How To Decarb THCA Flower (2024)

Hemp flower allows us to enjoy the hemp plant’s valuable effects and properties in the way that’s as close to how nature intended as possible. It’s these compound-rich flower buds that give us all of the cannabinoids and terpenes that we know and love, and we can savor them in our favorite strains to experience the entourage effect.

One thing that separates hemp flower from other hemp-based products, like vapes, tinctures, and gummies, is that the compounds are raw. To get the desired effects out of cannabinoids, we need to undergo a process called decarboxylation, and this can be achieved through a few different, equally effective methods.

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How To Decarb THCA Flower (1)

What is Decarbing and Why Does It Matter?

Decarbing, aka decarboxylating, is a process in which raw hemp flower buds are heated to a specific temperature. What this does is convert raw cannabinoids like CBDA and THCA into CBD and THC. Raw, acidic forms of our favorite cannabinoids lack their most enticing properties – for instance, the raw forms of THC cannabinoids are incapable of getting us high – and that’s why heating flower is essential to get the high one is looking for.

Decarbing is a critical process that can’t be carried out haphazardly. There’s a specific boiling point of each cannabinoid, and not heating it enough fails to activate the cannabinoids at all, while heating it to too high of a temperature actually makes them evaporate, rendering them useless. There are different ways to decarb flower, and the one that’s right for you depends on how you actually intend to use the hemp flower.

How To Decarb THCA Flower (2)

Decarbing THCA Flower for Smoking or Vaping

The first method of decarboxylating is for anyone who is going to smoke or vaporize the hemp flower. Inhalation-based methods are by far the most popular, and both of them involve applying controlled heat to the raw flower buds of the hemp plant, either through combustion or vaporization, respectively.

If you are gonna smoke the flower, the method commonly used is applying a lighter’s flame directly to the buds, while inhaling. This way, just enough heat converts the chemical composition of the hemp buds into smoke, which gets inhaled into the lungs. Once smoke is produced, the lighter is no longer needed, and holding it to the flower for too long would likely cause the flower to burn.

This method perfectly decarboxylates the flower, in order to activate its compounds, without causing them to evaporate in the process. Still, it’s not the most precise method if you prefer specific temperatures that yield better flavor, more potent hits, etc. If what you’re seeking out is more control over exactly how the hemp flower decarboxylates, vaping might be a good alternative.

Flower vaporizers are made specifically for decarbing and vaporizing the compounds in raw flower buds. These devices aren’t to be confused with vaporizers tailored for hemp oils, which operate at totally different output levels. Flower vaporizers designed to reach just the right temperature to decarboxylate the cannabinoids while preserving the terpenes in the hemp flower. What’s great is that many of them come with temperature or wattage presets, so you can exercise more control over exactly how much the flower gets heated.

Note: That “used” flower still has some cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids remaining. This means it could be repurposed to make cannabutter, tinctures, and other infusions.

How To Decarb THCA Flower (3)

Decarbing THCA Flower for Making Edibles, Infusions, Etc.

The second common method for decarbing flower is actually cooking it, which is done prior to infusing the flower into something. Once you’ve decarbed hemp flower, you can cook it in a recipe, or simply cook it in oil to create your own extracted hemp oil which can then be used to make tinctures, topicals, concentrates and more.

To decarb flower this way, you will need to first grind your flower up coarsely. This ensures that it cooks evenly, which is critical if you want to get the full cannabinoid content out of your flower. Now, spread the ground up buds on a baking sheet, with parchment paper lining the sheet to prevent burning or sticking.

Preheat your oven to 250 degrees, and make sure that the buds are laid out in an even layer. Bake the buds for 30 minutes. Now, you have decarboxylated buds that’re fully activated, and ready to be used for whatever you have in mind.

With your freshly decarbed flower, you can go further to make cannabutter. This is ideal if you’re going to be baking with your hemp flower, since it acts as the perfect replacement for standard butter in a recipe. Simply place 1 cup of water, 1 cup of butter and 2 cups of decarbed, ground up buds into a saucepan. Simmer for about 2 ½ hours, making sure the butter ever starts boiling. After that, you can strain the butter into a jar, and discard the leftover flower bits. The butter can be refrigerated for up to 6 months.

How To Decarb THCA Flower (4)

Decarb Your THCA Flower the Right Way!

The only way to enjoy our cannabinoid-infused hemp flower is to decarboxylate it, or else you’ll be missing out on the many exciting properties that it has to offer. Luckily, it’s an extremely easy process – in fact, if you’ve ever used flower before, then you already know how to do it.

The key is avoiding burning the flower, either while heating it in a pipe or a vaporizer, or simply baking it to produce homemade hemp-infused goods. Otherwise, follow the basic steps above and you will be well on your way to hemp satisfaction in no time.

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How To Decarb THCA Flower (5)
How To Decarb THCA Flower (2024)
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