), it would seemlikely that Lysippus, or whoever the sculptor was, based hisportrait upon likenesses taken some years earlier. Consequently,although portraiture in the age of Alexander had becomeprevailingly realistic, it would be unsafe to regard this head asa conspicuous example of the new tendency. The artist probablyaimed to present a recognizable likeness and at the same time togive a worthy expression to the great conqueror's qualities ofcharacter. If the latter object does not seem to have beenattained, one is free to lay the blame upon the copyist and time.


The reign of Alexander began a new era in Greek history, an era inwhich the great fact was the dissemination of Greek culture overwide regions to which it had been alien. This period, in whichEgypt and western Asia were ruled by men of Greek or Macedonianblood and gradually took on more or less of Greek civilization, isoften called the Hellenistic period.

Under the new political and social order new artistic conditionswere developed. For one thing, Athens and the other old centers ofartistic activity lost their pre-eminence, while new centers werecreated in the East, The only places which our literary sourcesmention as seats of important schools of sculpture in the twocenturies following the death of Alexander are Rhodes andPergamum.

Then again a demand now grew up for works of sculpture to be usedas mere ornaments in the interiors of palaces and private houses,as well as in public buildings and places. This of course threwopen the door for subjects which had been excluded when sculpturewas dominated by a sacred purpose. Sculptors were now free toappeal to the lower tastes of their patrons. The practice of "artfor art's sake" had its day, and trivial, comical, ugly,harrowing, or sensual themes were treated with all the resourcesof technical skill. In short, the position and purposes of the artof sculpture became very like what they are to-day. Hence theuntrained modern student feels much more at home in a collectionof Hellenistic sculpture than in the presence of the severer,sublimer creations of the age of Phidias.

It is by no means meant to pass a sweeping condemnation upon theproductions of the post-classical period. Realistic portraiturewas now practiced with great frequency and high success. Many ofthe genre statues and decorative reliefs of the time are admirableand delightful. Moreover, the old uses of sculpture were notabandoned, and though the tendency toward sensationalism wasstrong, a dignified and exalted work was sometimes achieved. But,broadly speaking, we must admit the loss of that "noble simplicityand quiet grandeur"—the phrase is Winckelmann's—which stampedthe creations of the age of Phidias. Greek sculpture gainedimmensely in variety, but at the expense of its elevation ofspirit.

Although this sketch is devoted principally to bronze and marblesculpture, I cannot resist the temptation to illustrate by a fewexamples the charming little terra-cotta figurines which have beenfound in such great numbers in graves at Tanagra and elsewhere inBoeotia (Figs. 169, 170). It is a question whether the best ofthem were not produced before the end of the period covered by thelast chapter. At all events, they are post-Praxitelean. Thecommonest subjects are standing or seated women; young men, lads,and children are also often met with. Fig. 170 shows anotherfavorite figure, the winged Eros, represented as a chubby boy offour or five—a conception of the god of Love which makes itsfirst appearance in the Hellenistic period. The men who modeledthese statuettes were doubtless regarded in their own day as veryhumble craftsmen, but the best of them had caught the secret ofgraceful poses and draperies, and the execution of their work isas delicate as its conception is refined.

Returning now to our proper subject, we may begin with the latestand most magnificent of the sarcophagi found at Sidon (Fig. 171;cf. page 234). This belongs somewhere near the end of the fourthcentury. It is decorated with relief-sculpture on all four sidesand in the gables of the cover. On the long side shown in ourillustration the subject is a battle between Greeks and Persians,perhaps the battle of Issus, fought in 333. Alexander the Great,recognizable by the skin of a lion's head which he wears likeHeracles, instead of a helmet, is to be seen at the extreme left.The design, which looks crowded and confused when reduced to asmall scale, is in reality well arranged and extremely spirited,besides being exquisitely wrought. But the crowning interest ofthe work lies in the unparalleled freshness with which it has keptit* color. Garments, saddle-cloths, pieces of armor, and so on,are tinted in delicate colors, and the finest details, such asbow-strings, are perfectly distinct. The nude flesh, though notcovered with opaque paint, has received some application whichdifferentiates it from the glittering white background, and givesit a sort of ivory hue. The effect of all this color is thoroughlyrefined, and the work is a revelation of the beauty ofpolychromatic sculpture.

The Victory of Samothrace (Fig. 172) can also be dated at aboutthe end of the fourth century. The figure is considerably abovelife-size. It was found in 1863, broken into a multitude offragments, which have been carefully united. There are no modernpieces, except in the wings. The statue stood on a pedestalhaving the form of a ship's prow, the principal parts of whichwere found by an Austrian expedition to Samothrace in 1875. Thesefragments were subsequently conveyed to the Louvre, and theVictory now stands on her original pedestal. For determining thedate and the proper restoration of this work we have the fortunatehelp of numismatics. Certain silver coins of DemetriusPoliorcetes, who reigned 306-286 B.C., bear upon one side aVictory which agrees closely with her of Samothrace, even to thegreat prow-pedestal. The type is supposed on good grounds tocommemorate an important naval victory won by Demetrius overPtolemy in 306. In view, then, of the close resemblance betweencoin-type and statue, it seems reasonably certain that the Victorywas dedicated at Samothrace by Demetrius soon after the navalbattle with Ptolemy and that the commemorative coins borrowedtheir design directly from the statue. Thus we get a date for thestatue, and, what is more, clear evidence as to how it should berestored. The goddess held a trumpet to her lips with her righthand and in her left carried a support such as was used for theerection of a trophy. The ship upon which she has just alighted isconceived as under way, and the fresh breeze blows her garmentsbackward in tumultuous folds. Compared with the Victory ofPaeonius (Figs. 143, 144) this figure seems more impetuous andimposing. That leaves us calm; this elates us with the sense ofonward motion against the salt sea air. Yet there is nothingunduly sensational about this work. It exhibits a magnificentidea, magnificently rendered.

From this point on no attempt will be made to preserve achronological order, but the principal classes of sculpturebelonging to the Hellenistic period will be illustrated, each bytwo or three examples. Religious sculpture may be put first. Herethe chief place belongs to the Aphrodite of Melos, called theVenus of Milo (Fig. 173). This statue was found by accident in1820 on the island of Melos (Milo) near the site of the ancientcity. According to the best evidence available, it was lying inthe neighborhood of its original pedestal, in a niche of somebuilding. Near it were found a piece of an upper left arm and aleft hand holding an apple; of these two fragments the formercertainly and perhaps the latter belong to the statue. The prizewas bought by M. de Riviere, French ambassador at Constantinople,and presented by him to the French king, Louis XVIII. The samevessel which conveyed it to France brought some other marblefragments from Melos, including a piece of an inscribed statue-base with an artist's inscription, in characters of the secondcentury B.C. or later. A drawing exists of this fragment, but theobject itself has disappeared, and in spite of much acuteargumentation it remains uncertain whether it did or did not forma part of the basis of the Aphrodite.

Still greater uncertainty prevails as to the proper restoration ofthe statue, and no one of the many suggestions that have been madeis free from difficulties. It seems probable, as has recently beenset forth with great force and clearness by Professor Furtwangler,[Footnote: "Masterpieces of Greek Sculpture," pages 384 ff.] thatthe figure is an adaptation from an Aphrodite of the fourthcentury, who rests her left foot upon a helmet and, holding ashield on her left thigh, looks at her own reflection. On thisview the difficulty of explaining the attitude of the Aphrodite ofMelos arises from the fact that the motive was created for anentirely different purpose and is not altogether appropriate tothe present one, whatever precisely that may be.

It has seemed necessary, in the case of a statue of so muchimportance, to touch upon these learned perplexities; but let themnot greatly trouble the reader or turn him aside from enjoying thesuperb qualities of the work. One of the Aphrodites of Scopas orPraxiteles, if we had it in the original, would perhaps reveal tous a still diviner beauty. As it is, this is the worthiestexisting embodiment of the goddess of Love. The ideal is chasteand noble, echoing the sentiment of the fourth century at itsbest; and the execution is worthy of a work which is in some sensea Greek original.

The Apollo of the Belvedere (Fig. 174), on the other hand, is onlya copy of a bronze original. The principal restorations are theleft hand and the right fore-arm and hand. The most naturalexplanation of the god's attitude is that he held a bow in hisleft hand and has just let fly an arrow against some foe. Hisfigure is slender, according to the fashion which prevailed fromthe middle of the fourth century onward, and he moves over theground with marvelous lightness. His appearance has an effect ofalmost dandified elegance, and critics to-day cannot feel thereverent raptures which this statue used to evoke. Yet still theApollo of the Belvedere remains a radiant apparition. An attempthas recently been made to promote the figure, or rather itsoriginal, to the middle of the fourth century.

As a specimen of the portrait-sculpture of the Hellenistic periodI have selected the seated statue of Posidippus (Fig. 175), anAthenian dramatist of the so-called New Comedy, who flourished inthe early part of the third century. The preservation of thestatue is extraordinary; there is nothing modern about it exceptthe thumb of the left hand. It produces strongly the impression ofbeing an original work and also of being a speaking likeness. Itmay have been modeled in the actual presence of the subject, butin that case the name on the front of the plinth was doubtlessinscribed later, when the figure was removed from its pedestal andtaken to Rome. Posidippus is clean-shaven, according to thefashion that came in about the time of Alexander. There is acompanion statue of equal merit, which commonly goes by the nameof Menander. The two men are strongly contrasted with one anotherby the sculptor in features, expression, and bodily carriage. Bothstatues show, as do many others of the period, how mistaken itwould be to form our idea of the actual appearance of the Greeksfrom the purely ideal creations of Greek sculpture.

Besides real portraits, imaginary portraits of great excellencewere produced in the Hellenistic period. Fig. 176 is a goodspecimen of these. Only the head is antique, and there are somerestorations, including the nose. This is one of a considerablenumber of heads which reproduce an ideal portrait of Homer,conceived as a blind old man. The marks of age and blindness arerendered with great fidelity. There is a variant type of this headwhich is much more suggestive of poetical inspiration.

Portraiture, of course, did not confine itself to men ofrefinement and intellect. As an extreme example of what waspossible in the opposite direction nothing could be better thanthe original bronze statue shown in Fig. 177. It was found in Romein 1885, and is essentially complete, except for the missingeyeballs; the seat is new. The statue represents a naked boxer ofherculean frame, his hands armed with the aestus or boxing-glovesmade of leather. The man is evidently a professional "bruiser" ofthe lowest type. He is just resting after an encounter, and nodetail is spared to bring out the nature of his occupation.Swollen ears were the conventional mark of the boxer at allperiods, but here the effect is still further enhanced byscratches and drops of blood. Moreover, the nose and cheeks bearevidence of having been badly "punished," and the moustache isclotted with blood. From top to toe the statue exhibits thehighest grade of technical skill. One would like very much to knowwhat was the original purpose of the work. It may have been avotive statue, dedicated by a victorious boxer at Olympia orelsewhere. A bronze head of similar brutality found at Olympiabears witness that the refined statues of athletes produced inthe best period of Greek art and set up in that precinct wereforced at a later day to accept such low companionship. Or it maybe that this boxer is not an actual person at all, and that thestatue belongs to the domain of genre. In either case it testifiesto the coarse taste of the age.

By genre sculpture is meant sculpture which deals with incidentsor situations illustrative of every-day life. The conditions ofthe great age, although they permitted a genre-like treatment invotive sculptures and in grave-reliefs (cf. Fig. 134), offered fewor no occasions for works of pure genre, whose sole purpose is togratify the spectator. In the Hellenistic period, however, suchworks became plentiful. Fig. 178 gives a good specimen. A boy offour or five is struggling in play with a goose and is triumphant.The composition of the group is admirable, and the zest of thesport is delightfully brought out. Observe too that thecharacteristic forms of infancy—the large head, short legs, plumpbody and limbs—are truthfully rendered (cf. page 222). There is alarge number of representations in ancient sculpture of boys withgeese or other aquatic birds; among them are at least three othercopies of this, same group. The original is thought to have beenof bronze.

Fig. 179 is genre again, and is as repulsive as the last exampleis charming. It is a drunken old woman, lean and wrinkled, seatedon the ground and clasping her wine-jar between her knees, in astate of maudlin ecstasy. The head is modern, but another copy ofthe statue has the original head, which is of the same characteras this. Ignobility of subject could go no further than in thiswork.

It is a pleasure to turn to Fig. 180, which in purity of spirit isworthy of the best time. The arms are modern, and their directionmay not be quite correct, though it must be nearly so. Thisoriginal bronze figure represents a boy in an attitude of prayer.It is impossible to decide whether the statue was votive or issimply a genre piece.

Hellenistic art struck out a new path in a class of reliefs ofwhich Figs. 181 and 182 are examples. There are some restorations.A gulf separates these works from the friezes of the Parthenon andthe Mausoleum. Whereas relief-sculpture in the classical periodabjured backgrounds and picturesque accessories, we find here ahighly pictorial treatment. The subjects moreover are, in theinstances chosen, of a character to which Greek sculpture beforeAlexander's time hardly offers a parallel (yet cf. Fig. 87). InFig. 181 we see a ewe giving suck to her lamb. Above, at theright, is a hut or stall, from whose open door a dog is justcoming out; at the left is an oak tree. In Fig. 182 a lionesscrouches with her two cubs. Above is a sycamore tree, and to theright of it a group of objects which tell of the rustic worship ofBacchus. Each of the two reliefs decorated a fountain or somethingof the sort. In the one the overturned milk-jar served as a water-spout; in the other the open mouth of one of the cubs answered thesame purpose. Generally speaking, the pictorial reliefs seem tohave been used for the interior decoration of private and publicbuildings. By their subjects many of them bear witness to thatlove of country life and that feeling for the charms of landscapewhich are the most attractive traits of the Hellenistic period.

The kingdom of Pergamum in western Asia Minor was one of thesmaller states formed out of Alexander's dominions. The city ofPergamum became a center of Greek learning second only toAlexandria in importance. Moreover, under Attalus I. (241-197B.C.) and Eumenes II. (197-159 B.C.) it developed an independentand powerful school of sculpture, of whose productions wefortunately possess numerous examples. The most famous of these isthe Dying Gaul or Galatian (Fig. 183), once erroneously called theDying Gladiator. Hordes of Gauls had invaded Asia Minor as earlyas 278 B.C., and, making their headquarters in the interior, inthe district afterwards known from them as Galatia, had become theterror and the scourge of the whole region. Attalus I. early inhis reign gained an important victory over these fierce tribes,and this victory was commemorated by extensive groups of sculptureboth at Pergamum and at Athens. The figure of the Dying Gaulbelongs to this series. The statue was in the possession ofCardinal Ludovisi as early as 1633, along with a group closelyallied in style, representing a Gaul and his wife, but nothing iscertainly known as to the time and place of its discovery. Therestorations are said to be: the tip of the nose, the left knee-pan, the toes, and the part of the plinth on which the right armrests,[Footnote: Helbig, "Guide to the Public Collections ofClassical Antiquities in Rome," Vol I, No 533.] together with theobjects on it. That the man represented is not a Greek is evidentfrom the large hands and feet, the coarse skin, the un-Greekcharacter of the head (Fig. 184). That he is a Gaul is proved byseveral points of agreement with what is known from literarysources of the Gallic peculiarities—the moustache worn withshaven cheeks and chin, the stiff, pomaded hair growing low in theneck, the twisted collar or torque. He has been mortally woundedin battle—the wound is on the right side—and sinks with droopinghead upon his shield and broken battle-horn. His death-struggle,though clearly marked, is not made violent or repulsive. Withsavage heroism he "consents to death, and conquersagony."[Footnote: Byron, "Childe Harold," IV, 150] Here, then, apowerful realism is united to a tragic idea, and amid allvicissitudes of taste this work has never ceased to command aprofound admiration.

Our knowledge of Pergamene art has recently received a greatextension, in consequence of excavations carried on in 1878-86upon the acropolis of Pergamum in the interest of the Royal Museumof Berlin. Here were found the remains of numerous buildings,including an immense altar, or rather altar-platform, which wasperhaps the structure referred to in Revelation II. 13, as"Satan's throne." This platform, a work of great architecturalmagnificence, was built under Eumenes II. Its exterior wasdecorated with a sculptured frieze, 7 1/2 feet in height andsomething like 400 feet in total length. The fragments of thisgreat frieze which were found in the course of the Germanexcavations have been pieced together with infinite patience andingenuity and amount to by far the greater part of the whole. Thesubject is the gigantomachy, i.e., the battle between the gods andthe rebellious sons of earth (cf. page 134).

Fig. 185 shows the most important group of the whole composition.Here Zeus recognizable by the thunderbolt in his outstretchedright hand and the aegis upon his left arm, is pitted againstthree antagonists. Two of the three are already disabled. The oneat the left, a youthful giant of human form, has sunk to earth,pierced through the left thigh with a huge, flaming thunderbolt.The second, also youthful and human, has fallen upon his knees infront of Zeus and presses his left hand convulsively to a wound(?) in his right shoulder. The third still fights desperately.This is a bearded giant, with animal ears and with legs that passinto long snaky bodies. Around his left arm is wrapped the skin ofsome animal; with his right hand (now missing) he is about to hurlsome missile; the left snake, whose head may be seen just abovethe giant's left shoulder, is contending, but in vain, with aneagle, the bird of Zeus.

Fig. 186 adjoins Fig 185 on the right of the latter. [Footnote:Fig 186 is more reduced in scale, so that the slabs incorrectlyappear to be of unequal height.] Here we have a group in whichAthena is the central figure. The goddess, grasping her antagonistby the hair, sweeps to right. The youthful giant has great wings,but is otherwise purely human in form. A serpent, attendant ofAthena, strikes its fangs into the giant's right breast. In frontof Athena, the Earth-goddess, mother of the giants, half emergingfrom the ground, pleads for mercy. Above, Victory wings her way tothe scene to place a crown upon Athena's head.

If we compare the Pergamene altar-frieze with scenes of combatfrom the best period of Greek art, say with the metopes of theParthenon or the best preserved frieze of the Mausoleum, we seehow much more complicated and confused in composition and how muchmore violent in spirit is this later work. Yet, though we miss the"noble simplicity" of the great age, we cannot fail to beimpressed with the Titanic energy which surges through thisstupendous composition. The "decline" of Greek art, if we are touse that term, cannot be taken to imply the exhaustion of artisticvitality.

The existence of a flourishing school of sculpture at Rhodesduring the Hellenistic period is attested by our literary sources,as well as by artists' inscriptions found on the spot. Of theactual productions of that school we possess only the group ofLaocoon and his sons (Fig. 187). This was found in Rome in 1506,on the site of the palace of Titus. The principal modern partsare: the right arm of Laocoon with the adjacent parts of thesnake, the right arm of the younger son with the coil of the snakearound it, and the right hand and wrist of the older son. Theserestorations are bad. The right arm of Laocoon should be bent soas to bring the hand behind the head, and the right hand of theyounger son should fall limply backward.

Laocoon was a Trojan priest who, having committed grievous sin,was visited with a fearful punishment. On a certain occasion whenhe was engaged with his two sons in performing sacrifice, theywere attacked by a pair of huge serpents, miraculously sent, anddied a miserable death. The sculptors—for the group, according toPliny, was the joint work of three Rhodian artists—have putbefore us the moving spectacle of this doom. Laocoon, his bodyconvulsed and his face distorted by the torture of poison, hismouth open for a groan or a cry, has sunk upon the altar andstruggles in the agony of death. The younger son is already pastresistance; his left hand lies feebly on the head of the snakethat bites him and the last breath escapes his lips. The olderson, not yet bitten, but probably not destined to escape, strivesto free himself from the coil about his ankle and at the same timelooks with sympathetic horror upon his father's sufferings.

No work of sculpture of ancient or modern times has given rise tosuch an extensive literature as the Laocoon. None has been morelauded and more blamed. Hawthorne "felt the Laocoon verypowerfully, though very quietly; an immortal agony, with a strangecalmness diffused through it, so that it resembles the vast rageof the sea, calm on account of its immensity." [Footnote: "ItalianNote-books," under date of March 10,1858.] Ruskin, on the otherhand, thinks "that no group has exercised so pernicious aninfluence on art as this; a subject ill chosen, meanly conceived,and unnaturally treated, recommended to imitation by subtleties ofexecution and accumulation of technical knowledge," [Footnote:"Modern Painters," Part II, Section II, Chap. III.] Of the two verdictsthe latter is surely much nearer the truth. The calmness whichHawthorne thought he saw in the Laocoon is not there; there isonly a terrible torment. Battle, wounds, and death were staplethemes of Greek sculpture from first to last; but nowhere else isthe representation of physical suffering, pure and simple, soforced upon us, so made the "be-all and end-all" of a Greek work.As for the date of the group, opinion still varies considerably.The probabilities seem to point to a date not far removed fromthat of the Pergamene altar; i.e., to the first half of the secondcentury B.C.

Macedonia and Greece became a Roman province in 146 B.C.; thekingdom of Pergamum in 133 B.C. These political changes, it istrue, made no immediate difference to the cause of art. Greeksculpture went on, presently transferring its chief seat to Rome,as the most favorable place of patronage. What is called Romansculpture is, for the most part, simply Greek sculpture underRoman rule. But in the Roman period we find no great, creativeepoch of art history; moreover, the tendencies of the times havealready received considerable illustration. At this point,therefore, we may break off this sketch.


The art of painting was in as high esteem in Greece as the art ofsculpture and, if we may believe the testimony of Greek and Romanwriters, achieved results as important and admirable. But theworks of the great Greek painters have utterly perished, andimagination, though guided by ancient descriptions and by suchpainted designs as have come down to us, can restore them butdimly and doubtfully. The subject may therefore here be dismissedwith comparative brevity.

In default of pictures by the great Greek masters, an especialinterest attaches to the work of humbler craftsmen of the brush.One class of such work exists in abundance—the painteddecorations upon earthenware vases. Tens of thousands of thesevases have been brought to light from tombs and sanctuaries onGreek and Italian sites and the number is constantly increasing.Thanks to the indestructible character of pottery, the designs areoften intact. Now the materials and methods employed by the vase-painters and the spaces at their disposal were very different fromthose of mural or easel paintings. Consequently inferences mustnot be hastily drawn from designs upon vases as to the compositionand coloring of the great masterpieces. But the best of the vase-painters, especially in the early fifth century, were men ofremarkable talent, and all of them were influenced by the generalartistic tendencies of their respective periods. Their work,therefore, contributes an important element to our knowledge ofGreek art history.

Having touched in Chapter II. upon the earlier styles of Greekpottery, I begin here with a vase of Attic manufacture, decorated,as an inscription on it shows, by cl*tias, but commonly calledfrom its finder the Francois vase (Fig. 188). It may be assignedto the first half of the sixth century, and probably to somewherenear the beginning of that period. It is an early specimen of theclass of black-figured vases, as they are called. The propriety ofthe name is obvious from the illustration. The objects representedwere painted in black varnish upon the reddish clay, and the vasewas then fired. Subsequently anatomical details, patterns ofgarments, and so on were indicated by means of lines cut throughthe varnish with a sharp instrument. Moreover, the exposed partsof the female figures—faces, hands, arms, and feet—were coveredwith white paint, this being the regular method in the black-figured style of distinguishing the flesh of female from that ofmale figures.

The decoration of the Francois vase is arranged in horizontalbands or zones. The subjects are almost wholly legendary and thevase is therefore a perfect mine of information for the student ofGreek mythology. Our present interest, however, is rather in thecharacter of the drawing. This may be better judged from Fig. 189,which is taken from the zone encircling the middle of the vase.The subject is the wedding of the mortal, Peleus, to the sea-goddess, Thetis, the wedding whose issue was Achilles, the greathero of the Iliad. To this ceremony came gods and goddesses andother supernatural beings. Our illustration shows Dionysus(Bacchus), god of wine, with a wine-jar on his shoulder and whatis meant for a vine-branch above him. Behind him walk three femalefigures, who are the personified Seasons. Last comes a groupconsisting of two Muses and a four-horse chariot bearing Zeus, thechief of the gods, and Hera, his wife. The principle of isocephalyis observed on the vase as in a frieze of relief-sculpture (page145). The figures are almost all drawn in profile, though the bodyis often shown more nearly from the front, e.g., in the case ofthe Seasons, and the eyes are always drawn as in front view. Outof the great multitude of figures on the vase there are only fourin which the artist has shown the full face. Two of these areintentionally ugly Gorgons on the handles; the two others comewithin the limits of our specimen illustration. If Dionysus hereappears almost like a caricature, that is only because thedecorator is so little accustomed to drawing the face in frontview. There are other interesting analogies between the designs onthe vase and contemporary reliefs. For example, the bodies, whennot disguised by garments, show an unnatural smallness at thewaist, the feet of walking figures are planted flat on the ground,and there are cases in which the body and neck are so twisted thatthe face is turned in exactly the opposite direction to the feet.On the whole, cl*tias shows rather more skill than a contemporarysculptor, probably because of the two arts that of the vase-painter had been the longer cultivated.

The black-figured ware continued to be produced in Attica throughthe sixth century and on into the fifth. Fig. 190 gives a specimenof the work of an interesting vase-painter in this style, Execiasby name, who probably belongs about the middle of the sixthcentury. The subject is Achilles slaying in battle the Amazonqueen, Penthesilea. The drawing of Execias is distinguished by analtogether unusual care and minuteness of detail, and if the wholebody of his work, as known to us from several signed vases, couldbe here presented, it would be easily seen that his proficiencywas well in advance of that of cl*tias. Obvious archaisms,however, remain. Especially noticeable is the unnatural twistingof the bodies. A minor point of interest is afforded by theAmazon's shield, which the artist has not succeeded in renderingtruthfully in side view. That is a rather difficult problem inperspective, which was not solved until after many experiments.

Some time before the end of the sixth century, perhaps as early as540, a new method of decorating pottery was invented in Attica.The principal coloring matter used continued to be the lustrousblack varnish; but instead of filling in the outlines of thefigures with black, the decorator, after outlining the figures bymeans of a broad stroke of the brush, covered with black thespaces between the figures, leaving the figures themselves in thecolor of the clay. Vases thus decorated are called "red-figured."In this style incised lines ceased to be used, and details wererendered chiefly by means of the black varnish or, for certainpurposes, of the same material diluted till it became of a reddishhue. The red-figured and black-figured styles coexisted forperhaps half a century, but the new style ultimately drove the oldone out of the market.

The development of the new style was achieved by men of talent,several of whom fairly deserve to be called artists. Such an onewas Euphronius, whose long career as a potter covered some fiftyyears, beginning at the beginning of the fifth century or a littleearlier. Fig. 191 gives the design upon the outside of a cylix (abroad, shallow cup, shaped like a large saucer, with two handlesand a foot), which bears his signature. Its date is about 480, andit is thus approximately contemporary with the latest of thearchaic statues of the Athenian Acropolis (pages 151 f.). On oneside we have one of the old stock subjects of the vase-painters,treated with unapproached vivacity and humor. Among the labors ofHeracles, imposed upon him by his taskmaster, Eurystheus, was thecapturing of a certain destructive wild boar of Arcadia and thebringing of the creature alive to Mycenae. In the picture,Heracles is returning with the squealing boar on his shoulder. Thecowardly Eurystheus has taken refuge in a huge earthenware jarsunk in the ground, but Heracles, pretending to be unaware of thisfact, makes as though he would deposit his burden in the jar. Theagitated man and woman to the right are probably the father andmother of Eurystheus. The scene on the other side of the cylix issupposed to illustrate an incident of the Trojan War: twowarriors, starting out on an expedition, are met and stopped bythe god Hermes. In each design the workmanship, which wasnecessarily rapid, is marvelously precise and firm, and theattitudes are varied and telling. Euphronius belonged to ageneration which was making great progress in the knowledge ofanatomy and in the ability to pose figures naturally andexpressively. It is interesting to note how close is thesimilarity in the method of treating drapery between the vases ofthis period and contemporary sculpture.

The cylix shown in Fig. 192 is somewhat later, dating from about460. The technique is here different from that just described,inasmuch as the design is painted in reddish brown upon a whiteground. The subject is the goddess Aphrodite, riding upon a goose.The painter, some unnamed younger contemporary of Euphronius, haslearned a freer manner of drawing. He gives to the eye in profileits proper form, and to the drapery a simple and natural fall. Thesubject does not call, like the last, for dramatic vigor, and thepreeminent quality of the work is an exquisite purity andrefinement of spirit.

If we turn now from the humble art of vase-decoration to paintingin the higher sense of the term, the first eminent name to meet usis that of Polygnotus, who was born on the island of Thasos nearthe Thracian coast. His artistic career, or at least the laterpart of it, fell in the "Transitional period" (480-450 B.C.), sothat he was a contemporary of the great sculptor Myron. He came toAthens at some unknown date after the Persian invasion of Greece(480 B.C.) and there executed a number of important paintings. Infact, he is said to have received Athenian citizenship. He workedalso at Delphi and at other places, after the ordinary manner ofartists.

Painting in this period, as practiced by Polygnotus and othergreat artists, was chiefly mural; the painting of easel picturesseems to have been of quite secondary consequence. Thus the mostfamous works of Polygnotus adorned the inner faces of the walls oftemples and stoas. The subjects of these great mural paintingswere chiefly mythological. For example, the two compositions ofPolygnotus at Delphi, of which we possess an extremely detailedaccount in the pages of Pausanias, depicted the sack of Troy andthe descent of Odysseus into Hades. But it is worth remarking, inview of the extreme rarity of historical subjects in Greek relief-sculpture, that in the Stoa Poicile (Painted Portico) of Athens,alongside of a Sack of Troy by Polygnotus and a Battle of Greeksand Amazons by his contemporary, Micon, there were two historicalscenes, a Battle of Marathon and a Battle of OEnoe. In fact,historical battle-pieces were not rare among the Greeks at anyperiod.

As regards the style of Polygnotus we can glean a few interestingfacts from our ancient authorities. His figures were not ranged ona single line, as in contemporary bas-reliefs, but were placed atvarying heights, so as to produce a somewhat complex composition.His palette contained only four colors, black, white, yellow, andred, but by mixing these he was enabled to secure a somewhatgreater variety. He laid his colors on in "flat" tints, just asthe Egyptian decorators did, making no attempt to render thegradations of color due to varying light and shade. His pictureswere therefore rather colored drawings than genuine paintings, inour sense of the term. He often inscribed beside his figures theirnames, according to a common practice of the time. Yet this mustnot be taken as implying that he was unable to characterize hisfigures by purely artistic means. On the contrary, Polygnotus waspreeminently skilled in expressing character, and it is recordedthat he drew the face with a freedom which archaic art had notattained. In all probability his pictures are not to be thought ofas having any depth of perspective; that is to say, although hedid not fail to suggest the nature of the ground on which hisfigures stood and the objects adjacent to them, it is not likelythat he represented his figures at varying distances from thespectator or gave them a regular background.

It is clear that Polygnotus was gifted with artistic genius of thefirst rank and that he exercised a powerful influence uponcontemporaries and successors. Yet, alas! in spite of all researchand speculation, our knowledge of his work remains very shadowy. Asingle drawing from his hand would be worth more than all that hasever been written about him. But if one would like to dream whathis art was like, one may imagine it as combining with thedramatic power of Euphronius and the exquisite loveliness of theAphrodite cup, Giotto's elevation of feeling and Michael Angelo'sprofundity of thought.

Another branch of painting which began to attain importance in thetime of Polygnotus was scene-painting for theatrical performances.It may be, as has been conjectured, that the impulse toward astyle of work in which a greater degree of illusion was aimed atand secured came from this branch of the art. We read, at anyrate, that one Agatharchus, a scene-painter who flourished aboutthe middle of the fifth century, wrote a treatise which stimulatedtwo philosophers to an investigation of the laws of perspective.

The most important technical advance, however, is attributed toApollodorus of Athens, a painter of easel pictures. He departedfrom the old method of coloring in flat tints and introduced thepractice of grading colors according to the play of light andshade. How successfully he managed this innovation we have nomeans of knowing; probably very imperfectly. But the step was ofthe utmost significance. It meant the abandonment of mere coloreddrawing and the creation of the genuine art of painting.

Two artists of the highest distinction now appear upon the scene.They are Zeuxis and Parrhasius. The rather vague remark of a Romanwriter, that they both lived "about the time of the PeloponnesianWar" (431-404 B.C.) is as definite a statement as can safely bemade about their date. Parrhasius was born at Ephesus, Zeuxis atsome one or other of the numerous cities named Heraclea. Bothtraveled freely from place to place, after the usual fashion ofGreek artists, and both naturally made their home for a time inAthens. Zeuxis availed himself of the innovation of Apollodorusand probably carried it farther. Indeed, he is credited by oneRoman writer with being the founder of the new method. Thestrength of Parrhasius is said to have lain in subtlety of line,which would suggest that with him, as with Polygnotus, paintingwas essentially outline drawing. Yet he too can hardly haveremained unaffected by the new chiaroscuro.

Easel pictures now assumed a relative importance which they hadnot had a generation earlier. Some of these were placed in templesand such conformed in their subjects to the requirements ofreligious art, as understood in Greece. But many of the easelpictures by Zeuxis and his contemporaries can hardly have had anyother destination than the private houses of wealthy connoisseurs.Moreover, we hear first in this period of mural painting asapplied to domestic interiors. Alcibiades is said to haveimprisoned a reluctant painter, Agatharchus (cf. page 278), in hishouse and to have forced him to decorate the walls. The result ofthis sort of private demand was what we have seen taking place ahundred years later in the case of sculpture, viz.: that artistsbecame free to employ their talents on any subjects which wouldgratify the taste of patrons. For example, a painting by Zeuxis ofwhich Lucian has left us a description illustrates what may becalled mythological genre. It represented a female Centaur givingsuck to two offspring, with the father of the family in thebackground, amusing himself by swinging a lion's whelp above hishead to scare his young. This was, no doubt, admirable in its way,and it would be narrow-minded to disparage it because it did notstand on the ethical level of Polygnotus's work. But painters didnot always keep within the limits of what is innocent. No longerrestrained by the conditions of monumental and religious art, theybegan to pander not merely to what is frivolous, but to what isvile in human nature. The great Parrhasius is reported by Pliny tohave painted licentious little pictures, "refreshing himself"(says the writer) by this means after more serious labors. Thus atthe same time that painting was making great technical advances,its nobility of purpose was on the average declining.

Timanthes seems to have been a younger contemporary of Zeuxis andParrhasius. Perhaps his career fell chiefly after 400 B. C. Thepainting of his of which we hear the most represented thesacrifice of Iphigenia at Aulis, The one point about the pictureto which all our accounts refer is the grief exhibited in varyingdegrees by the bystanders. The countenance of Calchas wassorrowful; that of Ulysses still more so; that of Menelausdisplayed an intensity of distress which the painter could notoutdo; Agamemnon, therefore, was represented with his face coveredby his mantle, his attitude alone suggesting the father's poignantanguish. The description is interesting as illustrating theattention paid in this period to the expression of emotion.Timanthes was in spirit akin to Scopas. There is a Pompeian wall-painting of the sacrifice of Iphigenia, which represents Agamemnonwith veiled head and which may be regarded, in that particular atleast, as a remote echo of Timanthes's famous picture.

Sicyon, in the northeastern part of Peloponnesus—a city alreadyreferred to as the home of the sculptor Lysippus—was the seat ofan important school of painting in the fourth century. Toward themiddle of the century the leading teacher of the art in that placewas one Pamphilus. He secured the introduction of drawing into theelementary schools of Sicyon, and this new branch of education wasgradually adopted in other Greek communities. A pupil of his,Pausias by name, is credited with raising the process of encausticpainting to a prominence which it had not enjoyed before. In thisprocess the colors, mixed with wax, were applied to a wooden paneland then burned in by means of a hot iron held near.

Thebes also, which attained to a short-lived importance in thepolitical world after the battle of Leuctra (371 B.C.), developeda school of painting, which seems to have been in close touch withthat of Athens. There were painters besides, who seem to have hadno connection with any one of these centers of activity. Thefourth century was the Golden Age of Greek painting, and the listof eminent names is as long and as distinguished for painting asfor sculpture.

The most famous of all was Apelles. He was a Greek of Asia Minorand received his early training at Ephesus. He then betook himselfto Sicyon, in order to profit by the instruction of Pamphilus andby association with the other painters gathered there. It seemslikely that his next move was to Pella, the capital of Macedon,then ruled over by Philip, the father of Alexander. At any rate,he entered into intimate relations with the young prince andpainted numerous portraits of both father and son. Indeed,according to an often repeated story, Alexander, probably afterhis accession to the throne, conferred upon Apelles the exclusiveprivilege of painting his portrait, as upon Lysippus the exclusiveprivilege of representing him in bronze. Later, presumably whenAlexander started on his eastern campaigns (334 B.C.), Apellesreturned to Asia Minor, but of course not even then to lead asettled life. He outlived Alexander, but we do not know by howmuch.

Of his many portraits of the great conqueror four are specificallymentioned by our authorities. One of these represented the king asholding a thunderbolt, i.e., in the guise of Zeus—a fine piece offlattery. For this picture, which was placed in the Temple ofArtemis at Ephesus, he is reported, though not on very goodauthority, to have received twenty talents in gold coin. It isimpossible to make exact comparisons between ancient and modernprices, but the sum named would perhaps be in purchasing power aslarge as any modern painter ever received for a work of similarsize. [Footnote: Nicias, an Athenian painter and a contemporary ofApelles, is reported to have been offered by Ptolemy, the ruler ofEgypt, sixty talents for a picture and to have refused the offer.]It has been mentioned above that Apelles made a number ofportraits of King Philip. He had also many sitters among thegenerals and associates of Alexander; and he left at least onepicture of himself. His portraits were famous for their truth oflikeness, as we should expect of a great painter in this age.

An allegorical painting by Apelles of Slander and Her Crew isinteresting as an example of a class of works to which Lysippus'sstatue of Opportunity belonged (page 239). This picture containedten figures, whereas most of his others of which we have anydescription contained only one figure each.

His most famous work was an Aphrodite, originally placed in theTemple of Asclepius on the island of Cos. The goddess wasrepresented, according to the Greek myth of her birth, as risingfrom the sea, the upper part of her person being alone distinctlyvisible. The picture, from all that we can learn of it, seems tohave been imbued with the same spirit of refinement and grace asPraxiteles's statue of Aphrodite in the neighboring city ofCnidus. The Coans, after cherishing it for three hundred years,were forced to surrender it to the emperor Augustus for a price ofa hundred talents, and it was removed to the Temple of JuliusCaesar in Rome. By the time of Nero it had become so much injuredthat it had to be replaced by a copy.

Protogenes was another painter whom even the slightest sketchcannot afford to pass over in silence. He was born at Caunus insouthwestern Asia Minor and flourished about the same time asApelles. We read of his conversing with the philosopher Aristotle(died 322 B.C.), of whose mother he painted a portrait, and of hisbeing engaged on his most famous work, a picture of a Rhodianhero, at the time of the siege of Rhodes by Demetrius (304 B.C.).He was an extremely painstaking artist, inclined to excessiveelaboration in his work. Apelles, who is always represented as ofamiable and generous character, is reported as saying thatProtogenes was his equal or superior in every point but one, theone inferiority of Protogenes being that he did not know when tostop. According to another anecdote Apelles, while profoundlyimpressed by Protogenes's masterpiece, the Rhodian hero abovereferred to, pronounced it lacking in that quality of grace whichwas his own most eminent merit. [Footnote: Plutarch, "Life ofDemetrius," Section 22.] There are still other anecdotes, which give anentertaining idea of the friendly rivalry between these twomasters, but which do not help us much in imagining their artisticqualities. As regards technique, it seems likely that both of thempracticed principally "tempera" painting, in which the colors aremixed with yolk of eggs or some other sticky non-unctuous medium.[Footnote: Oil painting was unknown in ancient times.] BothApelles and Protogenes are said to have written technicaltreatises on the painter's art.

There being nothing extant which would properly illustrate themethods and the styles of the great artists in color, the bestsubstitute that we have from about their period is an Etruscansarcophagus, found near Corneto in 1869. The material is"alabaster or a marble closely resembling alabaster." It isornamented on all four sides by paintings executed in temperarepresenting a battle of Greeks and Amazons. "In the flesh tintsthe difference of the sexes is strongly marked, the flesh of thefighting Greeks being a tawny red, while that of the Amazons isvery fair. For each sex two tints only are used in the shading andmodeling of the flesh. … Hair and eyes are for the most part apurplish brown; garments mainly reddish brown, whitish grey, orpale lilac and light blue. Horses are uniformly a greyish white,shaded with a fuller tint of grey; their eyes always blue. Thereare two colors of metal, light blue for swords, spear-heads, andthe inner faces of shields, golden yellow for helmets, greaves,reins, and handles of shields, girdles, and chain ornaments."

Our illustration (Fig. 193) is taken from the middle of one of thelong sides of the sarcophagus. It represents a mounted Amazon infront of a fully armed foot-soldier, upon whom she turns todeliver a blow with her sword. "Every reader will be struck by thebeauty and spirit of the Amazon, alike in her action and herfacial expression. The type of head, broad, bold, and powerful,and at the same time young and blooming, with the pathetic-indignant expression, is preserved with little falling off fromthe best age of Greek art. … In spirit and expression almostequal to the Amazon is the horse she bestrides." [Footnote: Thequotations are from an article by Mr. Sidney Colvin in The Journalof Hellenic Studies, Vol. IV., pages 354 ff] The Greek warrior isalso admirable in attitude and expression, full of energy anddetermination.

Although the paintings of this sarcophagus were doubtless executedin Etruria, and probably by an Etruscan hand, they are in theirstyle almost purely Greek. The work is assigned to the earlierhalf of the third century B.C. If an unknown craftsman wasstimulated by Greek models to the production of paintings of suchbeauty and power, how magnificent must have been the achievementsof the great masters of the brush!

For examples of Greek portrait painting we are indebted to Egypt,that country whose climate has preserved so much that elsewherewould have perished. It will be remembered that Egypt, having beenconquered by Alexander, fell after his death to the lot of hisgeneral, Ptolemy, and continued to be ruled by Ptolemy'sdescendants until, in 30 B.C., it became a Roman province. Duringthe period of Macedonian rule Alexandria was the chief center ofGreek culture in the world, and Greeks and Greek civilizationbecame established also in the interior of the country; nor didthese Hellenizing influences abate under Roman domination. To thislate period, when Greek and Egyptian customs ere largelyamalgamated, belongs a class of portrait heads which have beenfound in the Fayyurn, chiefly within the last ten years. They arepainted on panels of wood (or rarely on canvas), and wereoriginally attached to mummies. The embalmed body was carefullywrapped in linen bandages and the portrait placed over the faceand secured in position. These pictures are executed principallyby the encaustic process, though some use was made also oftempera. The persons represented appear to be of various races—Greek, Egyptian, Hebrew, negro, and mixed; perhaps the Greek typepredominates in the specimens now known. At any rate, the artisticmethods of the portraits seem to be purely Greek. As for theirdate, it is the prevailing opinion that they belong to the secondcentury after Christ and later, though an attempt has been made tocarry the best of them back to the second century B.C.

The finest collection of these portraits is one acquired by aViennese merchant, Herr Theodor Graf. They differ widely inartistic merit; our illustrations show three of the best. Fig. 194is a man in middle life, with irregular features, abundant, wavinghair, and thin, straggling beard. One who has seen Watts's pictureof "The Prodigal Son" may remark in the lower part of this face alikeness to that. Fig. 195 is a charming girl, wearing a goldenwreath of ivy-leaves about her hair and a string of great pearlsabout her neck. Her dark eyes look strangely large, as do those ofall the women of the series; probably the effect of eyes naturallylarge was heightened, as nowadays in Egypt, by the practice ofblackening the edges of the eyelids. Fig. 196 is the mostfascinating face of all, and it is artistically unsurpassed in thewhole series. This and a portrait of an elderly man, not givenhere, are the masterpieces of the Graf collection. It is much toolittle to say of these two heads that they are the best examplesof Greek painting that have come down to us. In spite of the greatinferiority of the encaustic technique to that of oil painting,these pictures are not unworthy of comparison with the greatportraits of modern times.

The ancient wall-paintings found in and near Rome. but moreespecially in Pompeii, are also mostly Greek in character, so faras their best qualities are concerned. The best of them, whilebetraying deficient skill in perspective, show such merits incoloring, such power of expression and such talent forcomposition, as to afford to the student a lively enjoyment and tointensify tenfold his regret that Zeuxis and Parrhasius, Apellesand Protogenes, are and will remain to us nothing but names.


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